Mikawaishiki Suwa Shrine - Nishio

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mikawaishiki Suwa Shrine

住所 :

Miyazoe-129 Isshikicho Isshiki, Nishio, Aichi 444-0423, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 444-0423
Webサイト : http://www.katch.ne.jp/~suwa-jinja/

Miyazoe-129 Isshikicho Isshiki, Nishio, Aichi 444-0423, Japan
いしかわうめきち on Google

The Great Lantern Festival is held every year from August 26 to 27. The number of stalls seems to have decreased compared to the past, but it is still a lively festival. The highlight is the burning of candles after sunset.
ふくいミルキー on Google

一色学びの館で大提灯?を見学させて頂きました。そのため諏訪神社をどうしても参拝させて頂きたくお伺いしました。 広い境内 草一本生えてなくて静かな神社でした。中でも組ごとに小屋が作られ皆さんのお力が感じられました。
I visited the large lantern ? at the House of Nishio Learning. Therefore, I would like to ask you to visit Suwa Shrine. It was a quiet shrine with no single grass in the large precincts. Above all, a hut was built for each group and everyone's power was felt.
神社探訪 on Google

西尾市一色町に鎮座する諏訪神社(すわじんじゃ)です♫ 400年以上続く大提灯祭りは歴史も古く、1564年頃に海からやってくる魔物の魔除けとして篝火(かがりび)を焚いた事が起源とされ、時代の変遷と共に提灯を吊るすようになったそうです。 科学映像館投稿の1962年の大提灯祭りの映像を観てから実際に目の当たりにすると、当時の面影を残しつつ現代まで継承されている姿に至極感動いたしました(*゚▽゚*) 通常、神社の境内には砂利やコンクリート地などが使用されますが、こちらの神社はとても珍しく砂浜の砂が敷かれておりとても印象に残っています♫ 大提灯祭りが行われる季節は夏ですので浴衣で参拝される方も多く、車で行かれる方はタオルなどを持っていくと、帰りの乗車時に足の砂を落とせて便利かと思いますヽ(*´∀`)ノ 御朱印:あり
Suwa Shrine is located in Isshiki-cho, Nishio City. The Great Lantern Festival, which has continued for over 400 years, has a long history, and it is said that the lanterns were hung with the transition of the times as it originated from the burning of a bonfire as an amulet of demons coming from the sea around 1564. When I saw the image of the Great Lantern Festival in 1962 posted by the Science Video Museum and actually witnessed it, I was completely impressed with the appearance that was preserved at the time and inherited to the present day (* ▽ *) Normally, gravel or concrete is used in the shrine grounds, but this shrine is very unusual and the sand on the beach is spread very impressively ♫ The Dai Lantern Festival is held in the summer, so many people worship in yukata, so if you come by car, bring a towel etc. so that you can drop your foot sand when you get on the way home. * ´∀ `) ノ Red stamp: Yes
ゆっくり考える on Google

The precincts are wide and have a group of warehouses. It seems that a huge lantern is hidden.
牧秀昭 on Google

毎年曜日には関係なく、8月26日から27日にかけて行われている 大提灯まつりです。 最寄りの公民館や小学校に駐車場がありますので車でいけます。 ただし、なるべく26日は18:00までには駐車場へ入りましょう。 提灯に蝋燭を入れる神事は、19:00から始まります。 風が強い場合や、雨が強いと提灯は吊るされません。 一色諏訪神社のHPに状況がリアルタイムで掲示されますので、 そちらで事前に確認して出かけてください。
It takes place from August 26 to 27, regardless of the day of the week It is a large lantern festival. There is a parking lot at the nearest public hall or elementary school, so you can drive by car. However, if possible, enter the parking lot by 18:00 on the 26th. The ritual of putting candles in lanterns starts at 19:00. If the wind is strong or the rain is strong, the lanterns will not be suspended. The status is posted in real time on the website of Isshiki Suwa Shrine, Please check there before going out.
みねさん on Google

ここの祭礼は初めて連れてきて貰いました。見たことない大きさの大提灯が何個も有って、必見の価値有りです。 昼間から出掛けたのですが、意外と空いているイメージが有ったのですが、クライマックスの夕方から夜に向かって人が増え、最後には身動きが取れない程の人でした。 一度は行ってみてはどうですか
The festival here was brought for the first time. There are many large lanterns of unbelievable size, which is a must-see. I went out from the daytime, but I had an image that was unexpectedly open, but the number of people increased from the evening of the climax toward the night, and at the end it was a person who could not move. How about going once
oyaji owari on Google

西尾市一色町「諏訪神社」 三河一色と聞いて最初に思い浮ぶのが「うなぎ」、「抹茶」だろうか。 夏の風物詩とも云える「三河一色大提灯まつり」、直接目にした事はなくても、耳にしたりTVで目にした事があると思います、この祭りが行われるのがここ「諏訪神社」。 昔のままに和紙で作られた6組12張りの大提灯、目にも鮮やかな色彩で描かれた絵模様は美しいものがある。 陽も落ち、大提灯に火が入れられると幻想的な光景が広がります。 1 一色町一色東前新田の「一色まなびの館」に展示してある「三河一色大提灯」のレプリカ、右は祭が行われている「諏訪神社」のミニチュア。 境内を埋める様に吊るされた提灯とその傍らの人からその大きさがイメージできると思います。 提灯を吊るす覆屋根付きの柱を立てるのも、大きなものは5㍍×10㍍もある提灯を吊るすのも全て氏子たちの手により行われます。 2 諏訪神社境内全景。 こうして訪れるとあのミニチュアは良く出来ている。 手前の道路は多少違いがあるようですが、これは2001年から始まった道路拡張工事によります。 拡張は神社にも影響を与え、社殿等は境内奥に曳家されたようです。 3 社地の縮小は反面で拝殿、本殿等の主要な建物以外の社務所や付随する建物の新築に繋がったようで、とても綺麗な印象を受ける。 この石の明神鳥居はその工事後に新たに建てられたもの。 それでも参道の先に見える拝殿までの距離は結構遠い、提灯を献灯するのにこの空間が必要なのだ。 4 新しい中に歴史を語る古いものが点在する。 黒ずんだ狛犬の台座に刻まれた年号は安政6年(1859)と刻まれています。 彼らも影響を受けたのかナ、台座下の石積みなどは新しいものです。 5 狛犬は角付きのもの。 石工で有名な岡崎もそれほど遠くはないけれど、良く見かける岡崎現代型と呼ばれるものや某大国で作られたものに比べると、素朴な容姿は哀愁すら漂う。 6 鳥居左に諏訪神社由緒書きと一色の大提灯の解説。 7 手水舎。 コロナ禍の今、龍はお休みのようだ、注いでいたとしても清水は鉢を満たす事はないのだろう。 見慣れた光景になってしまった。 8 境内右に大提灯の保管庫が立ち並んでいますが、その左に二つの社殿があります。 9 右側の瓦葺入母屋造の落ち着いた外観の建物が「龍宮社」拝殿。 祭神は市杵島姫命、田心姫命、湍津姫命(航海安全・水難消除の神)、大綿津見神、大海神 創建など詳細は不明、木質感漂う素朴な外観同様扁額もシックなもの。 10 「龍宮社」本殿。 神明造の本殿を守護する狛犬はいないようだ。 いや、よく見るとちゃんといました、狛亀です。 11 龍宮社の左の瀟洒な社殿は「三社拝殿」 こちらも創建等は不明、祭神は以下。 天満社 菅原道真(文道・学業の神) 下諏訪社 八坂刀売命(主祭神建御名方命の妻神で安産の神) 秋葉社 火之迦具土神(鎮火・防火の神) 12 「三社拝殿」の西側に社務所、諏訪神社拝殿が並ぶ。 手前が新しくなった社務所。 下は遥拝所 この向きで拝むのだから右の幟も考えると伊勢神宮か橿原神宮の遥拝所かと思います。 玉垣の紀元二千六百年記念は神武天皇即位から紀元2600年にあたったのが1940年(昭和15年)だったことから、それに伴いこちらにも建てられたのだろう。 左にさざれ石がある。 13 「諏訪神社拝殿」と「五社拝殿」全景。 手前の玉垣で囲われた部分が旧本殿があった場所、随分と西に引いた事になります。 14 銅燈籠の先に瓦葺入母屋造の「諏訪神社拝殿」 創建は第106代正親天皇の御代、1558~1570(永録年間)とされる。 当時、鎮守の神を持たなかった一色の地に守り神を祀りたいと村人たちが考えていたという、そんな折に日本の六十六ヵ所の霊場に法華経を納めていた行者が訪れ、信濃の諏訪大明神の御分霊を請け、捧持し祠を建て祀ったのが神社の始まりだいう。 現在の拝殿がいつ頃改修されたのか不明ですが、平入の前面にガラスが多用され明るい印象を受けます。 15 銅燈籠。 なかなか立派で、印象に残ったのでクローズアップ写真を撮ったはずですが、データが見つからない。 16 上は拝殿前の解説。 大黒様で知られる大国主命の第二子神で豊葦原の中津国の弥栄を基礎づけられた建御名方命を祀る。 天孫降臨に際し、瓊々杵尊に国土を譲り、信濃国諏訪の地に退き、八坂刀売命と共に諏訪の国土開発に力を尽くしたとされる。 農耕・機織を奨めたと云う、武勇・力持ちの神、開拓、耕作・雨乞い・狩猟、海上航行、厄除け、商工業の神と言われています。 下は僅かに開けられた引き戸の先に、金色の御幣と神紋の「梶葉紋」が見て取れます、諏訪大社の神紋が三本梶、神紋からも諏訪大社との所縁が見て取れます。 17 拝殿の彫飾りは彩色はされていないけれど、龍や木鼻の獏など躍動感がある、宮大工のこだわりかな。 18 拝殿側面からの眺め、神紋は軒丸瓦にも描かれています。 下は「諏訪神社本殿」 檜皮葺の流造で、擬宝珠が付いた高欄が施され拝殿から幣殿を経て繋がっている。 本殿域の銅燈籠には金色の神紋が施されている。 19 「五社拝殿」 神明社 / 天照大御神 / 国民の総氏神 津島社 / 素盞嗚尊 / 疫病鎮護の神 御鍬社 / 玉柱屋姫命・伊佐波止美命 / 農業の守護神 稲荷社 / 宇迦之御魂神 / 商売繁盛、福徳円満の神 琴平社 / 大物主神 / 海難防護・雨乞いの神 20 入母屋銅葺屋根の新しいもので遊びのないきっちり作られた建物。後方が本殿。 傍らに「金的中」の奉納額、夏の祭礼ではここで奉納射会も行われるようです。 矢場があるの?と見渡してみたが今一つ見付けられなかった。 21 上は「三河一色大提灯まつり」で提灯を吊るす柱を保管する倉庫。 下は「五社拝殿」から鳥居方向の境内を眺める。 これら収蔵庫には「三河一色大提灯まつり」で吊るされる大提灯が保管され、この広い境内が狭く感じるほどに吊るされる。 22 この祭りの始まりは450年前に遡るようです。 発端は当時のこの地の海には人畜、農作物を荒らす悪魔がいて、諏訪神社の神前に篝火をたいて祈祷をしたところ、それ以降、悪魔は現れなくなったという。 篝火は江戸時代初期の寛文年間(1661~1672)頃から提灯に変り献灯するようになり、江戸時代中期には提灯に鮮やかな彩色の絵模様が描かれ、大きさを競い合うようになっていったそうです。 遂には西尾藩から「ほどほどに」と通達も出されるほどだったようです。 現在の三河一色大提灯まつりはこの時期の姿を受け継いだもの。 昨年はこのご時世で中止になったと聞きます、今年はどうなんでしょう。 今年の夏は再び二人で訪れて見たいが。 それまでに巷に潜む魔物が退散してくれればいいのですが。 諏訪神社 創建 / 1558~1570(永録年間) 祭神 / 建御名方命 境内社 / 神明社、津島社、御鍬社、稲荷社、琴平社、天満社、下諏訪社、秋葉社、龍宮社 三河一色大提灯まつり / 毎年8月26日・27日 住所 / 愛知県​西尾市一色町一色宮添129
Isshiki-cho, Nishio City "Suwa Shrine" The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Mikawa Isshiki is "eel" or "matcha". The Mikawa Ishiki Lantern Festival, which can be said to be a summer tradition, may have been heard or seen on TV even if you have never seen it in person. This festival is held here at Suwa Shrine. ". There are 6 sets of 12 large lanterns made of Japanese paper as before, and the pictures drawn in bright colors are beautiful. When the sun goes down and the large lanterns are lit, a fantastic sight spreads out. 1 A replica of the "Mikawa Isshiki Large Lantern" exhibited at the "Isshiki Manabi no Yakata" in Isshiki Higashimae Shinden, Isshiki Town, and a miniature of the "Suwa Shrine" where the festival is held on the right. You can imagine the size of the lanterns hung to fill the precincts and the people beside them. The pillars with a covered roof that hang the lanterns and the large lanterns that are 5 ㍍ x 10 ㍍ are all done by the parishioners. 2 A panoramic view of the precincts of Suwa Shrine. When you visit in this way, that miniature is well made. The road in the foreground seems to be slightly different, but this is due to the road expansion work that began in 2001. The expansion also affected the shrine, and it seems that the shrine and other buildings were towed to the back of the precincts. 3 On the other hand, the reduction of the shrine land seems to have led to the construction of new shrine offices and ancillary buildings other than the main buildings such as the front shrine and main shrine, giving a very beautiful impression. This stone Myojin torii was newly built after the construction. Even so, the distance to the worship hall, which can be seen at the end of the approach, is quite long, and this space is needed to donate lanterns. Four The new ones are dotted with old ones that tell the history. The year engraved on the pedestal of the dark guardian dog is engraved with the 6th year of Ansei (1859). I wonder if they were also influenced, and the masonry under the pedestal is new. Five The guardian dog has horns. Okazaki, which is famous for masonry, is not far away, but its simple appearance is even more melancholy than the ones that are often seen in the modern Okazaki style and those made in a certain great power. 6 On the left side of the torii is a historical writing of Suwa Shrine and a commentary on a large lantern in one color. 7 Chozuya. Now that the corona is terrible, the dragon seems to be on holiday, and even if it is poured, Shimizu will not fill the pot. It has become a familiar sight. 8 Large lantern storages are lined up on the right side of the precincts, and there are two shrines on the left side. 9 The calm exterior of the tile-roofed main building on the right is the "Ryugusha" worship hall. The deities are Ichikishimahime, Tagitsuhime, Tagitsuhime (the god of voyage safety and water accident elimination), Watatsumi, and Omigami. Details such as the construction are unknown, and the flat frame is chic as well as the simple appearance with a wooden texture. Ten The main shrine of "Ryugusha". There seems to be no guardian dog guarding the main shrine of Shinmei-zukuri. No, if you look closely, it's Komagame. 11 The elegant shrine on the left of Ryugusha is the "Sansha Shrine" The construction of this is also unknown, and the deities are as follows. Tenmansha Sugawara no Michizane (God of literary and academic studies) Shimosuwa Takeminakata Yasaka (God of the main festival Shinken, the wife of Takeminakata, the god of easy delivery) Akibasha Hino Kagu-tsuchi God (God of fire extinguishing and fire prevention) 12 The office and Suwa Shrine worship hall are lined up on the west side of the "three shrine worship hall". A new office in the foreground. Below is Harukasho Since I worship in this direction, I think that it is a place of worship at Ise Jingu or Kashihara Jingu, considering the right temple. The 2600th Anniversary of Tamagaki was built in 1940 (Showa 15) from the throne of Emperor Jimmu to 2600 AD. There is a sazare stone on the left. 13 A panoramic view of the "Suwa Shrine Haiden" and the "Gosha Haiden". The part surrounded by the Tamagaki in the foreground is the place where the old main shrine was, and it is drawn to the west. 14 "Suwa Shrine worship hall" with a tiled roof at the end of the copper lantern It was founded in the reign of the 106th Emperor Ogi, 1558-1570 (permanent recording year). At that time, the villagers wanted to worship the god of protection in a one-colored land that did not have a god of guardianship. It is said that the beginning of the shrine was to beg the spirit of the Great Myojin and to build a shrine for it. It is unknown when the current hall of worship was renovated, but the front of Hirairi is often covered with glass, giving a bright impression. 15 Copper lantern. It was pretty good and impressed, so I should have taken a close-up photo, but I can't find the data. 16 Above is the commentary in front of the hall of worship. It enshrines Takeminakata, who is the second god of the great power known as Daikoku-sama and is based on Yaei of Nakatsukuni in Toyohashihara. It is said that when Tenson descended, he handed over the land to Suwa, Shinano Province, and worked hard to develop the land of Suwa along with Yasaka Sword. It is said that he recommended farming and weaving, a god of courage and power, pioneering, cultivating, begging for rain, hunting, sailing at sea, warding off evil, and god of commerce and industry. At the bottom of the sliding door that is slightly opened, you can see the golden coins and the "Kajihamon" of the Shinto crest, the three Kaji of the Suwa Taisha Shrine, and the connection with the Suwa Taisha Shrine from the Shinmon. .. 17 The carvings on the hall of worship are not colored, but the dragon and the baku of the nose have a lively feeling, which is probably the commitment of the shrine carpenter. 18 The view from the side of the worship hall, the Shinto crest is also drawn on the eaves-maru tile. Below is "Suwa Shrine Main Hall" It is a Nagare-zukuri style of cypress bark, with a balustrade with a giboshi and a connection from the worship hall to the Heiden hall. The copper lanterns in the main shrine area are decorated with a golden god crest. 19 "Five shrines" Shinmeisha / Amaterasu Omikami / National Ujigami Tsushimasha / Susanoo-no-Mikoto / God of plague protection Gohosha / Tamashiya Himemei / Isaba Tomimei / Agricultural guardian deity Inari Shrine / Ukanomitama God / God of prosperous business, god of good fortune Kotohirasha / Omononushi / God of marine accident protection and begging for rain 20 Irimoya A new, playless, well-built building with a copper-roofed roof. The back is the main shrine. Aside from the dedication amount of "Kinchu", it seems that a dedication shooting party is also held here at the summer festival. I looked around to see if there was Yaba, but I couldn't find one. twenty one Above is the warehouse where the pillars that hang the lanterns are stored at the "Mikawa Ishiki Large Lantern Festival". Below is a view of the precincts in the direction of the torii from the "Gosha Shrine". Large lanterns hung at the "Mikawa Ishiki Large Lantern Festival" are stored in these storages, and they are hung so that this wide precinct feels narrow. twenty two The beginning of this festival seems to go back 450 years. At the beginning, there was a devil who devastated humans and animals and agricultural products in the sea of ​​this area at that time, and when he prayed by bonfire in front of the shrine of Suwa Shrine, the devil did not appear after that. The bonfire changed to lanterns from around the Kanbun era (1661-1672) in the early Edo period, and in the middle of the Edo period, brightly colored pictures were drawn on the lanterns, and they began to compete for size. It seems to be. At last, it seems that the Nishio Domain even issued a notification saying "moderately." The current Mikawa Ishiki Lantern Festival inherits the appearance of this period. I hear that last year was canceled at this time, how about this year? I would like to visit again this summer with two people. I hope the monsters lurking in the streets will disperse by then. Suwa Shrine Founded / 1558-1570 (permanent recording year) Religious God / Takeminakata Precincts company / Shinmei company, Tsushima company, Goho company, Inari company, Kotohira company, Tenman company, Shimosuwa company, Akiba company, Ryugusha Mikawa Ishiki Lantern Festival / August 26th and 27th every year Address / 129 Isshiki Miyazoe, Isshiki-cho, Nishio-shi, Aichi
Akira Ito on Google

A venerable sanctuary where any one-colored child of Mikawa Isshiki worships on New Year's Day. It is also a place that is lively at the big lantern festival in summer.

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