Mikasa Coffee Shop - Kitasaku District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mikasa Coffee Shop

住所 :

軽井沢-1339-130 Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, Nagano 389-0102, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 389-0102
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4:30PM
Sunday 10AM–4:30PM
Monday 10AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–4:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–4:30PM

軽井沢-1339-130 Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, Nagano 389-0102, Japan
aiai fu-min on Google

If you go with the old Mikasa Hotel, you can use the parking lot for free. It's located in a pretty cool place, and we recommend the terrace seats where you can enjoy the nature of a summer resort.
佐藤恵一 on Google

『三笠茶屋 くんぺい』は旧軽井沢から白糸の滝に向かう途中にある旧三笠ホテルで出していたカレーが食べられるお店です。 車を停める場所は店を過ぎて橋を渡って直ぐに無料のパーキングがあり、ここに停めて旧三笠ホテルを見学しても便利です。 三笠ホテルカレーとしては『信州きのこ』と『信州牛』の二種類で、ご飯は五穀米か白いごはんか選べます。それぞれ大根スライスのサラダと、玉ねぎの薬味と香ばしいフレークが付いてますが、かけて食べるとさらに美味しいです。食べたのは『信州牛』、トローりとろけるようななめらかなカレーで、辛さはなく、甘口ですが味わい深い味で美味しかったです。 ナプキンの印刷はゆかりの著名人のイラストで、総理大臣を3度つとめた近衛文麿さんの経歴が書いてあるので読んでみて下さい。 テラス席はワンコOKですので、暖かい時期なら森の中で気持ち良くご飯が食べれると思います。
"Mikasa Chaya Kunpei" is a shop where you can eat curry which had been served at the former Mikasa Hotel on the way to Shiraito Falls from Old Karuizawa. There is free parking as soon as you cross the bridge after parking the store and it is convenient to stop here and park the old Mikasa Hotel. As Mikasa Hotel curry, there are two kinds of "Shinshu mushroom" and "Shinshu cattle", you can choose whether rice is five grain rice or white rice. Each has salad with radish slices and onion onions and spicy flakes, but it is even more delicious to eat it. I ate "Shinshu beef", a smooth curry like trolling, not spicy, sweet but delicious with a tasty flavor. Printing of the napkin is an illustration of famous people of Yukari, please read it because it has a background of Mr. Fumimaro Konoe, who had three times the prime minister. Terrace seats are dog OK so I think that you can eat rice pleasantly in the forest if it's warm.
Emiri on Google

カレーとウインナーコーヒーを頂きました。 カレーは辛くなくて子供も食べれる位でした。コーヒーは自家焙煎のお豆をプレスでいただきました。これがとても美味しかった!プレスなので約2杯分飲めて、1杯目はストレート、2杯目はウインナーコーヒーで飲みました。ホイップは甘くないホイップでまろやかで美味しかったです。 テラスではワンちゃんを連れた方がカレーを楽しんでいました。内装もレトロで居心地良かったです。
I got curry and wiener coffee. The curry wasn't spicy and the children could eat it. The coffee was pressed with roasted beans. This was very delicious! Since it was a press, I drank about 2 cups. The first cup was straight and the second cup was Wiener coffee. The whipping was mellow and delicious with a non-sweet whipping. The person who took the dog on the terrace enjoyed curry. The interior was also retro and comfortable.
Yukari on Google

After visited Mikasa Hotel, I had lunch here, This cafe is called Mikasa-Cha ya. A recommend menu is Mikasa Curry. It's taste really good you should try. And I also recommend terace space, you can look beautiful green forest. I love this Cha-ya ( Cha-ya means Tea house )and I'll be back here. 三笠ホテルを見学したあと、こちらで休憩してランチをいただきました。名物の三笠ホテルカレーが美味しかった!食後にみたらしだんごもいただきました。テラス席からは緑が見えて癒されながらのお食事ができるのでオススメです。もし三笠ホテルに行かれるならぜひこちらにも立ち寄ってみてくださいね^^ 素敵なカフェです。
After visited Mikasa Hotel, I had lunch here, This cafe is called Mikasa-Cha ya.A recommend menu is Mikasa Curry.It's taste really good you should try.And I also recommend terace space, you can look beautiful green forest.I love this Cha-ya (Cha-ya means Tea house) and I'll be back here. After visiting the Mikasa Hotel, we took a break here and had lunch. The famous Mikasa Hotel Curry was delicious! I also got a shitara dango after eating. From the terrace seats you can see the greenery and enjoy a relaxing meal. If you are going to Mikasa Hotel, please drop in here ^^ This is a nice cafe.
wai shun chan on Google

relaxing and beautiful environment!
Ling Chen on Google

Beautiful place to have afternoon tea or a simple lunch. Amazing attention to details.
Swapnil Tajane on Google

One of the Best Cafe Place I came across amidst the nature. Loved this place.
Stan Hutchings on Google

I went there twice, once just for coffee, and once for lunch. I was pleased both visits. The location on Mikasa Dori near the previous hotel (now a museum) is good if you've walked from Kyu Karuizawa Ginza Dori (about 30 minutes). You can take a break before walking back. The tables outside are next to a river, and the view is very nice, a forest. The coffee is served elegantly in a beautiful China cup and saucer in a French press, accompanied by an hourglass timer, flowers and snack. The curry is the same recipe as was served in the Mikasa Hotel. There are numerous interesting curios in the store on display and for sale.

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