大東 所沢店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大東 所沢店

住所 :

Midoricho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-1111 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.daito-glass.co.jp/shop/tokorozawa/
街 : Saitama

Midoricho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-1111 Saitama,Japan
嶋田一志 on Google

It was my first time to use it, but despite the troublesome work, I was able to leave it with confidence because I received a polite explanation and various suggestions before the work! The finish was perfect and I was very satisfied! I would definitely like to ask if there is anything else!
みぃ on Google

電話も対応した方も感じが良かったです❗ なんとかリペアでやってもらえてありがたかったです❗修理中は隣のコーヒー屋で時間潰せます。
The person who responded to the phone also felt good ❗ I'm grateful that I managed to repair it. ❗ During the repair, I can spend time at the coffee shop next door.
忍野公策 on Google

飛び石によるキズ修理をお願いしましたが、キレイに直していただき、感謝しています。 接客等対応も良く、また利用したいと思います。
I asked for the repair of scratches caused by stepping stones, but I am grateful for the repair. The customer service is good and I would like to use it again.
三嶋克一郎 on Google

The lady at the reception and the serviceman were very kind and polite. It was a factory that I could trust with confidence. Thank you very much. We will use it again from the next time onwards.
笠松智美 on Google

From the estimation of glass replacement to the work was smooth. When I went to pick up the car after the repair, it was out of business hours due to work reasons, but I was happy to respond.
アキラ on Google

フロントガラスのリペアと 撥水コーティングをお願い致しました。 急なご相談となりましたが、 早速対応していただき感謝致します。 親切丁寧です!
With windshield repair I asked for a water-repellent coating. It was a sudden consultation, but Thank you for your prompt response. Kind and polite!
Masahiko Saito on Google

新車入替時のボディコート&フィルム施工を毎度お願いしています。 今回はFウィンドウ跳石キズの補修をお願いしましたが敏速丁寧に作業いただきました。 車検整備前でしたので助かりました。
We ask you to apply body coat and film every time you replace a new car. This time, I asked you to repair the F window jumping stone scratches, but they worked promptly and carefully. It was saved because it was before the vehicle inspection maintenance.
ポメマロマロン on Google

フロントガラスへの飛び石による傷の修理を、 メールにて修理見積り依頼して、 修理日の予約をして、 修理当日にに行きました。 メールの返信文や 当日の説明も親切丁寧で対応して下さりました。 ガラスリペアの待ち時間は30分〜 との事で、 2階の事務所待合室にて 修理が終わるのを待ちました。 作業終了後の出来は 凄く目立たなくなっており、納得のいく出来でした。 また何かありましたら、利用させて頂きます。
Repairing scratches caused by flying stones on the windshield, Request a repair quote by email, Make a reservation for the repair date I went to the day of repair. The reply to the email and the explanation on the day were also kind and polite. Waiting time for glass repair is 30 minutes ~ So, I waited for the repair to be completed in the office waiting room on the 2nd floor. The result after the work was very inconspicuous, and I was satisfied with it. If there is anything else, I will use it.

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