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Contact ゲオ高槻緑町店

住所 :

Midoricho, Takatsuki, 〒569-0094 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://geo-online.co.jp/store/40035/
街 : Osaka

Midoricho, Takatsuki, 〒569-0094 Osaka,Japan
風間真 on Google

The DVD I borrowed for the first time in a long time was broken and I couldn't watch it, so I immediately checked by phone and it seemed that I could get a refund. I was wondering if I would be charged for compensation.
yo onodera on Google

I had them buy the software for ds and swich. I was surprised at the unexpectedly high purchase price. Next time I want to buy something here.
バーン・ダニエルズ on Google

The clerk is at the counter, but the cashier is self-serving, so he can rent a DVD almost without meeting the clerk. So I don't think the clerk knows what kind of DVD to rent.
ラモブルー on Google

The inside of the store is beautiful. I want you to do your best at the purchase price.
タイガース on Google

規約書をちゃんと目を通しておらず、不手際があった時も教えて下さり、次から気を付けるようにと言ってくださいました。 品揃えも良いので、お店も本当に素晴らしいと思います!
He didn't read the terms and conditions properly, and he told me when there was something wrong and told me to be careful from the next time. The assortment is good, so I think the store is really great!
てるじ on Google

お店の店員は雇われてるだけなんで、悪い訳では無いが、 客層が悪い。 自転車で行ける距離で、レンタルは荷物になるから帰りに寄る。 自転車のカゴに入れたまま、スーパー等の、買い物帰りの荷物を店内に持って入らない自分も悪いが、人生で2回遭った置き引きは、どちらもここの駐輪場。 一度目は5年程前の夕方に、スーパーの買い物、レジ袋2つ置いてたうちの1袋を盗られた。 二度目は2年程前の晩9時過ぎ、スポーツジム帰りのジムの荷物を丸々盗られた。 店員に話したが、防犯カメラは外には向いてないから駐輪場は映っておらず、どうにも出来ないとのこと。 昨年人気作のDVDを借りたくて通ってたが、在庫ありのものが見つからない。 1月経っても帰って来ないので、店員に聞いたら、恐らく盗まれたのだろうとのこと。 セルフレジを通す際、何枚か通されなくても分からないとのこと。 続きが見たいので、同じ市内の緑町の店へ行ったが、同様の内容で、盗まれていた。 レンタル屋に来る人の民度て、そんなもんか。
The store clerk is just hired, so it's not a bad thing, The customer base is bad. It's a distance that can be reached by bicycle, and rentals will be luggage, so I'll stop by on my way home. It's bad for me not to bring my luggage on the way home from shopping, such as in a supermarket, with my bicycle in the basket, but the two times I've encountered in my life are the bicycle parking lots here. The first time, about five years ago, in the evening, I was shopping at a supermarket, and one of the two plastic shopping bags was stolen. The second time, about two years ago, after 9 pm, the entire luggage of the gym on the way back from the sports gym was stolen. I told the clerk that the security camera wasn't facing the outside, so the bicycle parking lot wasn't visible and I couldn't do anything about it. I went there last year because I wanted to borrow a popular DVD, but I can't find one in stock. I didn't come back after a month, so when I asked the clerk, it was probably stolen. When going through the self-registration, he said that he couldn't understand even if he didn't pass several sheets. I wanted to see the continuation, so I went to a store in Midoricho in the same city, but it was stolen with the same contents. Isn't that the degree of people who come to the rental shop?
坂本昆樹 on Google

先月利用した時に、店員さんが店長さんらしき人に客前で怒られているのを見ました。 お客様が居てる前で怒鳴るのは本当に不快で、店員さんがあまりにも可哀想でしたし、もう二度と利用したくないと思いました。 店長さん?みたいな人はサービス業には絶対に向いてないと思います。 数名のお客様もその光景を目にして、客前であれは無いよなって言ってましたし、サービス業なら客を不快にさせない用にして欲しいです。 その後に、怒られていた店員さんがご利用有難う御座いますと悲しい目で言われて、こっちもいえいえというしかありませんでした。 上が酷いとあまりにも可哀想でなりません。
When I used it last month, I saw a clerk getting angry in front of a person who looked like a store manager. It was really unpleasant to yell in front of the customer, the clerk was too sorry and I didn't want to use it again. Store manager? I don't think people like this are definitely suitable for the service industry. A few customers also saw the scene and said that there was no such thing in front of customers, and if it is a service industry, I would like it to be used so as not to make customers uncomfortable. After that, the clerk who was angry said thank you for using it, and I couldn't help but say this. If the top is terrible, it will not be too pitiful.
Todd Hooper on Google

You can buy used games here. It's a chain, so there is nothing particularly special about this particular branch.

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