栃木日産自動車販売株式会社 おもちゃのまち店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栃木日産自動車販売株式会社 おもちゃのまち店

住所 :

Midoricho, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, 〒321-0204 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://ni-tochigi.nissan-dealer.jp/store/11N/index.html
街 : Tochigi

Midoricho, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, 〒321-0204 Tochigi,Japan
ボンタベアッダ on Google

The staff response is very kind.
ふわふわとーこ on Google

Everyone is kind to the staff. Is it company policy?
ムグタモリン on Google

技術、サービスは県内随一だと思います。 日産車で困ったらこちらへ。
I think that technology and service are premiere within the prefecture. If you are having trouble with Nissan cars, please click here.
鶴見孝慈 on Google

It's not lively and lonely.
シルバーうしとら on Google

Always kind and polite
ひろこおおやま on Google

We always have you improve by careful correspondence
ブルーローズ on Google

I looked at the word of mouth, but I did not think that the response was so good. Toka Hello Once the guests arrived even though the customer, was kana ... Unfortunately not say Toka not Welcome
鶴見孝慈 on Google

Although there are not many customers, the atmosphere is good and quiet, and the way of dealing with the store manager is quite good.

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