リーフ・クリーン 府中店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リーフ・クリーン 府中店

住所 :

Midoricho, Fuchu, 〒183-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
Webサイト : https://leafclean.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Midoricho, Fuchu, 〒183-0006 Tokyo,Japan
binv G on Google

体積を量る機械を使って見積り。 こちらの予算を聞いてもらい本来であれば予算オーバーのところを予算内に抑えてくれました。 作業スピードも早かったです。
Estimate using a volume measuring machine. I was asked to ask about this budget, and if it should have been over budget, it kept it within the budget. The work speed was also fast.
原口勝太 on Google

新宿に住んでいる者です。 引っ越しをすることになり不用品の回収を依頼しました。 夜も遅かったのですがすぐに対応して頂きとても助かりました。 何社かに問い合わせもしましたが料金も安く接客も丁寧で作業早くとても満足です!また何か機会がありましたら依頼をするのでその際はぜひよろしくお願いいたします。
Those who live in Shinjuku. I had to move and I asked to collect the unwanted items. Even though it was late at night, it was very helpful for me to respond immediately. I contacted several companies, but the price is low and the customer service is polite, and I am very satisfied with the work quickly! If you have any other opportunity, we will request it, so please thank you in that case.
K K on Google

府中市からです。 引越し当日に出てしまった不用品。 ソファやベットの粗大ゴミ。 時間もない中あちこちに連絡。 当日、即日対応と色々ある中で唯一対応してくれた会社さんです。 焦っていた気持ちからもありますが、非常に感謝してます。 明朗会計とありますが、電話で正確な料金を算出してくれました。価格も納得し、お願いしました。雨の中作業も大変にもかかわらず優しい対応、引越しもされてるとの事。動きが引越し屋さんの様で素早く、丁寧でした。 電話対応も良し、安くて早いの三拍子⭐️ 世田谷区へ引越しましたが次回の引越しはこちらにお願いしようと思いました。 ありがとうございました?
From Fuchu City. Disused items that appeared on the day of moving. Oversized trash on sofas and beds. I have a lot of contact information while I have no time. On the day, it is the only company that responded to the same day as various things. I am very grateful, even though I was in a hurry. It's called "Akira Treasurer", but he calculated the exact charge by phone. I was satisfied with the price and asked for it. Despite the heavy work in the rain, he said that he was kind enough to move and move. The movement was quick and polite like a moving shop. Good phone support, cheap and fast triple time⭐️ I moved to Setagaya Ward, but I thought that I would like to ask for the next move. Thank you ?
Yury Uchi on Google

年末に入り、布団を粗大ゴミに出そうと思っても来年まで空いておらず。 探しても見つからずお電話した会社です。 まずお電話口の対応が素晴らしい。 ちょうど受け取りが私の誕生日になってしまったのですが、誕生日と伝えたところ予定していた時間よりも早く来てくださいました。 心遣いが嬉しかったです。 受け取りの方の対応もとてもよく、第一声がお誕生日おめでとうございます!だったことに感動致しました。 接客、仕事内容共に素晴らしいです。 是非次も利用したいです。
At the end of the year, even if I tried to put out the futon in oversized garbage, it wasn't available until next year. The company I called because I couldn't find it even if I looked for it. First of all, the correspondence of the telephone outlet is wonderful. I just received it on my birthday, but when I told him that it was my birthday, he came earlier than I had planned. I was happy with the consideration. The recipients are very responsive and the first voice is Happy Birthday! I was impressed by what it was. Both customer service and work content are wonderful. I definitely want to use it next time.
大和川 on Google

急な引っ越しで市のゴミ出し指定日に間に合わず依頼しました。 早い対応と不燃物や一人で運ぶのが難しい大きな家具などをテキパキ運んでいただき、終始愛想もよくとても助かりました。
Due to a sudden move, I made a request in time for the designated garbage disposal date in the city. It was very helpful to have a quick response and to carry incombustibles and large furniture that is difficult to carry by myself.
ab ab on Google

八王子市からお電話しました! 即日対応ありがとうございました! 何社か電話した所、リーフクリーンが安くて、即日対応してくださいました! 引っ越し前日に不用品が出てしまって、一人暮らしだったので1人じゃ運び出さない物ばかりだったので、凄く助かりました! 回収して頂いたのは、粗大ゴミで出すのが大変な、ソファー、冷蔵庫、洗濯機など大きい物ばかりです! 細かい袋ゴミなども一緒に持っていって頂いたので凄く嬉しかってです(^^) 最初電話で見積もりして頂いて、現場伺ってから再見積もりすると言っていました。多少前後するとお電話で言っていたのですが、高くなってしまうかなと思いましたが、電話見積もり少し安くして頂いて、納得してお願いできました! 電話対応してくださった方、来てくださった作業員の方、共に凄くいい方でした! お話してて、引っ越しもやってると聞いて、引っ越しもお願いすればよかったなと思いました! また粗大ゴミが出た時はお願いします(^^) ありがとうございました!
I called from Hachioji! Thank you for your support on the same day! When I called several companies, the leaf clean was cheap and they responded on the same day! I was out of habits the day before I moved, so I was living alone, so I couldn't carry it alone, so it was very helpful! We collected only large items such as sofas, refrigerators, and washing machines, which are difficult to dispose of with bulky garbage! I was very happy that I brought small bags and garbage together with me (^^) At first, I asked him to make a quote over the phone, and he said that he would visit the site and then quote again. I said on the phone that it would be a little back and forth, but I thought it would be expensive, but I could convince you by making a cheaper phone quote and convincing! The ones who responded to the phone calls and the workers who came were very nice! When I talked and heard that I was also moving, I thought that I should have requested moving too! Also, if you get oversized garbage, please (^^) Thank you very much!
おじさん on Google

素早い対応、安心できるサービス。 引っ越しの際に出た粗大ゴミの回収をお願いしました。市の回収では期間が間に合わず、途方に暮れていたのですが、この会社に頼んで本当に良かったと思いました。 電話で見積もりを頼んだ際「このまま当日回収もできますよ。見積もり時に即時回収もします。どうしますか?」と提案して下さり、こちらの予定を大切に気にしてくれました。 見積もりに来てくださった方も、回収に来てくださった方も皆さん清潔感のある方で(正直力仕事される方は多少なりとも汗や足の匂いなどが気になる事はありますので…)爽やかな印象の方ばかりでした! 仕事も早く、滞在時間もあっという間でした。 見積もりも赤外線の機械を使用し明確に金額提示して下さいました。 暑い中の作業でしたが、嫌な顔一つせず最後まで対応して下さいました。本当に感謝しかないです。
Quick response and reliable service. I asked you to collect the oversized garbage that came out when you moved. I was at a loss because the city was not able to collect it in time, but I was really glad to ask this company. When I asked for a quote over the phone, he suggested, "You can collect it on the day as it is. I will collect it immediately at the time of quotation. What should I do?" Everyone who came to the quote and those who came to collect it are clean (honestly those who work hard may be worried about sweat and the smell of their feet ... ) All of them had a refreshing impression! The work was quick and the staying time was quick. The estimate was also clearly shown using an infrared machine. It was a hot work, but he did not have a bad face and responded to the end. I really appreciate it.
Boturkey Jam on Google

I was troubled by the disused items in my parents' house, which had become a garbage mansion, and I was able to deal with them immediately by the end of the year. Mr. Kikuchi and all the staff were kind, polite, energetic and pleasant. I would like to ask you to repeat it in the future! This is an absolutely recommended company! !! !!

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