
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 華の星

住所 :

横浜市緑区Midori Ward, 〒226-0011 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://hananohoshi.jp/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

横浜市緑区Midori Ward, 〒226-0011 Kanagawa,Japan
美優 on Google

量が多くどんな人でも満足できると思います。 また、サラダやデザートが食べ放題なうえに飲み物も飲み放題!! 安くて美味しくて最高でした。
I think that you can be satisfied with any amount of people. Also, you can have dessert and salad and dessert as well as drinks all you can drink! ! It was cheap, tasty and the best.
chiaki on Google

リーズナブルで、ボリューム満点の中華屋さんです。中華街まで行かなくても、満足出来きます。食べ放題も、有ります。多人数入れる部屋もあるので、集まり事ある時は、良さそう。 是地道的充滿彈性的中華飯店。就算不去中國也能滿足。不管怎麼說都有。因爲有很多房間,所以聚在一起的時候會很好。 This is a reasonable and full-scale Chinese restaurant.I am satisfied without going to Chinatown.You can eat as much as you like.There are also rooms with lots of people, so when there's a meeting, it's good.
Reasonable, volume full-scale Chinese restaurant. You can be satisfied without going to Chinatown. All you can eat, too. There are also rooms with a lot of people, so when there is a gathering, it looks good. It is a steady and satisfying elasticity Chinese restaurant. Accounted lost China NAKANEI satisfaction. Absurdity of the city. Between reasonable, multi - occupancy, reasonable Justice festival time favorable. This is a reasonable and full-scale Chinese restaurant.I am satisfied without going to Chinatown.You can eat as much as you like.There are also with rooms with people, so when there's a meeting, it's good.
yuichirou on Google

地元の町中華? 最近ここのチャーハンと色々なおかずのプレートがお気に入りですねー 今日は、初テイクアウトに挑戦❗️ チャーハンもお店同様たっぷり入っていて良かったです♪♪
Local town Chinese food ? Recently, I like the fried rice here and various side dish plates. Today, I will challenge my first takeout ❗️ I'm glad that the fried rice was as plentiful as the shop ♪♪
azzuro isola on Google

There are several parking lots in front of the shop. There are many fried rice set menus. It has a lot of volume as a whole, so it is recommended for those who want to go crazy.
まふぱぱ on Google

少し遅めのお昼で利用。 初めての利用でしたが、メニュー数が豊富すぎて、選ぶのに苦労。。。 結局油淋鶏定食にしましたが、酸味も程よく、量も多く、美味しかったです! また行きたいと思います。 今度は、麺とチャーハンのセットとかかな。 あ、あとランチだけかもですが、コーヒーとか黒烏龍茶が無料でした。なかなかのお得感でした。
Used for a little late lunch. It was my first time to use it, but it was difficult to choose because there were too many menus. .. .. After all, I made a set meal of deep-fried chicken with soy sauce, but the acidity was moderate, the amount was large, and it was delicious! I think I want to go again. This time, maybe a set of noodles and fried rice. Oh, maybe only lunch, but coffee and black oolong tea were free. It was a good deal.
N Tak on Google

とにかく安くて本当に美味しい。 メニューも制覇出来るレベルではない豊富さ。 そしてボリュームも凄まじい。 昔からある本格町中華の頂点に君臨。
Anyway, it's cheap and really delicious. The abundance that the menu is not at a level that can be conquered. And the volume is also awesome. Reigns at the pinnacle of authentic Chinese food that has been around for a long time.
田中康洋 on Google

町中華というと常連客が昼間からギョーザをつまみにビールを飲んでいるイメージがありますが、ここのお店は町の中国料理屋さんと言ったところ。それでいてお値段はリーズナブル。 あくまでも個人的な感想ですが、どれを食べても美味しい。ハズレなし。メニューの種類も豊富でいつも悩んでしまいます。料理の提供も早いです。 そしてドリンクバーが無料で付いてくるのも嬉しいですね。黒烏龍茶、ジャスミン茶、コーヒーとあり、生野菜、杏仁豆腐も無料です。 お店の外観が何となく日本人好みでないようにも感じますが、それを除けば満点をあげてもいいと思います。 自信を持ってオススメするお店です。 ⚠️ 駐車場あります
When you think of Chinese food in town, there is an image that regular customers drink beer with gyoza as a pinch from daytime, but the shop here is said to be a Chinese restaurant in the town. Still, the price is reasonable. It's just a personal impression, but it's delicious no matter what you eat. No loss. There is a wide variety of menus, and I always worry about it. The food is served quickly. And I'm glad that the drink bar comes with it for free. There are black oolong tea, jasmine tea, coffee, raw vegetables, and almond tofu are also free. I feel that the appearance of the shop is not like Japanese people, but apart from that, I think it's okay to give a perfect score. It is a shop that I recommend with confidence. ⚠️ There is a parking lot
けんじ on Google

美味しい町中華を求めてクチコミを見て訪問。 油淋鶏定食とエビマヨをいただきました。 味もボリュームも満足。これからちょくちょく寄らせてもらいます。 前回から2週間開けて再び訪れました。 今回は前回と同様油淋鶏定食、エビマヨに加えて相方がニラレバと炒飯のセットを注文。写真では分からないかもしれないけど、相当な量で食べきれずお持ち帰りしました。持ち帰りたいことを伝えるとセルフではなく店員さんがパックに詰めてくれました。今回も美味しいかった??
Visited after seeing reviews in search of delicious Chinese food. I had a set meal of deep-fried chicken with soy sauce and shrimp mayo. Satisfied with the taste and volume. I will come to you from now on. I visited again two weeks after the last time. This time, as in the last time, in addition to the oil sardine chicken set meal and shrimp mayo, my partner ordered a set of Nirareba and fried rice. You may not be able to see it in the photo, but I couldn't eat it in a considerable amount and took it home. When I told them that I wanted to take them home, the clerk packed them in a pack instead of self. It was delicious this time too ??

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