Menicon Miru広島本通店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Menicon Miru広島本通店

住所 :

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
佐々木咲 on Google

初めてで行きました。洗浄液は今わたしが使っているものを取り扱っていないとのことだったので、洗浄液がプラスされている料金プランを断ったら態度が急変。 今まで見てきたお客様で洗浄液をつけない人は初めてです。賢くない選択ですが本当にそれでよろしいのですか?と何度も言われました。 何度断ってもこちらの方が得ですと言われ、必要ないので断りました。そんな選択するひとあり得ないと思いますとのことです笑 こんな対応されたの初めてですごく不快でした。 その人だけ名札もつけてなかったので悪い人にあたってしまったのかもしれません。断るまではとても感じの良い対応でした。
I went for the first time. The washing solution was said that we are not dealing with what I am currently using, so if you refuse the billing plan where the washing liquid is plus, the attitude changes suddenly. It is the first time for customers who have not seen the washing solution added. It is a smart choice, but is it really okay? I was told many times. Even if I refuse it many times, it is said that this one is better, I refused it because it is not necessary. It is that I think that there is nothing to choose such a lol It was the first time I was dealt with this kind of thing and it was really uncomfortable. Because that person alone did not put on a name tag, it may have hit a bad person. It was a very pleasant response until I refused it.
谷本優音 on Google

Since the renewal has been half a year due to the policy of the annexed ophthalmology, please tell me if you know that it will be renewed for one year in the city
洋文大城 on Google

All the staff are cheerful and polite. I'm looking forward to going.
ya ma on Google

Although I made a net reservation, correspondence was also polite early. I am extremely satisfied that you can respond quickly to the ophthalmology department of the hotel.
若原光弘 on Google

眼科の白髪お爺さんの対応が悪すぎる。 タメ口で話してくる。 視力を計っていないのに計ったとカルテに書く。 痛みがあると言っても、どうせコンタクトレンズ裏表が逆になってるとかでしょ?と言われる。 非常に不快でした。 二度と行かない。
The correspondence of the white-haired grandfather of ophthalmology is too bad. Speak with a tame mouth. Write in the medical record that you did measure your eyesight even though you did not. Even if you say that you have pain, the front and back of your contact lenses are upside down, right? Is said. It was very unpleasant. I will never go again.
mura. ten on Google

It's far from my house, so I'd like to change it closer, but I'll be using it for almost 35 years because all the staff are very pleasant with the ophthalmologist.
宮廻恵美子 on Google

初来店させて頂きました。店員さんは、とても丁寧に説明してくれて分かりやすいです。直ぐ隣に眼科もあり、予約して来店したので、待ち時間もほぼなく、スムーズ。在庫あれば、受け取りもすぐに出来ます。室内もかなり明るいし、きれいです。 とてもおすすめです。本日は、ありがとうございました?‼️
I visited the store for the first time. The clerk explained very carefully and it was easy to understand. There is an ophthalmologist right next to me, so I made a reservation and came to the store, so there was almost no waiting time and it was smooth. If it is in stock, you can receive it immediately. The room is also quite bright and clean. I highly recommend it. Thank you for today ?‼ ️
美佐子 on Google

1DAY(マルチフォーカルレンズ)を購入しました。 遠近両用です。 今までにないつけ心地にビックリ‼️ 全くゴロゴロしない。 つけていないかのように自然で快適です。 潤っています。 日常生活やお仕事の時のストレスが 無くなりそうです。
I bought 1DAY (multifocal lens). It is bifocal. I was surprised at the unprecedented comfort! ️ It doesn't mess around at all. It's natural and comfortable as if you weren't wearing it. It's moisturized. Stress in daily life and work It's about to disappear.

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