フランス酒場 meli-melo(メリメロ)

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フランス酒場 meli-melo(メリメロ)

住所 :

Jonaicho, Nagaoka, 〒940-0061 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888998
Webサイト : https://melimelo-nagaoka.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Niigata

Jonaicho, Nagaoka, 〒940-0061 Niigata,Japan
さくら on Google

They are particular about food and sake, and everyone is delicious. The growth of Chibi-chan, whom I sometimes meet, is also smiling.
島村美和 on Google

We enjoyed belly dance and a wonderful performance by Mr. Yamaguchi today! Thank you Abe Miiko Geina Shimamura Miwa
タマちゃん on Google

I went on Nagaoka Baru Street. Both lamb roast or bread sandwiched with mentachikatsu were unpopular.
長岡人 on Google

料理と酒はグッド。ただ小さい店の子供をカウンターに座らせているのが気になる。 小さい頃から酔っ払いが身近に毎日いる状況はどうなのだろう。 夫婦でやっている以上仕方ないにしてもその子達の為にならないからやめてほしい。というのは他人の意見なので気になさらず。 ヤマハ音楽教室の客が多い
Good food and sake. I'm just worried about having children in a small store sit at the counter. What about the situation where drunks have been around everyday since I was little? Even if you can't help doing it as a couple, you can't help them, so I want you to stop. Because it is the opinion of others, don't worry. Many Yamaha Music Classes
齋藤七重 on Google

一人でも、ファミリーでも利用しやすい居心地のいいお店。 レバーパテはレバーが苦手な私でも大好きになるほどの美味しさ。 最近は、薬膳や発酵ドリンクにも力を入れているようです。
A cozy shop that is easy to use by yourself or as a family. Liver putty is so delicious that even I, who is not good at liver, will love it. Recently, it seems that they are also focusing on medicinal dishes and fermented drinks.
モモ母さん on Google

長岡バルで始めておじゃましました。 イノシシのリエットや子羊のローストなど、ちょっとクセのあるメニューでしたが、素材が良いのか美味しく頂きました。 店内もナチュラルな雰囲気で女性のお客様が多かったようです。
I started playing at Nagaoka Bar for the first time. The menu was a bit quirky, such as boar riet and lamb roast, but it was delicious whether the ingredients were good. It seems that there were many female customers with a natural atmosphere in the store.
みやざきしんのすけ on Google

I visited Nagaoka for the first time. I went with four friends because one of them knew this shop well. Starting with appetizer patties, prosciutto and salami, it came out in the middle and was full of stomach. Roast of the main lamb was delicious.
我輩はにゃんこ on Google

ランチで来ました! グリーンカレーは辛いです? ポークカレーはデミグラスソースっぽいです。 フォーはトマトかな?酸味がありました。友達は好みだと言って美味しそうに食べてました。 テイクアウトにメンチカツバーガー翌朝温め直して食べましたが( ˙꒳​˙ )?✨ どれも美味しかったので夜のメニュー気になるのが沢山あるからまた来ます⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝
I came for lunch! Green curry is spicy Pork curry is like demiglace sauce. Is the pho tomato? There was a sour taste. My friend liked it and was eating it deliciously. Munch cutlet burger for takeout and ate next morning (食 べ ?✨) ?✨ Everything was delicious, so there are many things that are bothering me about the evening menu, so I'll come again ⸜ (´ ꒳ `) ⸝

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