Megumi no Yu Park - Tōhaku District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Megumi no Yu Park

住所 :

Nagouta, Yurihama, Tōhaku District, Tottori 689-0732, Japan

Postal code : 689-0732

Nagouta, Yurihama, Tōhaku District, Tottori 689-0732, Japan
犬神助清 on Google

めぐみの湯公園 この公園は東郷湖に面した広い公園です とても
Megumi no Yu Park This park is a large park facing Lake Togo.
にゃんこ先生 on Google

A lawn park facing Togo Pond. There are some playground equipment in the park where small children can play. The parking lot is wide and easy to park, but the approach road from the road is narrow and difficult to understand. There is a restroom and a terrace where you can take a break in the park, and if you bring your own lunch with you, you can avoid the three crowds and it is a place where children can play.
佐菜絵中田 on Google

足湯に入るのが定番です。 足湯に入っている時間を活用して、温泉卵もつくれます。 桜や芝桜の咲く頃は、見ものですよ!
It is standard to take a footbath. You can also make hot spring eggs by taking advantage of the time you spend in the footbath. When the cherry blossoms and turf cherry blossoms are in bloom, it's a sight to see!
Jo Jo on Google

東郷湖に面した広場。 冬期は枯れた茶芝だが、夏場は緑色の芝生になるのかな。 無料足湯がある。 少し離れているがトイレもある。
A plaza facing Lake Togo. It is a dead tea turf in winter, but I wonder if it will be a green lawn in summer. There is a free footbath. There is also a toilet, although it is a little far away.
大屋武士 on Google

毎年カニを食べに湯梨浜町に来てるんやけどその際のチャーシュー(うちで飼ってる実の娘同然のブタちゃん?)の遊び場です! なんとなく気分が爽快になる素敵な公園
I come to Yurihama to eat crabs every year, but it's a playground for char siu (a pig that looks like my real daughter ?)! A nice park that makes you feel refreshed
白影 on Google

東郷湖が一望できます。施設的には、芝がよく整備された公園で、足湯と温泉♨の湯がセルフスタンドみたいに汲んで帰れます(有料のようですが)。ここだけを目当てに遠方から来る気はしませんが、何かのついでに立寄るには良いかもしれません。 デイキャンプっぽい方も2組いらっしゃいました。
You can overlook Lake Togo. In terms of facilities, it is a park with well-maintained turf, and you can take a footbath and hot spring ♨ hot spring like a self-stand (although it seems to be charged). I don't feel like coming from afar just for this, but it might be a good place to stop by for something. There were also two groups of people who looked like day camps.
TheOmattya on Google

Just beautiful
Michael Muller on Google

Footbath hot spring. Place to cook eggs in hotspring water. Lovely views of the lake and the morning sunrise.

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