Megane Super Nagoya-Hirabari,Hara-ten Optical - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Megane Super Nagoya-Hirabari,Hara-ten Optical

住所 :

ユニーブルマンション 1F 1 Chome-2214 Hara, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 468-0015
Webサイト :

ユニーブルマンション 1F 1 Chome-2214 Hara, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0015, Japan
ゆずな on Google

定期的に利用させて頂いております。 かけ具合の調節なども特に不満はなく、 親切に対応してくださいます。
We use it regularly. There is no particular dissatisfaction with the adjustment of the hanging condition, etc. Please kindly respond.
Masahiro TAKI on Google

何軒か行った他の眼鏡屋や眼科の標準的な検査では、分からなかった問題点を見つけてくれました。 高度な検査機器と、それを巧みに扱う熟練の眼鏡士のいるお店です。 快適なメガネが出来上がりました。ありがとう。
Some other eyeglass shops and standard ophthalmology tests found problems that I couldn't find. It is a shop with advanced inspection equipment and skilled opticians who handle it skillfully. You have comfortable glasses. Thank you.
jio gio on Google

この会社は売ったら終わりのようだ。客のことは考えてない。 個人的にはメガネは買った店でメンテナンスもしてもらいたいのでできるだけ家か会社から通いやすい店を選ぶようにしている。そういう人も多いと思う。 常滑店で購入したが閉店、移転先がこの店舗。遠すぎる。合うメガネを一つしか持ってない人にそんな遠方まで来いって言うの? そりゃあ企業だから売り上げが良く無ければ撤退は当然だろうけど、自分たちがどういう商品を売っているのか深く考えて出店、撤退しているのだろうか?元々不振だったところでコロナ禍を好機とみてそそくさと撤退したようにしか見えない。簡単にユーザーをきれる信用できない店。
This company seems to be over once it sells. I don't think about customers. Personally, I want the glasses to be maintained at the store where I bought them, so I try to choose a store that is easy to go to from my house or company as much as possible. I think there are many people like that. I bought it at the Tokoname store, but it closed and moved to this store. It's too far. Do you tell people who have only one pair of matching glasses to come to such a distant place? Well, since it is a company, it is natural to withdraw if sales are not good, but are we opening or withdrawing after thinking deeply about what kind of products we are selling? It seems that he withdrew in a hurry because he saw Corona's evil as an opportunity when he was originally sluggish. An unreliable store where you can easily get rid of users.
Vorpal Bunny on Google

こちらの了承も得ずに勝手に定期便に加入する形で話を進めていたり、隙あらば営業をぶっ込んでくるのは如何なものか。携帯ショップじゃないんだからそういう事は止めてほしい。 「すぐ買える」と書いてあるコンタクトレンズを買いに来ただけなのに1時間も足止めを食らうとは思わなかった。
What is it like to proceed with the discussion by subscribing to a regular flight without obtaining this consent, or if there is a chance, you will be in the business? It's not a mobile phone shop, so please stop doing that. I just came to buy contact lenses that say "I can buy them right away", but I didn't think I would get stuck for an hour.
takumi_nk tomida on Google

かなり良い。 検査/眼鏡の仕様説明、購入手続きetcの接客態度が素晴らしく良い。 また眼鏡品質も良く、レンズの見え方も完璧。装着感も一週間後の最終調整でぴたりと合った。 お値段以上の納得が行くサービスなのでぜひおすすめ。
Pretty good. The customer service attitude of inspection / eyeglass specification explanation, purchase procedure etc. is wonderfully good. The quality of the glasses is also good, and the appearance of the lenses is perfect. The fit was perfect with the final adjustment one week later. It's a service that is more than pricey, so it's highly recommended.
勝川ユカリ on Google

12月18日に平針原店で別添のとおりメガネを購入しました。 本日、明細を確認していたところ、レンズオプションとして4点3000円と記入されてますが、レンズはどう考えても2枚だし、〆付属というのは前から持っていたのを直した料金のことですか? とLINEで投稿したのですが、メールで更に投稿しろとはどうなっていますか。また、月曜に店舗に電話しても誰も出ませんでした。 このサイトは苦情防止だけのためですか。
I bought glasses at the Hirabarihara store on December 18th as shown in the attachment. When I was checking the details today, it was stated that 4 points were 3000 yen as a lens option, but by all means there are 2 lenses, and the 〆 accessory is the fee for fixing what I had before. Is that that? I posted it on LINE, but what about posting more by email? Also, when I called the store on Monday, no one answered. Is this site just for complaint prevention?
山田茂弘 on Google

It's a short distance from the test site, so it's a good idea to use it. You can take advantage of it.
Anggita Aninditya JapanMuslimInfo on Google

Very nice! Thank you.

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