Media Max Shibata - Shibata

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Media Max Shibata

住所 :

627-2 Nakasone, Shibata, Niigata 957-0000, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 957-0000
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2AM
Sunday 9AM–2AM
Monday 9AM–2AM
Tuesday 9AM–2AM
Wednesday 9AM–2AM
Thursday 9AM–2AM
Friday 9AM–2AM

627-2 Nakasone, Shibata, Niigata 957-0000, Japan
東京人外 on Google

彼女がレトロゲーの聖地と言っていたので期待して行ったら、全くの期待はずれだった。 品物は安くもなく高くもなくと行った感じで、アダルトコーナーが店の大半を占める。 ここよりエーツーの方がまだマシ。 あと、ここの☆5は店のまわし者が書いているのであてにならない。オーナー?店長?に書かされてる。パワハラもいいところ。
She said it was a sacred place for retrogaming, so I expected it and it was totally disappointing. The goods are neither cheap nor expensive, and the adult corner occupies most of the store. A-too is still better than here. Also, ☆ 5 here is written by the shop owner, so it's unreliable. Owner? Store manager? It is written in. Power harassment is also a good place.
多田野ノンケ on Google

レトロゲーム、最新ゲーム、レアなゲームから夜のお友まで、メディアがマックスな場所です。 某リサイクルチェーン店もありますし、新潟の数少ない観光名所です。国内外から行く価値はありますよ
From retro games, the latest games, rare games to friends at night, the media is the place to be. There is a certain recycling chain store and it is one of the few tourist attractions in Niigata. It is worth going from home and abroad
shouta sone on Google

Half of the shops are adult-type 18-ban corners, but if you like retro video games, this is a spot you should visit at least once. It's fun just to look at the products that are displayed in a narrow space from standard products to rare products.
蘭太郎 on Google

ゲーム好きなら行って損はないお店です。ファミコンロッキーを知っている世代には特におすすめ。 店内の半分は大人向け商品ですが、もう半分もある意味大人向けに特化した感じ。品揃えも良いですが値段も良心的❢最近はこういった店がすっかり無くなってしまったので、個人的にはとても貴重。
If you like games, this is a shop that you can go to without any loss. Especially recommended for generations who know NES Rocky. Half of the store is for adults, but the other half is for adults in a sense. The product lineup is good, but the price is reasonable. ❢ Recently, these stores have completely disappeared, so it's very valuable personally.
ミスター on Google

新潟の中でも、各種販売商品に比較的良心的な価格を付けた良店。 レトロゲーム等の取り扱いを近年強化しており、品揃えは近隣の店舗の中でも折り紙つき。 店舗のマスコットキャラクターの「メディちゃん」「マックスさん」が可愛いのも◎
A good shop in Niigata that offers a relatively conscientious price for various sales products. The handling of retro games, etc. has been strengthened in recent years. Also the cute mascot characters of the store “Medi-chan” and “Max-san” ◎
demon demon on Google

新発田市インターから降りて真っ直ぐ行けば直ぐに見つかる中古屋さん。 中はちょっと狭いけど品揃えは万代書店や開放倉庫にひけをとらないレベル。 新潟県で稀少なレトロゲームやハードをお探しならばここがオススメ! 店員さんからお土産をもらえるかも?
A second-hand shop that you can find immediately if you get off the Shibata City Interchange and go straight. The inside is a little small, but the product lineup is comparable to that of Mandai Bookstores and open warehouses. If you are looking for a rare retro game or hardware in Niigata prefecture, this is recommended! Maybe you can get a souvenir from the clerk?
ヒカルTetra on Google

I bought 2 game soundtracks. Half of the store is lined with game-related products, and there are rare items on display in the showcase, so it's fun for game lovers. By the way, the other half was an adult corner.
篠岡建 on Google

ゲーム、漫画、アニメのBD DVDの中古買取販売。アダルトDVD BD、アダルトグッズの販売。エロ漫画、同人誌の中古買取販売のお店です。 レトロゲームに力を入れているお店で、最新機種のゲームというよりは2〜3代より以前のゲーム機やソフトを売っている感じです。こまめに品出ししているので思わぬ掘り出し物があったりするので楽しいです。店員さんにゲームに詳しい方がいらっしゃるので分からない事を気軽に質問できるのも嬉しいです。
Used purchase and sale of BD DVDs for games, manga, and anime. Sale of adult DVD BDs and adult goods. It is a shop that buys and sells used manga and douujinshi. It's a shop that focuses on retro games, and it feels like it sells game consoles and software older than 2 to 3 generations rather than the latest models of games. It's fun because there are unexpected bargains because we sell them frequently. There are people who are familiar with the game, so I'm happy that you can feel free to ask questions that you don't understand.

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