Meat Hibachi - Sendai

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Meat Hibachi

住所 :

3 Chome-1-11 Tsutsumimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0912, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 981-0912
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

3 Chome-1-11 Tsutsumimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0912, Japan
千葉竜次 on Google

引っ越して来てから気になっていたお店です。 ランチの終了間際に行きましたが、店内は落ち着いていて、子連れでしたがゆっくりランチが出来ました。 ランチメニューからオーダーしましたが、店員さんの説明も丁寧で、待っている間も絵本があったり子供も楽しんでいました。 注文したレギュラーハンバーグランチ、、、 焼き・味・ボリューム。 大満足でした。 チャイルドチェアーがあれば尚、満足出来ました。ありがとうございました。
It's a shop I've been interested in since I moved. I went to the end of lunch, but the inside of the store was calm and I was able to have lunch slowly although I was with children. I ordered from the lunch menu, but the clerk's explanation was polite, and while I was waiting, I had a picture book and my children enjoyed it. Regular hamburger lunch I ordered ... Grilled, tasted and volume. It was a great satisfaction. I was still satisfied with the child chair. Thank you very much.
魚昌 on Google

ハンバーグは美味しいけどサイコロステーキはやや硬くヒバチソースも微妙でした グラスに食べカスみたいなのが付いていてまたお茶に毛も浮いてました あとまだ連れが食べているのに食器を次々片付けるのが「早く食べて早く帰れ」と急かされている気分になるのでやめた方が良いのでは?
The hamburger was delicious, but the dice steak was a little hard and the hibachi sauce was subtle. There was something like food scraps on the glass, and the hair was floating on the tea again. I feel like I'm in a hurry to put away the dishes one after another even though my companion is still eating, so I think it's better to stop.
けんけん on Google

どうしてもレアのハンバーグを食べたくてネットで検索していた所、3年前に投稿されていたクチコミの写真を発見。 少し遠征にはなるが、県内ではなかなかレアのハンバーグを提供している店もなく、当日は有休を取得して来店。 店に着くと、駐車場のが埋まっており、外にも1台待っている状態だったので、来たいが高まる。 やっとの思い出入店して、メニューを確認、ハンバーグは普通のハンバーグと仙台牛のハンバーグがあり、写真では判断がつかなかったので店員に確認する。 件の写真を見せて確認したところ、仙台牛ハンバーグが牛100%なのでこっちだとレアで提供しているとの事だったのでそちらを注文。 しばらく待ち、熱々焼きたての鉄板音と共に提供、期待を胸にナイフを差し込む……あれ?肉汁とか全然しみでてこないな? 嫌な予感と共に中を確認するとレアどころか、水分全部蒸発するまでよく焼いたかのような見るからにパッサパサのハンバーグ、、、一応一口食べて味を確認。 不味い、段ボールでも食べてるのかと思う食感に、焦げとソースの味しかしない、さすがの私もこれはと思い、注文を取ってくれたお姉さんに声をかける ハンバーグの中身を見てもらい、レアのハンバーグが食べたかった旨を伝える(注文時にも伝えてあった) 確認してきますと中に引っ込んで行くとすぐにお兄さんが交代で出てきた(キッチンの人?)もう一度同じ経緯を説明すると驚きの回答が。。 「レアで提供するかはその日の肉の状態にもよります。」 え?耳を疑うような回答に驚愕しつつも、「では、肉の状態次第なので、今日はレアで提供出来るとは限らないって事ですか?」 「そうです。」 「……解りました。。」 えええーーー!!肉の状態!?なに?レアで提供出来ない肉の状態に?パッサパサになるまで焼き焦がさないと怖くて提供出来ない肉の状態って何?腐りかけ?え?そんな肉提供してるの? 我慢して食べようと思ったけど半分が限界でした、そのまま無言で会計しました。もう二度と行かないです。 帰りにお腹がすいたのでマックをドライブスルーしました。
When I was searching online because I wanted to eat a rare hamburger steak, I found a photo of a word-of-mouth posted three years ago. Although it will be a little expedition, there are not many stores in the prefecture that offer rare hamburgers, so I took paid holidays and came to the store on the day. When I arrived at the store, the parking lot was full and I was waiting for one car outside, so I wanted to come more. I finally entered the store and checked the menu. There are two types of hamburger steak, a regular hamburger steak and a Sendai beef hamburger steak. When I showed the picture of the case and confirmed it, it was said that the Sendai beef hamburger was 100% beef, so I ordered it because it was offered as a rare beef. Wait for a while, serve with the sound of a hot-baked iron plate, and insert a knife in your chest with expectations ... that? Doesn't it come with gravy or stains at all? When I checked the inside with an unpleasant premonition, it looked like it was baked well until all the water evaporated, so I ate a bite and checked the taste. It tastes bad and I think I'm eating it with cardboard, but it only tastes like charcoal and sauce. Have them look at the contents of the hamburger steak and tell them that they wanted to eat the rare hamburger steak (also told when ordering) As soon as I checked it, my older brother came out in turn as soon as I pulled in (the person in the kitchen?) When I explained the same process again, I got a surprising answer. .. "Whether it is offered as rare depends on the condition of the meat of the day." picture? Astonished by the suspicious answer, "Then, it depends on the condition of the meat, so isn't it always possible to offer it as a rare item today?" "that's right." "... I understand ..." Ehhhhh! !! The condition of the meat! ?? what? In the state of meat that can not be provided because it is rare? What is the condition of the meat that cannot be served because it is scary unless it is burnt until it becomes dry? Is it rotting? picture? Do you offer such meat? I tried to put up with it, but half of it was the limit, so I just silently paid for it. I will never go again. I was hungry on my way home, so I drove through the Mac.
tree silk on Google

アメリカンカジュアルな店内を眺めながら、待つ時間も楽しみのひとつです。 小物ひとつひとつに思わず可愛い、お洒落で細部までこだわりが見えます、そんな店内を眺めていると運ばれてくるお料理?、香り高く、肉は柔らかジューシーでシエアしながら食べたけど十分食べ答えあり。 テイクアウトも良いね?
One of the pleasures is the time to wait while looking at the American casual store. Each accessory is cute, fashionable and attention to detail can be seen. The food that is brought to you when you look inside the store ?, fragrant, the meat is soft and juicy, and I ate it while sheer, but there is enough answer. Takeout is also good ?
佐々木浩之 on Google

初めて、訪問しました。 車で、うっかり通りすぎてしまうようなお店でしたが、店先に数人が居たので、ここかと思い、来店しました。 ハンバーグランチを頂きましたが、ふっくらしており、肉汁じわーと出て来て。大変美味しかったです。 今度は、ステーキを頂きたいです。
I visited for the first time. It was a shop that I accidentally passed by by car, but there were several people in front of the shop, so I thought it was here and came to the shop. I had a hamburger steak, but it was plump and came out with gravy. It was delicious. Next time, I would like to have a steak.
Kazue U on Google

ローストビーフ丼をいただきました。 こちらのメニューは12:00からの提供とのこと。 フライドガーリックがアクセントになっておいしかったです。 きれいに盛り付けされたお肉でうまいことくぼみを作って、そこに卵黄がのっています。 黒いお皿に映えて見た目も美しい料理でした。
I had a roast beef bowl. This menu will be served from 12:00. Fried garlic was an accent and it was delicious. The meat is nicely presented to make a delicious dent, and the yolk is on it. It was a beautiful dish that looked good on a black plate.
Brandon Virgo on Google

Great restaurant with a nice atmosphere, perfect for low key dinner date. Prices are reasonable too.
Duong DaoNgoc on Google

The beef was good. A little concern about the small space and the air conditioner, it was quite hot.

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