Maxvalu Taki Shop - Taki District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maxvalu Taki Shop

750 Nita, Taki, Taki District, Mie 519-2179, Japan
かとうちゃんぺっ! on Google

The food was delicious after a long time with four friends. After that, I bought two pairs at ELPAS, a shoe store within Max Value, and enjoyed friends with Akebono hats and other miscellaneous goods and gloves at Daiso for the first time in my life.
谷口三千代 on Google

Since there is little freshness or novelty, I sometimes change the supermarket. But I will buy it as much as possible because the day when zero is attached is advantageous.
ふじ on Google

未だに改善されてない男性トイレ。 個室は洋式1つ、未だに和式が1つ。 聞いた話、女性用の個室は多いとか…? せめて授乳室とバリアフリートイレ(旧多目的トイレ)を入れ替えれば女性側から不審な目で見られることも減るだろうし便利だと思う。
Men's toilets that haven't been improved yet. There is one Western style private room and one Japanese style. I heard that there are many private rooms for women ...? I think it is convenient to replace the nursing room and the barrier-free toilet (formerly a multipurpose toilet) at least because it will reduce the chance of being seen by women with suspicious eyes.
on Google

よく行くお店です この写真の恐竜は絶滅したのかしら? お会い出来ません。 マックスバリュ以外にも ラーメン屋さん、くつ屋さん、ゲームセンター、本屋さん、ドラッグストア、服屋さん×2、100均…と いろいろあって ほしいものはそこそこに揃います
It's a shop I often go to Is the dinosaur in this photo extinct? I can't meet you. Besides Maxvalu Ramen shop, shoes shop, game center, bookstore, drug store, clothing shop x 2, 100 average ... a lot happened I have everything I want
シン on Google

普通にいろいろ揃います。 ガソリンスタンドも、あります!
藤澤愛 on Google

キャンプ場へ向かう買い出しの為に利用。 食料品はもちろん、ダイソーや衣料品、薬局など揃っており、便利で助かりました。 特筆すべきは、地域の特産物などが展開されていたこと。 お土産も揃えることが出来るとは。 今回利用はできなかったですが、隣にお風呂屋さんがありました。 至れり尽くせりです。
Used for shopping to the campsite. Not only groceries, but also Daiso, clothing, pharmacies, etc. were available, which was convenient and helpful. It should be noted that local special products were developed. You can also get souvenirs. I couldn't use it this time, but there was a bathhouse next door. It's completely exhausted.
shigeru t on Google

Ordinary Maxvalu. It was good that there was a local production for local consumption corner near the entrance
柿の種 on Google

I went there at Christmas time. I'm glad I was able to transform into a snowman

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