近江牛焼肉MAWARI 守山店 - Moriyama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 近江牛焼肉MAWARI 守山店

住所 :

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778989
Postal code : 524-0012
Webサイト : http://omigyuyakiniku.jp/
街 : Shiga

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan
matchan desu on Google

昨日は、ホンマの久しぶりに家族で焼肉へ。 17時半頃に来店しましたが、既にケッコーなお客さんが。 経済再開に向けて、とても喜ばしく感じました。 『手洗いとアルコール消毒をお願いします』と店員さんが。コロナ感染対策もちゃんとされてます。 3500円食べ放題を注文。 タン、ハラミ、ロース、牛しゃぶ、焼きすき、何せ一通り食べました。 〆は、やはり韓国冷麺。 いやいや、もう食べられないくらいお腹いっぱいになりました。 満足、満足でした!! また来たいです。
Yesterday, I went to Yakiniku with my family after a long absence. I came to the store around 17:30, but there are already Kecko customers. I felt very happy about the economic resumption. "Please wash your hands and disinfect with alcohol," said the clerk. Corona infection measures are also taken care of. 3500 yen All-you-can-eat order. I ate tongue, halami, loin, beef shabu, yakisuki, and everything. 〆 is Korean cold noodles. No, I'm so full that I can't eat anymore. I was satisfied! !! I want to come again.
伸ちゃん猫大好き on Google

The meat is hard. Cleaning is useless. Offer of product is slow. I don't know exactly what the clerk is saying. MAWARI's reputation seems bad recently. boss!ま せ ん Are you loose? I saw it on TV. It is inevitable to lower the quality of meat because it is all-you-can-eat, but if you lower the quality of employees, it will be difficult later. Some of our employees are serious, so please educate your employees.
K T on Google

女性の従業員さんがすごく感じがいい方がいて、接客業に向いてるな、このお店はこの方の感じの良さを大切にすべき&他の女性&男性の従業員さんに継承すべきだなと思います。この女性の従業員さん、大切にした方がいいと思う。なかなかいませんよ、こんないい方。 お肉の質や料理は個人的に大好きです。 しっかり美味しいし、肉寿司も写真の通りきれいで美味しい。 焼肉もホルモンも美味しかったです。 お店も昔のカラオケボックスのような個室っぽい広々した雰囲気も好印象。 わるいところは、 入口入ってすぐの手洗いの水量が多すぎてビックリする。 注文が通ってなく最後まで来ないものが時々ある。(この日は最初に頼んだライスが来なかった) 若い男性の接客がおどおどしていて、テーブルにお皿をガン!! って置くのが普通でおわびもない 注文が遅すぎる(後半普通になりましたが) 焼肉なのに全く焼く肉が注文しても来ませんでした。
There is a female employee who feels very good and is not suitable for the hospitality business, this shop should value this person's good feeling & inherit it to other female & male employees I think it is. I think this female employee should be cherished. It's hard to find such a good person. I personally love the quality of the meat and the food. It's delicious, and the meat sushi is beautiful and delicious as shown in the picture. The grilled meat and hormones were delicious. The shop also has a good impression of the spacious atmosphere like a private room like an old karaoke box. The bad part is I was surprised that there was too much water in my hand washing right after I entered the entrance. Sometimes the order doesn't go through and doesn't come to the end. (The first rice I ordered didn't come on this day) The customer service of a young man is scared, and he has a plate on the table! !! It is normal to put it and there is no apology Ordering too late (although it became normal in the second half) Even though it was grilled meat, I ordered the grilled meat at all but it didn't come.
Y S on Google

個室が広くてよく利用しています。 ここ2、3回ディナーの食べ放題の感想ですが、 牛タンの品質、味、落ちてきたと思います。黄色っぽくなっている箇所があったり、焼くとパッサパサ。前まではこんなタンじゃなくて柔らかくて味もしっかりしていて厚みもあり絶品だったのに。 スーパーのタンの方がおいしいです。 店舗によって違うので他行こうと思います。
The private room is large and I often use it. The impression of all-you-can-eat dinner for the past few times is I think the quality and taste of beef tongue has fallen. There are some yellowish parts, and when it is baked, it becomes dry. Before, it wasn't such a tongue, it was soft, had a strong taste, and was thick and exquisite. Super tongue is more delicious. It depends on the store, so I'll go elsewhere.
P.E T on Google

全室個室になっていてリラックスして食事できました。 忙しい時間帯でしたが、料理が運ばれてくるのもとてもスピーディーで食べ放題を満喫できました。また利用したいです。
All rooms were private rooms and I was able to relax and eat. It was a busy time, but the food was delivered very quickly and I was able to enjoy all-you-can-eat. I still want to use it.
佐々木順一(ささやん) on Google

今日は、自分のご褒美に、焼肉屋に来ました。 食べ放題で、一人焼肉してます。 ちょっぴり、寂しい。笑 頑張って食べるぞ。??
Today, I came to a yakiniku restaurant as a reward for myself. All-you-can-eat, yakiniku alone. A little lonely. smile I'll do my best to eat. ??
みっちーーー on Google

雰囲気はいいのに、、、 残念な点は、まずどの店員も心ないような接客しかしない。 お肉がどれも硬い。凍ったまま出てくる。 お肉を焼くスペースが狭すぎて食べた気にならない。 火力が弱すぎて全然焼けない。 うどんやスープの味が薄かったり濃かったり美味しくない。 休みの日に贅沢をしようと思いましたがとても残念でした。 二度と行きません。
The atmosphere is nice, but ... The unfortunate point is that, first of all, there is only customer service that no clerk feels at ease. All the meat is hard. It comes out frozen. The space for grilling meat is too small and I don't feel like eating it. The firepower is too weak to burn at all. The taste of udon and soup is light or strong and not delicious. I wanted to have a luxury on my day off, but I was very disappointed. I will never go again.
Agus Bahtiar on Google


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