レインボーハット 守山店 - Moriyama

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レインボーハット 守山店

住所 :

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 524-0012
Webサイト : http://www.rainbowhat.co.jp/
街 : Shiga

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan
一星龍 on Google

Even though it is self service, the voice of the clerk can not reach it at all. I heard a voice that I do not know what I said if I thought it was too late, so I heard that if I go, I will be given a melted parfait.
sweet bread on Google

黒髪で気の強そうな女の子とおっさん、テキパキやってたのに最近見ない。 タピオカブームの中、大量の客をよく捌いていたと思う。
An old man with dark hair and a strong man, I was doing it, but I have not seen it recently. I think that during the boom of the tapioca, many people were well served.
ケイチーム on Google

ここのアルバイト?かしらんけど マスクもせずにべちゃくちゃ喋りながらアイスを作るクソ野郎 もう一人のアルバイトの女は 私服で、客がいるのに堂々と自分用のアイスを作って食べると言う 非常識な 連中ばかりです こんな事ってあり得るんですかね? 今日にでもクーレム入れるつもりでが 絶対買う気にならないし 他のにお金を使う方が良いと思いますよ
Part-time job here? I do not know but I fucked making an ice while talking without messing with a mess Another woman in a part time job In clothes, saying that you have ice cream for yourself and eat it while you have customers Insane They are all alone. Is there such a thing possible? I am planning to put a kurem even today I do not feel like buying it absolutely I think that it is better to spend other money
宮本朱里 on Google

ここの金髪の女まじ態度悪い 機嫌悪いんか知らんけど客に対しての態度なってない アイスも所々混ざってて不衛生 女の名前みたら店長って書いててびっくりした 前のおばちゃんの時は良かったのにな。 戻ってきてほしい。
Blonde woman serious attitude bad I don't know if I'm in a bad mood Ice is mixed here and there and it's unsanitary I was surprised when I saw the name of the woman I wish I used to be an old lady. I want you to come back.
竹内若菜 on Google

結構前は態度悪い子がいて気に食わなかったけど、新しい若い子が凄く優しくてクレープもタピオカも買ってしまった? また行きたいです!!
I didn't like it because there was a child with a bad attitude a long time ago, but the new young child was so kind that I bought both crepes and tapioca ? I want to go again!!
宮川妃美香 on Google

ここの店の店長(名札に書いていた) 髪色明るすぎて色々不潔。飲食店なのにあの髪色はありえません。何故あの髪色が許可されてるのか疑問です。 透明ピアスもつけすぎってくらい付いていて落ちそうで見てて嫌な気分になった 態度は悪いしこの間のバイトの子のほうが愛想良かったしガッカリ クレープは汚いし中身が全然なくタピオカは固くて氷が多すぎる 携帯を触っていて客に気づいてなく声をかけたら面倒くさそうに対応された もう行きません。
The manager of the store here (I wrote it on the name tag) Hair color is too bright and various filth. Even though it is a restaurant, that hair color is impossible. I wonder why that hair color is allowed. I was wearing too much transparent piercing and it seemed to fall off The attitude was bad, and the part-time child during this time was more friendly and disappointed The crepes are dirty, there is no content inside, and tapioca is hard and has too much ice. When I touched my cell phone and didn't notice the customer and called out, it seemed like a hassle I won't go anymore.
三浦知子 on Google

美女しかいない。 清楚な子から、ギャルみたいな子が揃っている。 クレープもタピオカも美味しい‼️ 次は、ギガ??メガ??ホイップたっぷりのチョコバナナ食べたい‼️
There are only beautiful women. From neat children to girls like girls. Both crepes and tapioca are delicious! ️ Next is Giga? ?? Mega? ?? I want to eat chocolate banana with plenty of whipped cream! ️
おと on Google

The clerk's customer service attitude is too bad. I don't know if the blonde girl is in a bad mood, but that attitude is impossible. Providing crepes is also slow. It may be delayed because the service is crowded, but can't we serve customers? During this time, when I went to another shop in Shiga prefecture with the same name, the crepes were delicious, and I was impressed by the movement of the two male staff members. When I stopped by Molive, I thought that it was also here, so I went to the store to look forward to the crepes, but it's a big difference from another store, is it really the same name? I doubted. I'll never go to this shop again.

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