
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact チョルラド韓国家庭料理

住所 :

Matsugaya, Taito City, 〒111-0036 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
街 : Tokyo

Matsugaya, Taito City, 〒111-0036 Tokyo,Japan
emi moriya on Google

It seems that it is until 23:00, and it can be reserved for up to 34 people. The half-sized lunch chicken is just right for you to eat alone!
jaeyoung choi on Google

I always ate food at night, but since I recently started lunch, I went and saw it. There was a lot of delicious food, but I ate pork bowl (a fried dish with pork and vegetables and hot dishes on top.). It was really delicious. However, it also controls the amount of hotness and rice. A home-made kimchi with a lot of soups and three types of okazu! I recommend it! It is near from Iriya Station.
岩下慧 on Google

下の書き込み yuminさんはママの娘じゃないですか?英語の留学行ってたので、ご親切に英文も書いてますね!
Writing below: Isn't yumin a mom's daughter? I went to study abroad in English, so kindly write English!
こどもと学ぶ on Google

ランチに初めて行きました。 数年前の口コミはおかず3種類でしたが、2種類になっていました。 豆腐チゲを注文  こんなに煮込まれていなくて、コクがない、ただお湯にキムチを入れただけのスープにご飯で900円 500円でも行きたくないレベルです。接客していた方もマスクなし。気持ちが悪い店でした。
I went to lunch for the first time. A few years ago, there were three types of side dishes, but there were two. I ordered tofu jjigae. It's not so stewed, it's not rich, it's just a soup with kimchi in hot water, and it's 900 yen for rice, and I don't want to go for 500 yen. There is no mask for those who were serving customers. It was a disgusting shop.
yum “Yumin” on Google

最後に行ったのは確か緊急事態宣言の少し前だったような気がしますが、お昼の時間帯に伺いました。 他の韓国料理屋さんではなかなか見られない食券機が去年ほどから導入されており新鮮だと感じます。いつも行くと食べるスンドゥブチゲをその日も注文し食べさせていただきました。お店のお母さんはいつも明るく接してくださってとてもアットホームな雰囲気がします〜、 他のレビューで豆腐チゲはお湯の中にキムチ入れただけで気持ち悪いなどの内容もありましたが、そもそもこちらのお店には豆腐チゲはありません。 美味しくて値段も高すぎずリーズナブルなこちらのお店、コロナ禍ではありますがこれからもっと繁盛して欲しいですね I saw some of the reviews and someone said there was no water, no pickles and the Bbulgogi meal was too expensive. To be honest, she could have asked to get water and some pickles it's not like a very expensive restaurant in hotels or something like that.Or just they might forgot to put the water jug on the table. And should not expect everything like the best gorgeous services in different countries tho. And the photo looked like it's taken after the person ate a little bit and messed up. It is just my assumption by the way :) I think 1300 yen could be expensive but there is meats, rice cakes and vegetables so it's worth the price. Anyways the owner of this restaurant, she is very nice and the foods are also very delicious so I would really recommend this restaurant to experience real Korean food in Japan !!
I think the last time I went was just before the state of emergency, but I visited during lunch time. I feel that the ticket machine, which is hard to find at other Korean restaurants, has been introduced since last year and is fresh. I ordered and ate Sundubu Jjigae, which I always eat when I go. The mother of the shop always treats me cheerfully and gives me a very cozy atmosphere. In other reviews, tofu jjigae was unpleasant just to put kimchi in hot water, but there is no tofu jjigae in this shop in the first place. This restaurant is delicious, not too expensive and reasonably priced, but I hope it will flourish in the future. I saw some of the reviews and someone said there was no water, no pickles and the Bbulgogi meal was too expensive. To be honest, she could have asked to get water and some pickles it's not like a very expensive restaurant in hotels or something like And the photo looked like it's taken after the person ate a little bit and messed up. It. Or just they might forgot to put the water jug ​​on the table. And should not expect everything like the best gorgeous services in different countries tho. is just my assumption by the way :) I think 1300 yen could be expensive but there is meats, rice cakes and vegetables so it's worth the price. Anyways the owner of this restaurant, she is very nice and the foods are also very delicious so I would really recommend this restaurant to experience real Korean food in Japan !!
牧瀬紅莉栖 on Google

コロナ禍という時勢下、6月の僅か二週間の営業の後ずっと休業だった此方。個人的に東上野〜三河島の韓国料理店の多いエリア神推し店なだけに、10月1日にリニューアルオープンすると伺い目頭も熱く。 ランチ帯は丁寧さが滲むメイン料理の他、手抜かりの無い三種のパンチャンにキムチが付いて更に白飯のお代わりもでき、概ね千円以内とコスパも良し。ディナー帯はカムジャタンやブデチゲなどの大鍋を囲んで一献。傾けるグラス越しに見るママの笑顔も眩しい。 そんな素敵なチョルラドの再開、喜びと期待を胸に舌鼓を打ちにまた通います。 そういえば。 おかずが二品しかなかった、豆腐チゲはお湯にキムチを入れただけ、などの辛辣なレビューを目にしましたが長く通っていてパンチャン(おかず)が二品だったことは一度もなく。 味については十人十色の感じ方があるとはいえ、ご贔屓メニューのユッケジャンや参鶏湯、ソルロンタンなどは実際ママが食材を丁寧に煮出しているのを目の当たりしているだけに些か眉を顰めずにはいられませんでした。 しかもレビューされている1か月前って休業中ですし。記憶を反芻されて投稿されたのかもしれませんが…。
This place was closed all the time after only two weeks of business in June under the storm of corona. Personally, it's an area with many Korean restaurants from Higashiueno to Mikawashima, so it's hot to hear that it will be reopened on October 1st. In addition to the main dish with politeness, the lunch zone has three types of banchan with no omissions and kimchi, which can be used as a substitute for white rice. The dinner zone is served around a large pot such as Gamjatang and Budae Jjigae. The smile of mom looking through the tilted glass is also dazzling. With such a wonderful resumption of Jeolla-do, joy and expectation in my heart, I will go back to my heart's content. by the way. I saw a bitter review that there were only two side dishes, tofu jjigae just put kimchi in hot water, but I have been going for a long time and never had two side dishes. Although there are ten different tastes, the favorite menus such as Yukgaejang, Samgyetang, and Seolleongtang are just a little because I actually see moms carefully boiling the ingredients. I couldn't help but frown. Moreover, it is closed one month before it is reviewed. It may have been posted after ruminating my memory ...
しぃしぃ on Google

行くたびに優しく迎えてくれるお母さん。 ランチは1000円以下で3種類のパンチャンとキムチがついたご飯が食べられてかなりお得! 今日はおすすめのコラーゲンたっぷりトガニスープを食べました。 ここのサムゲタンも好きだけど、とにかくスープ系はどれも美味しい♡
A mother who kindly welcomes me every time I go. Lunch is less than 1000 yen and you can eat rice with 3 kinds of bread chan and kimchi, which is a great deal! Today I ate the recommended collagen-rich Togani soup. I like Samgetan here, but anyway, all the soups are delicious ♡
Di on Google

It's a bad experience . Coz this time the price is so expensive and without service. No water, no pickles!But this dish is 1300Yen!Are you kidding me? Only 11 rice cakes!!!!! LOOK!The second pic was last month I eaten. 1200yen,it's like a set. I don't know why this time is so different???

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