ディーディー 松が谷店 - Taito City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ディーディー 松が谷店

住所 :

ディーディー 松が谷店 105 4 Chome-15-3 Matsugaya, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 111-0036
Webサイト : http://deedee2009.soudesune.net/

ディーディー 松が谷店 105 4 Chome-15-3 Matsugaya, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0036, Japan
딸긔영 on Google

진짜 태국맛 그 자체 솜씨 좋은 태국인이 만든 정통요리. 일본에서 그동안 먹어왔던 태국음식중에 가장 맛있다. 리뷰에서 불친절하다는 얘기도 있는데 웃으면서 대응하지 않는것 뿐이지 챙겨줄거 알아서 다 챙겨줌. 쏨땀 점심에 안되냐고 물어봤는데 원래 점심은 런치세트만 되는데도 주방에 물어봐주셔서 감사하게도 만들어주셨다. 집근처에 있었다면 일주일에 두세번은 갔을 가게. 오늘 점심에 먹었는데도 또먹고싶다. 특히 디저트가 코코넛밀크에 타피오카 넣은 건데 단호박 같이 넣어주는건 난생 처음. 정성이 보임.
Authentic cuisine made by Thai people who are really good in their taste. It is the most delicious Thai food I've had in Japan. There are some stories in the review saying that they are unkind, but they just smile and don't respond, so they take care of everything. I asked if it wasn't possible for a sweaty lunch, but the lunch was originally set, but thank you for asking the kitchen. If you were near the house, you would go two or three times a week. I ate it today for lunch, but I want to eat it again. In particular, the dessert is made of tapioca in coconut milk, but it's my first time adding sweet pumpkin together. I can show sincerity.
うこっち on Google

確かに女性の愛想は良くないけどタイ料理のお店は大体あんな感じな気がするし気にならない。 グリーンカレーの鶏肉が食べやすい絶妙な大きさ、今まで何度食べても邪魔でしかなかった茄子がこんなに美味しいのかと驚いたり、 豚トロに添えてあるソースが物凄く美味しかった。香辛料を沢山使ってあるようで、普段ソースをほぼ使わないけど全部使い切った。あれだけで売ってたら買う! 値段も妥当だと思った。 また行きます。
Certainly, women's affairs are not good, but Thai restaurants feel that way and I don't care. The exquisite size that green curry chicken is easy to eat, and surprised at how delicious the eggplant that was only disturbing no matter how many times until now, The sauce attached to the pork Toro was really delicious. It seems that he uses a lot of spices, but usually he uses up all of the sauce, although he doesn't use much sauce. Buy if you sell only that! I thought the price was reasonable. I will go again.
びーすとTOKYO on Google

こじんまりした地域密着型のタイ料理店 日本人の口にも合う味なのに本格的で美味しい 値段は1品1000円前後するもののボリュームからしたらコスパがいいので2人よりも3人以上の方が楽しめる店 10年以上通ってるけど混雑店でないのが不思議なお店 パッタイだけは個人的にあまり好みの味ではない?
Small, community-based Thai restaurant Authentic and delicious though it tastes good with Japanese taste The price is around 1000 yen per item, but because of the volume, cospa is good, so more than 3 people can enjoy it I've been going there for over 10 years, but it's a mysterious shop that isn't crowded Pad Thai alone is not my favorite taste ?
Tomohiro Tanaka on Google

It is delicious! It was about 1100 yen only for Gapao Rice on weekday nights!
Thai Views on Google

筋金入りのタイ料理好きの者だが、通りすがりでたまたま入った。 日本ではタイ料理はあまり食べないが 多少気になったので、メニューが外になかったからテイクアウトが安いことを期待して入ってみた。 ランチメニューには、各種950円でテイクアウトだと900円。600円ぐらいならと思ってたところ想定より高かったためそのまま出るか迷ったが、豚チャーハンを頼んだ。 中には、結構な量のチャーハンに少量サラダとココナッツタピオカまであり、コスパはむしろ高かった。 味は、本場の味にも近く日本人にも食べやすいと思った。
A hardcore Thai food lover, he happened to pass by. I don't eat much Thai food in Japan I was a little worried, so I went in hoping that the takeout would be cheap because the menu wasn't outside. The lunch menu is 950 yen for each type and 900 yen for takeout. I thought it would be about 600 yen, but it was higher than expected, so I was wondering if it would come out as it was, but I ordered pork fried rice. There was a good amount of fried rice, a small amount of salad and coconut tapioca, and the cost performance was rather high. I thought the taste was close to the authentic taste and easy for Japanese people to eat.
さいとうさちこ on Google

とても久しぶりなタイ料理で、たくさん頼んでしまった。 生春巻きは具沢山で密度がしっかり、量もたっぷりでとても美味しい。サテーもピーナッツソースたっぷりと乗っけて食べた…美味しい。 ソフトクラブの炒め物、辛いのが少し苦手な私でも美味しく頂ける味で、かと言ってスパイスもきちんと効いていてとても美味しかったです。 パッタイも絶品…エビと春雨の炒め物も本当に美味しくて、近くに行った時は必ず寄りたくなるお店でした。 ただ個々のお値段は必ずしも安価では無いのですが、お料理のボリュームを考えると成程と納得する大盛り具合が下町っぽいお店です。 本格的なタイの味ですが日本人の舌でも美味しいと思えるお料理を提供しているお店だと思います。
It's been a long time since I had Thai food, so I ordered a lot. The raw spring rolls have a lot of ingredients, a solid density, and a generous amount, which is very delicious. I ate satay with plenty of peanut sauce ... delicious. The stir-fried soft club was delicious even for me, who is not good at spicy food, but the spices worked well and it was very delicious. Pad Thai is also excellent ... The stir-fried shrimp and vermicelli are really delicious, and it was a shop that you would definitely want to stop by when you went nearby. However, the individual prices are not always cheap, but considering the volume of the dishes, it is a restaurant that seems to be a downtown area with a large serving that is convincing. Although it has a full-fledged Thai taste, I think it is a restaurant that offers dishes that even Japanese tongues can think of as delicious.
Live Japan on Google

OMG!!! The food is amaaaaazing, it’s a explosion of flavor, like fireworks. Every bite you discover a new ingredient flavor. The lady it’s not very friendly, not rude or anything like that. But the flavor, the food it’s all worth. Really worthy. Let me know what your experience was.✨
Aidan Le-Devenish on Google

Nice lunch Thai , on the way to kappabashi. Food came quick. Husband and wife run this place and have their routine down nicely. The pad Thai , tom yum was very authentic and the service was attentive. Plenty I’ve iced tram on offer, always topped up. Will certainly come back !

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