
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岡田医院

住所 :

Matsugaokacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0807 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.okadaiin.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Matsugaokacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0807 Chiba,Japan
島田由夫 on Google

Have a gentle doctor and nurse
マット#モンチッチ on Google

It was a very kind doctor and nurse
みつ on Google

I went for the first time in November this year because my pediatric department was destroyed. I went with an flu shot but waited because it was a bit crowded, but my teacher was kind and relieved. I would like to take care of you again.
青木喜代美 on Google

When I went to consult about vaccinations for children, it was very unpleasant for me to respond at the reception. I didn't feel the kindness of my eyes. The person in the back also responded to it, but I responded while hitting the computer. How is it? The word-of-mouth communication was good, so I was planning to make it my own hospital, but I will stop.
三浦忍 on Google

先生がすごく優しい! 質問をしても親身に聞いて下さるし、説明もしっかり丁寧にして下さるので安心できます。 ただ、受付の一人がすごく恐いしぶっきらぼうで長い髪も束ねず清潔感が無いので⭐️4つです。 靴も外靴のまま入れるので小さな子供が居る身としてはとても便利です。 その反面キッズルームやベビーベッド等 無いので赤ちゃんはずっと抱っこです。
The teacher is very kind! Even if you ask a question, you will be asked to listen to it and the explanation will be carefully and carefully so you can rest assured. However, one of the receptionists was very scared, I did not bundle long hair and there was no cleanliness, so I had four. It is very convenient for small children because they can put in shoes as they are. On the other hand, kids rooms, cribs, etc. The baby is always hugging because there is no.
どぺちゃん on Google

受付の人がかなり感じ悪かったです。先生はいい人なので残念です。 今見返してみると、1年前のクチコミにもありましたので、よく見ればよかったです。 コロナの影響で里帰り中の地元の病院で一回目の予防接種を受けたので、次回から自宅の近くのかかりつけを作る意味で受診しようと電話したのに、予防接種の話をしたら露骨にトーンを下げて、やってますけど、【⠀2回目なら以前受けた病院で受ければいいのでは?こちらに変える意味は?】と言われました。初めての子育てで、小児科も手探りの中、冷たい対応に悲しくなったのと、言い方に少し苛立って ダメなんですか? と聞くと、いきなりしどろもどろで説明を始めました。クレームを恐れているのが見え見えで、こういう対応が初めてではないんだなと思いました。
The receptionist was quite sick. I'm sorry that the teacher is a good person. Looking back now, it was in the word of mouth a year ago, so I should have looked closely. I was vaccinated for the first time at a local hospital on my way home due to the influence of corona, so next time I called to have a vaccination to make a family near my home, but when I talked about the vaccination, I gave an explicit tone. I'm lowering it and doing it, but [⠀ If it's the second time, I wonder if I should go to the hospital I had before? What does it mean to change this? 】They said. It was a little frustrating for me to say that I was sad about the cold correspondence while pediatrically groping for my first child care. Is it useless? I suddenly started to explain. I could see that I was afraid of complaints, and I thought that this kind of response was not my first time.
rina* e on Google

受付の方が2人 先生が1人 子供の予防注射に行きました。 んー……微妙でした。 院内も暗いし、席も少ない。 先生も1人だからか、右手で注射、左手で絆創膏貼る、みたいな。 先生も暗い 仕方なく注射だけ来たけど、 もう緊急以外は来ないかな。
Receptionist is 2 people One teacher I went to a child's vaccination. Hm ... it was subtle. The hospital is dark and there are few seats. I think it's because I'm only one teacher, I inject it with my right hand, and paste it with my left hand. The teacher is also dark I just came up with an injection, though I wonder if it will come except for the emergency.
Kelly N on Google

Thank you for your help with the corona vaccination. The parking lot was 3 cars + 1 wheelchair, and the hospital was like a Showa era (equipment is solid), but the receptionist and the teacher were young and kind. I was relieved that the vaccination time was separated from general patients. It's a road that is just one road from Oami Kaido, and I haven't noticed it until now, but it's easy to find.

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