
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 平本屋

住所 :

Matsuecho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0056 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
街 : Saitama

Matsuecho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0056 Saitama,Japan
本田直人 on Google

数年前とても美味しくて、近くに来たので久しぶりに購入したが、200円だか250円だかわからない?大きさなのか?おまけして250円と言われた 二本買ったけど、焼きたてと言って手に芋をつけられて温度確認させられた。二本とも皮がシナシナ 2分ラップに包まずチンして食べれば美味しいとチラシをもらったが、一本目が天津甘栗みたいな茶色で甘味もなくパサパサして美味しくなかった 二本目が生焼けみたいなしゃきしゃきした感じ最後に食べた、下の方の端っこがねっとりして、甘かった 最後の最後そこだけ美味しかった 最近はスーパーでも買えるし、 スーパーの方がしっとりして甘くて美味しい‼️ 昔はおじさんよかったのに残念でした 2022年1月号西武ニュースremoにも掲載してるが、行かない方が良いと思う!!
It was very delicious a few years ago and I bought it for the first time in a while because I came nearby, but don't you know if it's 200 yen or 250 yen? Is it the size? As a bonus, I was told that it was 250 yen. I bought two of them, but they said they were freshly baked and I was asked to check the temperature by putting potatoes on my hands. Both skins are sina sina I got a leaflet saying that it would be delicious if I ate it without wrapping it in plastic wrap for 2 minutes, but the first one was brown like Tianjin sweet chestnuts and it was not sweet and dry and not delicious. The second one was crunchy like a raw burn. The last one I ate was sticky and sweet at the bottom edge. It was delicious only there at the very end You can buy it at supermarkets these days The supermarket is moist, sweet and delicious! ️ It was a pity that I used to be a good uncle It is also posted in the January 2022 issue of Seibu News remo, but I think it is better not to go! !!
食は大事 on Google

2019年11月に訪問 焼き芋 200円をいただきました。 特に甘いわけでもなく、皮の香ばしさは良かったですが、それ以外は普通のさつまいもでした。 店頭に大量に並べられた段ボールに 「いばらき さつまいも」と書いてあり、サツマイモで有名な川越で食べた❗という満足感が一瞬で消失しました。
Visited November 2019 I received 200yen for yakimochi. It was not particularly sweet and the fragrance of the skin was good, but otherwise it was normal sweet potatoes. The cardboard displayed in large numbers at the store says “Ibaraki Sweet Potato”, and the satisfaction of eating potatoes in Kawagoe, famous for sweet potatoes, disappeared in an instant.
ごにょまる on Google

まず「つぼ焼き」とは名前の通り壺の中の炭の熱で焼きます。 ナンを焼くタンドールのようなもので直火ではありません。 直火ではないので皮が焦げることがなく全部食べられます。 おじさんの話では一本が焼きあがるまで25分ほどかかるらしいのでタイミングが悪いと待つことになります。 水分の少ない芋なので焼きあがるのに時間がかかるそうです。 店先で焼いているのは小さめの芋なので一本200円です。 熱々も美味しいですが冷めても別の美味しさを楽しめます。 川越では最後のつぼ焼きの焼き芋なので川越観光のついでに食べてみてはいかがでしょう。 話好きのおじさんが待ってます! ちなみに芋の産地としての川越は「川越市」ではなく「川越藩」なので市内を産地とする芋はごく僅かですね。 追記 試しに冷凍したものを冷蔵庫の中で解凍して食べてみましたが美味しさは変わらずでした。
First of all, as the name suggests, "tsuboyaki" is baked with the heat of charcoal in the jar. It's like a tandoor that burns naan, not an open flame. Since it is not a direct fire, you can eat everything without burning the skin. According to the uncle, it takes about 25 minutes for one to be baked, so if the timing is not right, you will have to wait. It seems that it takes time to bake because it is a potato with low water content. The potatoes that are baked at the storefront are small potatoes, so each one costs 200 yen. The heat is delicious, but you can enjoy another taste even when it gets cold. It's the last roasted sweet potato in Kawagoe, so why not try it while you're sightseeing in Kawagoe? A talkative uncle is waiting! By the way, Kawagoe, which produces potatoes, is not "Kawagoe City" but "Kawagoe Domain", so there are very few potatoes that produce potatoes in the city. Postscript I tried thawing the frozen food in the refrigerator and eating it, but the taste did not change.
レッドベリー on Google

口コミを読んでから行けば良かった。 最後の2本で400円。 じーさんがマスクもせず素手で握り、全部皮まで食べてよ!って食べ真似をして口を近づけたその芋を袋に入れ渡され… 車に戻り袋から出したら皮はシワシワ触ったら硬く食べてみたら生でガリガリ。 こんな酷い焼き芋屋さんは初めて。 400円捨ててしまった。
I should have read the reviews before going. The last two are 400 yen. Grip it with your bare hands without a mask and eat everything up to the skin! The potatoes that imitated eating and brought their mouths closer were put in a bag and handed over ... When I got back to the car and took it out of the bag, the skin was wrinkled. This is the first time for such a terrible roasted sweet potato shop. I have thrown away 400 yen.
yupi Oka on Google

月イチの病院帰りに寄らせて頂いてます。 とても気さくなおじいちゃん1人でやってます。 笑顔で焼き芋を出してくれます。 正直に言うと当たりハズレがあります。 サクッとした食感でイマイチな時もありますが、甘ーくてネットリしたものを頂ける時も。 それと、おじいちゃんは耳が遠いのか、近距離でお話するのでコロナ禍で気になる方は避けた方がよろしいかと。 毎回「焼きたてだよ〜」「皮も全部食べてね!」と話してくれます。 1本だと200円、2人で1本を分けると言うと大きいものを選んでくれて300円でした。
I will drop by on my way home from the hospital. I'm doing it alone with a very friendly grandpa. They serve roasted sweet potatoes with a smile. To be honest, there is a hit. Sometimes it has a crispy texture and it's not good, but sometimes you can get something sweet and net-like. Also, I think Grandpa is hard of hearing, so I think it's better to avoid those who are worried about Corona. Every time he says, "It's freshly baked!" "Eat all the skin!" It was 200 yen for one, and 300 yen for two people to choose a large one.
さリリ on Google

高評価 低評価どちらの意見もあったので訪れて2本買ってみました。ですが食べてみたら日本とも芯に火が通ってらずガリガリの状態でした。味はベーコンをオーブンで焼いたあとのような独特な味でした。 また店主のおじいさんは、コロナ禍なのにディスタンスがなく顔を15センチ近くまでちかづけてきたため、あまり良い印象ではなかったです。
There were both high and low ratings, so I visited and bought two. However, when I tried it, the core was not cooked in Japan and it was in a state of being crunchy. The taste was unique, like after baking bacon in the oven. Also, the owner's grandfather didn't have a good impression because he had a corona sickness, but he had no distance and his face was close to 15 cm.
伊達邦彦 on Google

おぉ❗️石焼き芋を1個を食べただけで疲れが、吹っ飛ぶぜ‼️ これは栄誉ドリンク3本分、甘酒190g 2本分の効果だぜ??? 今日は川越最後のつぼ焼き屋「つぼやき 平本屋」さんに行って来ました???? 昭和24年から創業。1個焼くのに30分前近くかかるようです??? いやはや、スーパーやクルマで売っている焼き芋とは全然違います❗️ まず色が違う❗️金色ですよ❗️金色❗️綺麗な色でしょ⤴️?? 味は水分が少ない野菜なのに中身はトロトロ⤴️ 焼き芋って、こんなに甘かったっけ‼️って、思うくらいメチャ甘い??? もちろん、しつこい甘さではなく、自然の風合いを感じさせる甘さだから食べやすい? 感動的ですねェ~?
Oh ❗️ I'm tired just by eating one stone-grilled potato, but it's blown away! ️ This is the effect of 3 bottles of honor drink and 2 bottles of amazake 190g ??? Today I went to Kawagoe's last pot-baking shop "Tsuboyaki Hiramotoya" ???? Founded in 1945. It seems that it takes about 30 minutes to bake one ??? No, it's completely different from the baked sweet potatoes sold in supermarkets and cars ❗️ First of all, the color is different ❗️ It's golden ❗️ Golden ❗️ It's a beautiful color ⤴️?? The taste is a vegetable with little water, but the contents are torotoro ⤴️ Roasted sweet potato was so sweet‼ ️ is as sweet as you think ??? Of course, it's not a persistent sweetness, but a sweetness that makes you feel the natural texture, so it's easy to eat ? It's moving ~ ?
Prasong Kanmotharn on Google

Very delicious.

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