
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 四六時中松戸店

住所 :

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Webサイト : https://www.aeoneaheart.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11AM–9:30PM
Friday 11AM–9:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan
服部半蔵 on Google

まず、メニューの安さにビックリ。 豪華で安いし味も中々良い。 常連のお爺さんお婆さんが多数いることからも、味が良いのだろうと思う。 接客は少し雑な人もいるが、あまり気にならない。 JAFのカードを見せれば189円の飲み物が100円になります。
First, I was surprised at the cheapness of the menu. It is luxurious and cheap, and the taste is also quite good. I think that the taste is good because there are many regular grandparents. There are people who are a bit nervous about customer service, but they do not care much. If you show JAF card, 189 yen drink will cost 100 yen.
松原正和 on Google

It is a Japanese restaurant. I think it's delicious, but I haven't seen it so crowded even before Corona.
Kyoko K.C. on Google

大人向け、子供向けのメニューがどちらも充実していて、座席もゆったりしているため、子連れで松戸で食事をするときはここに行くことが多いです。 急かされることもないので、ゆっくり落ち着いて食事ができます。
There are plenty of menus for both adults and children, and the seats are spacious, so I often go here when dining in Matsudo with children. You will not be rushed, so you can eat slowly and calmly.
アリの巣 on Google

少し前までお寿司とうどんのセットがすごく美味しくて行ってましたが最近いったらそのセットがなくなってました。 すごくショック(´;ω;`) ちなみにうどんだけでも充分美味しいです。
Until a while ago, the sushi and udon set was very delicious, but recently the set has disappeared. Very shocked (´ ; ω ; `) By the way, udon alone is delicious enough.
こまい on Google

以前入ったときに穏やかにゆっくり時間が流れる空間が気に入ったので、21時半の私用までゆっくりしたいと思って入りました。 21時LO、21時半閉店にも関わらず、20時半前に注文パッドを回収され、そのまま戻って来ず。HPの営業時間から変わって20時半がLOかと思い焦るものの、LOですとは言われていないしな…と混乱。 食器も早く片付けたいと言わんばかりに「お下げしますね」と慌ただしく色んなテーブルから回収していく姿を見て、まさかな…と。 20時50分頃に店員が駆け寄ってきて「先にお会計だけお願いします!」とトレーを置いてまた小走りで去っていきました。 ああ、早く片付けてレジも閉めて21時で仕事を終わらせたいんだなぁと。 キャッシュレスで払う人間にトレーを渡して顔も見ずキッチンに戻って行かれても、私はトレーにスマホを乗せておけば良かったのでしょうか。 ずっと急かされてるようで気分が悪かったので、もう出ますとトレーを持ってレジへ。 一応「何時閉店ですか?」と聞いてみましたが、笑顔で自信たっぷりに「21時LO、21時半閉店です!」と言われて、何も返せませんでした。 ゆったり落ち着く空間が好きで入ったはずなのに、急かされて慌ただしい気持ちでただただ不快な思いをして出てきました。 以前から持ち帰りのお弁当のお米が少なすぎて(底が透けている)ちょっとな…と思っていましたが、今回のことでもう次はないなと思いました。
When I entered before, I liked the space where time flows gently and slowly, so I wanted to relax until 21:30 for private use. Despite the closing of the store at 21:00 LO and 21:30, the order pad was collected before 20:30 and did not come back as it was. I'm wondering if it's LO at 20:30, which is different from the business hours of HP, but I'm not told that it's LO ... I'm confused. Just as I wanted to get rid of the tableware as soon as possible, I saw him collecting it from various tables in a hurry, saying, "I'll give it to you." Around 20:50, a clerk rushed in and left the tray with a sprint, saying, "Please pay first!" Oh, I want to get rid of it early, close the cash register, and finish my work at 21:00. Even if I handed the tray to a cashless payer and went back to the kitchen without looking at my face, should I have put my smartphone on the tray? I felt sick because I seemed to be in a hurry all the time, so when I got out, I took a tray and went to the cash register. I asked, "What time is the store closed?", But with a smile and confidence, he said "LO at 21:00, closed at 21:30!" And couldn't return anything. I should have entered because I liked the space where I could relax and calm down, but I was rushed and came out with a hectic feeling and just an unpleasant feeling. I used to think that there was too little rice in the lunch box to take home (the bottom is transparent), but this time I thought there was no more.
shiponce knowls on Google

1歳の子供がいますが、子連れでも入りやすいのがとてもうれしいです! 店員さんの対応もいいと思います。 もちろんお料理もおいしいです!!!! 松戸駅付近でご飯を食べるなら、我が家は四六時中が定番になっています。
I have a 1 year old child, but I am very happy that it is easy to enter even with children! I think the clerk's response is also good. Of course the food is delicious! !! !! !! If you want to eat rice near Matsudo Station, it's a standard at home all the time.
Jiacheng Hou on Google

They have very nice looking meal sets.
Jenny Guzman on Google

Oishiii!! The music also was relaxing. Highly recommended.❤️

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