Masuda Shrine - Natori

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Masuda Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-3-13 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi 981-1224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 981-1224
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-13 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi 981-1224, Japan
月雲暁 on Google

駐車は近くのコインパーキングに停めて参拝しました。 御朱印は、近くの第六天神社で頂けます。
We parked at a nearby coin parking lot and worshiped. The red stamp can be found at the 6th Tenjin Shrine nearby.
キンタクンテ on Google

主祭神 大土御祖神、奥津彦神、奥津姫神、その他配祀7神 由緒 本神社は102代後花園天皇の文安年間(1444年~1448年)に南朝の忠臣菊池武光の一族である菊池豊後が奥州に下向し居を定めた時、豊後は大和国の生まれから同国城上郡笠山の社より分霊して手倉田に祀った。その後永正年間に菊池左馬介が現在の地に奉還した。もと笠山大荒神と称した。天正18年(1590年)「大崎・葛西の百姓一揆」の時伊達政宗と蒲生氏郷が秀吉より一揆鎮定を命じられた。その時徳川家康が援軍として奥州に入り、政宗と協力して一揆を鎮定した。翌年家康と蒲生氏郷が戦勝を祈願したと伝えられる。文禄元年(1592年)秀吉の朝鮮出兵命令で政宗が兵3千を従えて武運長久を祈願している。また仙台二代藩主伊達忠宗が鷹狩りの折に参詣し神社周辺の土地数百歩を寄進している。安永2年(1773年)5月菊池歌之助昌澄が社殿を造営するなど武門武将の崇敬が篤い。増田町の笠山大荒神社を明治の初めに笠山神社と改称し明治5年に村社格となる。明治維新の神仏分離令後に明治政府の町村合併で増田町・田高村・上余田村・下余田村・手倉田村が合併し各町村に所在した神社を合祀した。即ち田高の神明社・上余田の天神社・琴平神社・手倉田の諏訪神社・玉嶋神社である。そして明治42年1月に社号を増田神社と改称した。また明治44年6月に下余田の鹿島神社を合祀した。昭和10年9月に神饌幣帛料の供進社に指定された。本神社は歴史的にも由緒ある神社で地域の多くの方々から氏神として厚く信仰されている。社殿は流造り、拝殿は入母屋造りである。祭典日は元来は4月15日であったが時代の推移に伴い4月第2日曜日となった。
Priest god The great earth God, Okutsuhiko, Okutsuhime, and other 7 gods History The main shrine was founded in Bungo from the birth of Yamato, when Bungo Kikuchi, a family of Tadaomi Kikuchi from South Korea, settled down in Oshu during the civilian years of Emperor Hanazono (1444–1448). He came to Tekurata with a spirit from the Kasayama company in Jojo-gun. After that, Eisuke Kikuchi returned to the current location in Eisho years. It was originally called Kasayama Dairakami. At the time of the “Osaki / Kasai peasant” in 1590, Masamune Date and Mr. Mibu Sato were ordered by Hideyoshi to settle. At that time, Ieyasu Tokugawa entered Oshu as a reinforcement, and settled together with Masamune. The following year, Ieyasu and Ubu Ushigo are reportedly praying for the victory. In the first year of Bunraku (1592), Hideyoshi's command to dispatch to Korea, Masamune prayed for martial arts Nagahisa with 3,000 soldiers. In addition, the second generation of Sendai, Date Tadamune, participated in the falconry event and donated hundreds of steps around the shrine. Mayor Yasunaga (1773) Mayor Kumike Utanosuke Masazumi built the shrine, and the warrior of warrior Budomon is revered. The Kasayama Oara Shrine in Masuda Town was renamed Kasayama Shrine at the beginning of Meiji and became a village company in 1905. After the Meiji Restoration decree, the towns and villages of the Meiji government merged into Masuda Town, Tataka Village, Kamiyoda Village, Shimoyoda Village and Tekurada Village, and joined the shrines located in each village. In other words, they are the Shinmei Shrine of Tadaka, Tenjin Shrine of Kamikoda, Kotohira Shrine, Suwa Shrine of Tekurata, and Tamashima Shrine. In January 1882, the company name was changed to Masuda Shrine. In June 1894, he joined Kashima Shrine in Shimoyoda. In September 1945, the company was designated as a Shinseki Textile Company. This shrine is historically a historical shrine and is widely believed as a deity by many local people. The shrine is flown and the worship hall is a main building. The festival day was originally April 15th, but it became the second Sunday in April with the change of the times.
シトサタマノイ on Google

It is a guardian dog who has endured the rain and wind.
北十字ハイドン on Google

旧、国道4号線、奥州街道沿い、名取市(駅近く)増田宿にある、神社。 家1軒分の長屋の長さの土地にある小さな神社。 名取駅から名取市文化会館に向かう途中で気になって立ち寄りました。 それは道路から見て、やたら目立つ 石の灯籠。自然石の傘が特徴。明治4年に作られたとギリギリ読める刻が裏にありました。 由緒ある、古い神社の様です。
Formerly, a shrine located in Masuda-juku (Natori Station, near the station) along Route 4 and Oshu Kaido. A small shrine located on the length of a tenement house. On the way from Natori Station to Natori Cultural Center, I stopped by because I was worried. It is a stone lantern that stands out from the road. Features a natural stone umbrella. There was an engraving on the back that was made in 1873 when it was made. It is like an old shrine.
TAKAHIRO, HikomaOrz火独楽 (ヒコマ) on Google

三宝荒神を御祭神としてお祀りしてる神社。 三宝荒神神社という社名ではないのは何故だろうか、、、。
A shrine that enshrines Sanpo Kojin as a deity. Why isn't the name of Sanpo Kojin Shrine?
Genli Wu on Google

Ĉi tiu historia sanktejo havas historion de preskaŭ 600 jaroj en la centro de Natori. Oni diras, ke la afero, kiu protektis la kamparanon en pratempoj, kaj estis preĝita de sinjoro Date, integriĝis kun pluraj sanktejoj en la periodo Meiji kaj fariĝis la formo de hodiaŭ. Ĝi estas ankaŭ proksima al Natori stacidomo, kaj estas ankaŭ multflanka placo al la flanko, do multaj homoj venas al la festivalo kaj ĝi amasiĝas. Cetere, ŝajnas, ke junuloj, kiuj faras cosplay, ofte uzas ĝin por fotado.
This historic shrine has a history of almost 600 years in the center of Natori. It is said that the affair, which protected the peasant in ancient times, and was prayed by Mr. Date, integrated with several shrines in the Meiji period and became the form of today. It is also close to Natori station, and there is also a multi-sided plaza next door, so a lot of people come to the festival and it is crowded. Besides, it seems that young people who do cosplay often use it for photography.
Hiroyuki S on Google

Although it is not a big shrine, the precincts were very beautifully maintained and I was able to worship comfortably.
関清志 on Google

I visited on December 13, 2021. It is near Natori station. It is said that there was a warrior named Bungo Kikuchi in the family of Takemitsu Kikuchi, who was a loyal retainer of the Southern Court, around 1444-1448 during the year of Emperor Go-Hanazono's 102nd generation. Bungo Kikuchi, who was born in Yamato (now Nara), went down to Oshu and built the ground there. It is said that it started from the Kasayama shrine in Shikijo-gun, Yamato province, where he was born. It is said that his descendant, Saumasuke Kikuchi, relocated to his present location between 1504 and 1520 during the Eisho era, and became known as Kasayama Kojin. It changed to Kasayama Shrine due to the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the Meiji Restoration, and was renamed Masuda Shrine due to the merger of towns and villages in the Meiji era. It is a historical shrine that also visited Date Masamune, 2nd Tadamune, Ieyasu Tokugawa and Gamo Ujisato.

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