MAST Maki Estate Agents - Toshima City

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MAST Maki Estate Agents

住所 :

4 Chome-29-1 Nagasaki, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 171-0051
Webサイト :

4 Chome-29-1 Nagasaki, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0051, Japan
V Elpis on Google

I booked a preview of the property in advance and was looking forward to it, but I wasn't convinced that it was canceled suddenly in the evening of the previous day, giving priority to the preview of other people. If there was a system such as advance application, it was a different story, and it was not explained when actually making a reservation. What is a preview reservation?
B À on Google

築17〜8年ぐらいになると、リフォームより特定のハウスメーカーでの建て替えを非常に強く提案してきます。 理由はご想像通り。 オーナーは、コストバランスをしっかり捉え、営業に押されない事も大事です。 リフォームでまだまだ収益は出せるのですから。 でも建て替えを強く営業されるのです…… はっきり言って入居率は管理会社次第です。 疑問に思ったら他社管理会社の再考を。
When it is about 17 to 8 years old, we will strongly propose rebuilding by a specific house maker rather than remodeling. The reason is as you can imagine. It is also important for the owner to grasp the cost balance firmly and not be pushed by sales. You can still make money from remodeling. But the rebuilding is strongly open ... To be clear, the occupancy rate depends on the management company. If you have any doubts, reconsider the management company of another company.
ねこ on Google

I asked about the contract renewal, but when I talked about my concerns about crime prevention, I was told to talk to the police about such things. Also, regarding the part that was broken by the equipment in the room, I was told that it was a mistake in the usage situation here, so I was not kind enough to ask for consultation. The customer service attitude is disappointing.
ta1 on Google

今まで利用してきた不動産の中で1番最悪でした。 接客態度、電話対応といい全て最悪な印象。 もう利用しません。
It was the worst real estate I have ever used. The customer service attitude and telephone response are all the worst impressions. I will not use it anymore.
gerge hina on Google

住んでいるマンションでの、騒音問題でご相談した所、すぐに対応して頂きました。 その後、騒音も収まり快適に暮らせています。対応して下さった方、ありがとうございました。
When I consulted about noise problems at the condominium where I live, I immediately responded. After that, the noise has subsided and I can live comfortably. Thank you to those who responded.
mami yasu on Google

先日、息子のお部屋探しでお世話になりました。初めての一人暮らしで、私達の不安な所も親身にお話を聞いて下さり、物件情報はもちろん、周辺環境の事も地元ならではな情報を色々と教えていただけてとても心強かったです。 すごく信頼出来る不動産さんで良かったです。
The other day, I was taken care of by looking for my son's room. It was my first time living alone, and it was very encouraging for me to listen to our uneasy places and to tell me various information not only about the property but also about the surrounding environment, which is unique to the local area. I'm glad that the real estate is very reliable.
mikimiki 9 on Google

こちらの管理物件を借りていました。手狭になった為引っ越しましたが、入居から退去まで問題なく良い物件でした。 またご縁があったら利用したいです。
I rented this managed property. I moved because it was too small, but it was a good property from moving in to moving out. I would like to use it again if I have a connection.
3ko Hana on Google

5年以上前、自宅のリフォームでご相談にのっていただいたのですが、先日友人のお子さんのお部屋探しで久し振りに訪ねたところ、顔を見ただけで直ぐに私の名前を呼んでくださり、何年経っても覚えていて下さった事がとても嬉しく感激致しました。 その場限りのお付き合いではないお仕事振りは、とても信頼が出来ます。
More than 5 years ago, I was consulted for home remodeling, but the other day when I visited for the first time in a while looking for a room for my friend's child, he immediately called my name just by looking at his face. I was very happy and impressed that you remembered it even after many years. You can trust your work style, which is not an ad hoc relationship.

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