マスプロ美術館 Maspro Art Museum - Nisshin

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マスプロ美術館 Maspro Art Museum

住所 :

Jono-80 Asadacho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0124, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 470-0124
Webサイト : https://www.maspro.co.jp/museum/

Jono-80 Asadacho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0124, Japan
キンクス飯田 on Google

江戸末期から明治の初めにかけての 浮世絵を見ることができます
You can see Ukiyoe from the end of Edo to the beginning of the Meiji era.
もふもふぽんた on Google

主に明治時代の浮世絵と陶器のコレクションが展示されています。小さい美術館ですが文明開化の息遣いを感じさせる浮世絵は見応えがあります(主に量的な意味で)。 人感センサの照明は最初えっと思いましたが、考えてみるとコスト・環境面でも美術品保護としても文句のつけようがないですね。何より愛知の製造業らしさが感じられて面白かったです。企業の施設は無個性ではつまらない気がします。 文明開化の浮世絵の中の、現代とかけ離れた人々の生活に想像を巡らせつつ展示の終盤にさしかかると明治29年の三陸津波を描いた作品が。それは2011年に呆然と見ていたニュース映像を思い起こさせる光景で、人の生活や社会情勢がどれだけ変わっても自然の脅威の前で無力なことだけは変わらないのだという強烈な印象を残しました。 陶磁器コーナーの下段には銭湯の脱衣所にあるようなプラカゴに無造作に入れられた陶器のかけら。 もしかして他の博物館では粘土で補完されて壺や皿の形で主役っぽく展示されているような古窯の出土品だったりして?それがこんな扱い…とか想像したらじわじわきました。実際は時代が違うのかもしれませんが。 個人コレクションのままであれば一生目にすることもなかったであろう美術品を見せていただけるのはありがたいことです。贅沢を言えば学術的な解説が付いていたらもっと楽しめそうだと思いました。 平日しか空いていないので勤め人には敷居が高い美術館かもしれません。 明治時代に興味がある方なら特に楽しめると思いますが、訪問したとき他の客を全く見かけませんでした。 明治村の擬洋風建築の中で展示したら人気が出そうなコレクションだと思うのですが。
A collection of Ukiyo-e and pottery from the Meiji era is on display. Although it is a small museum, Ukiyo-e, which makes you feel the breath of civilization, is spectacular (mainly in a quantitative sense). At first, I thought about lighting the motion sensor, but when I think about it, there is no point in terms of cost, environment, or protection of art. Above all, it was interesting to feel the manufacturing industry of Aichi. I feel that corporate facilities are boring because of their individuality. A work depicting the Sanriku tsunami of 1897, when you approach the end of the exhibition while imagining the lives of people far from modern times in the ukiyo-e of civilization. It is a scene that reminds me of the news images that I was stunningly watching in 2011, leaving a strong impression that no matter how the human life or social situation changes, the powerlessness does not change in front of the threat of nature. It was At the bottom of the pottery corner, there are pieces of pottery randomly placed in a plastic basket like a bathhouse. Perhaps in other museums it is an excavation of an old kiln that is complemented with clay and displayed like a leading role in the form of a vase or plate? When I imagined it was treated like this... Actually, the times may be different. It would be great to see an art piece that would have never been seen in a private collection. Speaking of luxury, I thought it would be more enjoyable if there was an academic explanation. It may be an art museum with a high threshold for workers because it is only available on weekdays. Those who are interested in the Meiji era will especially enjoy it, but when I visited, I saw no other customers. I think it is a popular collection if it is exhibited in a pseudo-western style architecture in Meiji Village.
伊藤清美 on Google

入館料500円 文明開化、美人画、各地の観光案内の浮世絵がたくさんあって見応え充分です。躍動感やその時代の風俗を感じられるを感じられる絵が多くて面白かったです。 陶磁器もあって創業者の感想が書いてあるのですがそれもなかなか面白くて見入ってしまいました。
Admission fee 500 yen There are many ukiyo-e prints of civilization, bijin-ga, and tourist information about each area. It was interesting because there were many paintings where you could feel the liveliness and customs of that era. There is also ceramics and the impressions of the founder are written, but it was also quite interesting and I was impressed.
大河内章博 on Google

浮世絵、錦絵が多数展示されています。これほどたくさん同時に見れたのは初めてです。特に黒船来航からの東京、横浜の発展すなわち日本の発展していく姿が描かれた絵が多数ありこの当時に興味のあるかたは必見です。 また解説がついてますが堅苦しいものでなく私見に基づいたくだけた感じで好感が持てました。 ただ浮世絵と聴いて東海道五十三次や写楽などを期待するとそのへんはあまりありません。 陶磁器もありますがこちらはかなりマニアックです
Many ukiyo-e and nishiki-e are on display. It's the first time I've seen so many at the same time. In particular, there are many paintings depicting the development of Tokyo and Yokohama from the arrival of Kurofune, that is, the development of Japan, and those who are interested at that time are a must-see. In addition, although there is a commentary, it was not a formal one and I felt like it was just a matter of personal opinion. However, if you listen to Ukiyo-e and expect the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido and Sharaku, there are not many of them. There is also ceramics, but this is quite a maniac
Michiko Ito on Google

The summer special project of Ukiyo-e that is currently being held was really well done, and the whole family enjoyed it. Also, the beauty of the masking tape that I received for clearing the mission. It was a set with the enclosed postcard ukiyo-e, and I was surprised at the very tasteful production. Also, please have a fun project.
パラダイスオンザヘッド on Google

入口は工場の入口と同じで看板が小さいので見逃してしまいました。ちょうど大河ドラマ時代の横浜から東京の風景の3代広重などの浮世絵がズラッと展示され見応えがあります。他に陶磁器のコレクションも良かったです。 展示場は2階のワンフロアーなのでこじんまりですが見易いと思います。マスプロ創業者のコレクションで帰りに見ると入口の門柱が陶磁器作品のような装飾がされていました。
The entrance is the same as the entrance of the factory and the signboard is small, so I missed it. Ukiyo-e paintings such as Hiroshige III, the landscape of Tokyo from Yokohama during the Taiga drama era, are exhibited in a row and are spectacular. Besides, the collection of ceramics was also good. The exhibition hall is on the second floor, so it's small but easy to see. On the way back from the collection of the founder of Maspro, the entrance gate pillar was decorated like a ceramic work.
えーかわカズトシ on Google

マスプロ電工の創業者が集めた浮世絵と陶器が主な展示の私設美術館。 昨年から日曜も開館するようになったらしい。 500円の入館料からJAF会員証で2割引でした。創業者の集められた浮世絵と陶器のコレクションが拝見でき、さらにマスプロ電工の社史まで分かる。やすい!!かな。 展示スペースは建物2階で、展示スペースの隙間にコソッと撮影・写生禁止の文字が。スペースに案内人などはいませんが、監視カメラがバッチリ死角なしに設置してあるので写生なんか始めたらきっと警備員がトンでくるのでしょう。 入り口で渡されるパンフレットには裏面に非接触ICが貼り付けてあって、ヒトが居るスペースにのみライトが点くエコ仕様。但し居てもジッとしていると消えるので、トイレの如くパンフレットをたまにピラピラして手首の運動を促す素敵な仕様です。 以下の様な素敵な説明のパネルと素晴らしいコレクションに時間を忘れていたら、照明が全て消えるのを体験したのは一度や二度では有りません。 展示品には、モチロン解説パネルがバッチリ添えて有りますがフランクな語り口調と曖昧な根拠や「今の第一勧業銀行…」など時代を感じさせるユーモア溢れる文章が楽しめます。 展示品を収める什器も、マスプロ美術館の魅力です。各浮世絵を間近で見られるよう垂直に近いパネルの中に位置ずつ納められている、シンプルな必要最低限の外装。うちの会社のロッカーみたいとか、思っても言ってはいけません。 常設展示には各地を紹介する浮世絵と、六古窯の逸品が勢揃い。有田焼に柿右衛門、古伊万里に黄瀬戸も天目茶碗もある!但しパネルの説明は浮世絵の半分くらい。古窯のことも陶器美術も基礎知識ですし、発掘された(どこで?)割れた陶器の収納スペースも兼ねてるから仕方ないですよね! お土産コーナーには、扇子二種類と企業ロゴタオルの3種類のみ。この商売っ気の無さが長続きの秘訣だと感じました。また来たいです…。
A private museum featuring mainly Ukiyo-e and pottery collected by the founder of Maspro Denko. It seems that it opened on Sundays since last year. The admission fee of 500 yen was 20% off with a JAF membership card. You can see the collection of Ukiyo-e and pottery collected by the founder, and you can also see the history of Maspro Electric Works. Cheap! ! Wonder. The exhibition space is on the 2nd floor of the building, and there are characters that are forbidden to shoot or copy in the space between the exhibition spaces. There are no guides in the space, but the surveillance cameras are installed without blind spots, so if you start sketching, the guards will surely come in tons. The pamphlet delivered at the entrance has a non-contact IC attached to the back side, so the light is on only in the space where people are located. However, even if you are there, it disappears when you are in a hurry, so it is a nice specification that encourages exercise of your wrist by occasionally papillating a brochure like a toilet. If you've forgotten your time with nicely illustrated panels and a great collection of things like the one below, you've never seen all the lights go out. The exhibit is complete with a Motilon commentary panel, but you can enjoy fluent sentences that make you feel the times, such as Frank's narrative tone, ambiguous grounds, and the "Current Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank ...". The furniture that houses the exhibits is also an attraction of the Maspro Museum. A simple and minimal exterior that is housed inside a panel that is nearly vertical so that you can see each Ukiyo-e up close. Don't say it's like a locker at our company. The permanent exhibition is lined with Ukiyo-e paintings that introduce various places and specialties from the six ancient kilns. There is Kakiemon in Arita ware, Kiseto and Tenmoku bowl in Koimari! However, the panel explanation is about half of Ukiyo-e. It is a basic knowledge of ancient kilns and pottery art, and it also serves as a storage space for excavated (where?) Broken pottery, so it can't be helped! In the souvenir corner, there are only 2 types of fans and 3 types of company logo towels. I felt that this lack of business was the key to long-lasting business. I would like to come again….
seiji takakuwa on Google

大変素晴らしいですね☀️ マスプロ電工さんの 企業美術館と言うことで アンテナやら通信機器等が メインかなと思ってましたが 沢山ある展示の中のちょっとですね そして 浮世絵の概念が 変わりました☺️ 江戸から明治と 時代の変遷が 分かりやすいような展示で ついつい見とれてしまいました。 これだけの収蔵物は 他では 見られ無いかと思います❗ そんな広くは無い館内ですが 十分に 楽しめました。 面白いのは 入場券に センサーが 貼り付けてあり 館内の端末に かざすと 入館時間とか 他にも いろんな楽しみが 有るように工夫されてました☺️
It's very nice ☀️ Maspro Denkoh's By calling it a corporate museum Antennas, communication equipment, etc. I thought it was the main It's a little out of many exhibits And the concept of ukiyo-e Changed ☺️ The transition from Edo to the Meiji era In an easy-to-understand exhibition I just caught my eye. This is the only collection elsewhere I think you can see it ❗ It ’s not that big, I enjoyed it enough. What's interesting is that the admission ticket has a sensor It is pasted on the terminal in the hall When you hold it up, the admission time There are many other things to enjoy It was devised to be ☺️

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