Masaya Yakitori - Setagaya City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Masaya Yakitori

住所 :

6 Chome-6-1 Seijo, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 157-0066
Webサイト :

6 Chome-6-1 Seijo, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0066, Japan
芳田なな on Google

成城駅からすぐ近くのお店。 外観からおしゃれです。 店内は何フロア?4?5フロアくらいありそうです。 一階はカウンターで、焼き場がありお料理が作られる様子をみれます。 店員さん元気がいいです! 定番の焼き鳥から創作串までたくさんの種類があります! 一品料理も充実してました。 キャベツがおかわり自由とのことで、嬉しいですね。 特製のニンニクたれもあるようです。 次の日が気にならない日にたくさんかけて頂きたいですね。 お酒の種類も豊富でした。 お席は個室の席もあるかなー?? ステキな店内空間でした。 何人かで利用させて頂きましたがゆったりくつろげました。 また利用させて頂きます◎
A shop close to Seijo Station. It is stylish from the appearance. What floor is inside the store? There are likely to be 4 or 5 floors. The first floor is a counter where you can see how the food is cooked with a grill. The clerk is fine! There are many types, from classic yakitori to creative skewers! One dish was substantial, too. I'm happy that cabbage can be replaced. There seems to be special garlic sauce. I would like you to spend a lot of days not worrying about the next day. There were many kinds of sake. Is there a seat in a private room? ? It was a wonderful interior space. I used it by several people, but it was relaxing. I will use it again ◎
城大蔵 on Google

世田谷に2店舗、桜新町と成城にあります。関西中心の焼鳥屋。タレにはニンニクタレがあってそれがこちらのウリです。好みで塩焼、タレ焼き、ニンニクタレを選ぶこと後でき、ニンニクタレの焼鳥はガツンとパンチの効いた焼鳥になります。結構これはまります。 またこちらはコースがお得。大人数ならコース料理も当日で大丈夫。飲み放題も安いので内輪の懇親会には有難い存在です。人気店なので予約が無難だと思います。2階は掘りこたつ式の座敷があるので人数が多いとこちらが便利です。スタッフが元気でいいですね。
There are 2 stores in Setagaya, Sakurashinmachi and Seijo. A yakitori restaurant in the center of Kansai. There is garlic sauce in the sauce, which is this melon. You can choose salt-grilled, sauce-grilled, or garlic-grilled to your liking, and the garlic-grilled yakitori will be a savory and punchy yakitori. This fits quite well. Also, this is a great course. If you have a large number of people, you can have a course meal on the day. All-you-can-drink is also cheap, so it's a great presence for an inner party. It's a popular shop, so I think it's safe to make a reservation. There is a kotatsu-style tatami room on the 2nd floor, so it is convenient if there are many people. The staff is fine.
Dr on Google

ちょっと遅めの昼食、ちょっと早めの夕飯位の時間帯で妻と来店。 久々の焼き鳥に2人で満足しました。 焼き鳥以外にも、ご飯物も美味しくまた行きたいです。 値段もリーズナブルでおすすめです。
I came to the store with my wife at the time of a little late lunch and a little early dinner. The two of us were satisfied with the yakitori after a long absence. Besides yakitori, I also want to go there again with delicious rice. The price is reasonable and recommended.
Sei on Google

Good !
Takétoshi NAKAMURA on Google

Cost $$ Food ★★★★ Decor ❤❤❤
Juan P on Google

Best Yakitori I’ve tasted so far.
Nóel Cheok on Google

Local Yakitori Izakaya restaurant for Seijo area, while the restaurant is a little small, the ambience of this restaurant is homely and comfortable. The lower ground level has bar counter seating while level 2 has private seating areas. Most of the dishes I had the opportunity to sample was tasty, meets expectation and serving quantity and customer service is good.
Yass U on Google

We can always enjoy the nice yakitori with the signature cabbage!

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