Matsuya - Setagaya City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsuya

成城学園ビューハイツ 1F 2 Chome-39-2 Seijo, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0066, Japan
Toshiyuki Goto on Google

A stable Matsuya. However, this is a free place for a rare set meal rice in Tokyo. Regardless of whether it is a weekday holiday or during the day and night, a restaurant where you can eat a full stomach with a stable taste and price is quite valuable. This is a good restaurant for people who don't overcharge fast food and taste.
a I on Google

急ぐ時はNGの「待つ屋」 土曜昼、当然混んでるが、事前にテイクアウト予約して時間ぴったりに行っても25分待った。 店員2人で、回せてない。着いた時点で出前館含めテイクアウト待ち3人。カウンターの食べ終わった食器は片付けられず放置で、客が来るとどけるが、当然客のを作る余裕はなく、どれだけ待つんだろう。慣れた客は、混雑状況を確認し次第帰ってる。なぜか後から来た出前館の人が先に持ち帰る。さらに昼休みのテイクアウト客も来たが、恐らく出来た頃には昼休みが終わってるだろう。 ファストフードで予約してこれだけ待つとは。急いでる時ならやばかった。 尚、商品は普通に美味い。
When you hurry, NG "waiting shop" Of course it was crowded on Saturday afternoon, but even if I made a takeout reservation in advance and went at the right time, I waited for 25 minutes. Two clerk can't turn it. When we arrived, there were 3 people waiting for takeout, including the delivery hall. The tableware that has been eaten at the counter is left uncleaned and can be reached by customers, but of course there is no room for customers to make, so how long will they wait? Familiar customers return as soon as they confirm the congestion situation. For some reason, the person in the delivery hall who came later takes it home first. There were also take-out guests during the lunch break, but perhaps the lunch break would be over by the time it was completed. Book with fast food and wait this long. It was ridiculous when I was in a hurry. The products are usually delicious.
Noritada Nishio on Google

2019年7月 休日の10:20頃訪問。店内に先客はなし。40代女性のワンオペ。ソーセージエッグの朝定食小鉢とろろ400円を注文。待つこと7分くらいで完成。並盛りライス量は160gくらいか、けっこう少ない。野菜を一口で片付け、ソーセージをふた口で捌く。小鉢のとろろに醤油を入れよく攪拌する。それをライスに投入。そこに目玉焼きもオンして醤油を垂らしてガッガッとかきこんで食べると悦楽の旨さ。浅漬けの漬物があっさりして良い箸休め。満足の朝食でした。ライスもうちょい食べたかった。--------------------2019年9月 休日の11:50頃訪問。生姜焼き定食にとろろ小鉢を注文。生姜焼きの肉はけっこう多い。味はちょっとしょっぱかった。この店は定食のライスお替り無料を実施しており、入口の右側に炊飯器が置いてあり、セルフでサービスを受けられる。お替りはしなかったが、20代のサラリーマンとお見受けする方が丼にたっぷり盛ってお替りしていたのが印象的でした。
July 2019 Visit around 10:20 on holidays. There are no customers in the store. One-op for women in their 40s. Ordered a sausage egg morning set small bowl and 400 yen. It takes about 7 minutes to wait. The average amount of rice is about 160g, which is quite small. Clean up the vegetables with a bite and spread the sausage with the lid. Put soy sauce in a small bowl and stir well. Put it into rice. If you turn on the fried egg and drip the soy sauce and stir it up and eat it, the taste of paradise. Chopsticks can be rested with lightly pickled pickles. It was a satisfying breakfast. I wanted to eat rice too. -------------------- September 2019 Visit around 11:50 on holidays. Order a bowl of grated yam for a ginger-grilled set meal. There are a lot of ginger-grilled meat. The taste was a bit salty. This restaurant offers a free set meal rice changer, and there is a rice cooker on the right side of the entrance, so you can receive your own service. I didn't change it, but it was impressive that the person in my twenties and a salaried worker had a lot to change.
gbengene opeyemi on Google

Delicious meals
Hubert Pelletier-Picard on Google

Always good and so cheap
A C E on Google

Cheap and tasteful, not too crowded. Nice place
H. P. L. Molloy on Google

Reasonable prices and food held to be palatable.
Anh-Thu Cathy Nguyen on Google

If you're low on budget, Matsuya is your saviour. My favourite is the large BBQ Kimchi bowl for around 700 YEN and another 50 YEN for a raw egg. Obviously, it's a cheap place so don't have high expectations. I just went there when I needed food quickly or grab take-out to have food during the day. Unlike Sukiya, Matsuya is always well staffed so they prepare your food really quickly.

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