Marushin Soy Sauce

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marushin Soy Sauce

住所 :

Masuda, 〒699-3764 Shimane,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Shimane

Masuda, 〒699-3764 Shimane,Japan
Seiji Fujimoto on Google

There is plenty of sake.
中島久貴 on Google

The soy sauce and dashi stock, which are famous both locally and nationwide, are delicious, but sashimi soy sauce is the best.
えのきFC on Google

Moromi The midyear gift was very good, so I was very pleased to send it to Tokyo.
中島久貴 on Google

It is a direct-to-manufacture, popular shop, sashimi soy sauce.
吹金原公史 on Google

There are various kinds of liquor which can not be obtained easily because it enters the national rice wine nationwide party.
HAGI-Divers Inamura on Google

It is famous as a brewery of soy sauce and miso, but as a liquor store, it has a wide selection of sake! Chitin and temperature-controlled hidden breweries (laughs) are lined with rare sake that is difficult to obtain.
dokennya on Google

祖母が島根県益田市でいつもここの醤油を送ってくれていました。 他界してからどの醤油を買っても、ここにかなう味に出会えません。
My grandmother always sent me the soy sauce here in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture. No matter which soy sauce you buy after you pass away, you won't find a taste that matches here.
しまねの森ちゃん on Google

Wheat ◦ Raw materials such as soybeans are cultivated in our own fields. Anyone can be good at cooking soup stock soy sauce "Dashi no Hana" with Rishiri kelp and dried bonito flakes from Makurazaki. I would also like to widely inform you that soy sauce drops are made from whole soybeans that do not use recombined or degreased soybeans.

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