アジェ 有楽町店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アジェ 有楽町店

住所 :

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://aje.to/
街 : Tokyo

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan
まぁさん on Google

3度目の正直でやっと伺う事ができました。噂のホソは1人前の量が結構多いかったですが、その他のホルモンや肉の一人前の量はちょっと少ないかなと思いました。結構油っこいものもつけだれのおかげでさっぱりと美味しく食べられました。別で注文する白だれはハラミとかのお肉系に合ってて美味しかったです。 ただ、キムチとか生センマイとか先に出てほしいものが後から出てきたのと、1人の店員さんがずっとアゴマスクで会計と調理してたのと、大声で他の店員さんを注意しててそれが残念だなと思いました。
I was finally able to ask with honesty for the third time. The rumored hoso was quite large for one serving, but I thought that the amount of other hormones and meat for one serving was a little small. Thanks to everyone, I was able to eat quite oily foods refreshingly and deliciously. The white sauce I ordered separately was delicious because it matched the meat type such as Harami. However, pay attention to the other clerk loudly, saying that kimchi, raw omasum, and other things that I wanted to come out first came out later, and that one clerk had been accounting and cooking with Agomask all the time. I thought it was a shame.
e kh on Google

新しいホルモン屋さんがオープンしたと知り行ってみました。 京都で有名なお店みたいですね。 店員さんもお客さんもほぼ関西人という感じでした。 店内は簡易的な作りで4人掛けテーブルが20卓ほどですかね、まだ新しいので小綺麗な感じ。 利用しませんでしたが入口にお手洗い、外に喫煙スペースがありました。 公式にアルコール提供していませんと記載されていますが、アルコール提供していました。テーブルにマスクケースあり。 オススメのホソ塩、マルチョウみたいで美味しかったです。他にも食べたいメニューがあったのでまた行きたいです。 お店に非はありませんが、案内された席が最悪でした。隣の4~5人グループだけがうるさくて背中にぶつかられたり…とても不快でした。マスクなしの大声での会話は本当にやめてほしいです。 店員さん、楽しそうなお客さんに注意するのも心苦しいかと思いますが、案内する席や注意喚起などもう少し配慮してほしかったです。 他の席にいた子供の方がよっぽど静かに食事してましたよ。 あとネット予約対応してほしいです。
I learned that a new hormone shop has opened. It looks like a famous shop in Kyoto. The clerk and the customer were almost Kansai people. The inside of the store is simple and there are about 20 tables for 4 people, but it's still new so it feels pretty. I didn't use it, but there was a restroom at the entrance and a smoking space outside. Although it is stated that it does not officially serve alcohol, it did. There is a mask case on the table. It was delicious like the recommended hoso salt, Marucho. There was another menu I wanted to eat, so I want to go there again. There is nothing wrong with the shop, but the seats I was guided to were the worst. Only the next group of 4-5 people was noisy and hit my back ... it was very unpleasant. I really want you to stop talking loudly without a mask. I think it would be painful to pay attention to the clerk and the customers who seem to be having fun, but I wanted them to give more consideration to the seats to guide and the alerts. The children in the other seats ate much quieter. I also want you to support online reservations.
ある中 on Google

初めに味は★5です 値段が★1です ホルモン焼きって300円くらいの感覚ですが… 1000円はちょっと考えてしまいます 京都の人気店で予約必須とのことでしたがお一人様なので開店直後に入店。平日ど真ん中でしたが17時前には予約無しの方はお断りしていました。
At the beginning, the taste is ★ 5 and the price is ★ 1. It's like grilling hormones for about 300 yen, but ... I think about 1000 yen for a moment It was said that a reservation is required at a popular store in Kyoto, but since it is one person, I entered the store immediately after opening. It was in the middle of the weekday, but I refused those who did not make a reservation before 17:00.
2much eat on Google

京都で大人気の焼肉店が8月27日に満を辞して都内に進出してきました(^ ^) 場所はJR有楽町駅のガード下、駅から濡れずに行けるのは嬉しいですね。 京都にある松原本店は隣のテーブルが霞んで見えるぐらい煙いですが、こちらは排気ダクトが優秀なのか全然煙くないので仕事帰りにも行きやすい。 ●ホソ(塩) アジェの名物料理ですね、一般的にはマルチョウかな。 提供時は通常のマルチョウよりもパサパサしているように見えますが加熱するとめっちゃジューシー。京都焼肉と言えば出汁ですよね、ホソ用の出汁につけて食べるとあっさりして何個でも食べれちゃう。 ●ホルモン煮込み ピリ辛のホルモンが一口大にカットされてお酒のつまみに最適。途中から山椒をかけると味変が楽しめる。 ●天肉(タレ、ハーフサイズ) 一般的にはホホ肉と呼ばれる部位。 脂身が少ない赤身肉、薄切りであっさり。 ●タンモト(塩、ハーフ) やや厚めにカットされてコリコリ食感。 ●ホルモンミックス(タレ) 内容は赤ヒモ、コブクロ、ハツ、センマイ、赤センマイ、白こぶ、ホソ。 こちらのメニューはタレのみ、いろんな種類があって楽しいが塩で食べたかった。 出汁をつけて食べたりお通しのキャベツと共に食べたりで、あっさりと食べれる。 普通に有名店なので混むのは時間の問題かな、みんな急げ!
A very popular yakiniku restaurant in Kyoto resigned on August 27th and entered the city (^ ^) The place is under the guard of JR Yurakucho station, and it's nice to be able to go from the station without getting wet. The Matsubara main store in Kyoto is so smokey that the table next to it looks hazy, but it's easy to go home after work because the exhaust duct is excellent or not at all. ● Hoso (salt) It's Aje's specialty dish, generally Marucho. When served, it looks more dry than regular Marucho, but when heated it is very juicy. Speaking of Kyoto yakiniku, it's soup stock, so if you eat it with soup stock for hoso, you can easily eat as many as you like. ● Stewed hormone The spicy hormone is cut into bite-sized pieces, making it ideal as a snack for sake. You can enjoy the taste change by sprinkling Japanese pepper on the way. ● Ten meat (sauce, half size) A part generally called hoho meat. Red meat with little fat, thinly sliced ​​and light. ● Tanmoto (salt, half) It is cut slightly thick and has a crunchy texture. ● Hormone mix (sauce) The contents are red string, kobukuro, heart, omasum, red omasum, white hump, and hoso. This menu is only sauce, there are various kinds and it is fun, but I wanted to eat it with salt. You can eat it easily by adding soup stock or eating it with regular cabbage. It's usually a famous store, so it's only a matter of time before it gets crowded, so everyone hurry up!
E M on Google

Exquisite popular yakiniku. Hoso, Tanyuke, Hatsu sashimi, TKG, Limited? The tail boiled was the best. Tan is not good enough. Serve quickly and the clerk is full of energy. A shop where you want to eat many kinds with a large number of people.
山本和之(Y.Kaz) on Google

噂を聞きひとりで足を運んでみました。 肉一皿のボリュームもあり、ひとりでスジ(ホルモン)牛タン、レバーをいただきお腹いっぱいに堪能しました。特に特製のタレでいただくスジは噂通りとても美味しかったです。次は数人で伺いもっといろんな部位も楽しみたいと思いました。
I heard the rumors and went by myself. There was also a plate of meat, and I enjoyed the streaks (hormone) beef tongue and liver by myself. Especially the streaks with the special sauce were very delicious as rumored. Next time, I would like to visit with a few people and enjoy more various parts.
TAC RIN on Google

京都で一度チャレンジも予約待ちで諦めてたところに、東京進出?✨ 内臓のクオリティーは比較的高く、特に名物ホソはさっぱり食べれて? 赤身は京風なのかあっさりしすぎて味に物足りず…価格帯もホルモン系がオール1,000円⁉️ 有楽町ガード下、大衆的なサービス、チープな内装も含めると期待していただけにちょっと残念でした?⤵️
I gave up the challenge once in Kyoto because I was waiting for a reservation, but I went to Tokyo ?✨ The quality of the internal organs is relatively high, especially the famous hormone can be eaten refreshingly ? The lean meat is too light and unsatisfactory ... The price range is all 1,000 yen for hormones ⁉️ It was a bit disappointing because I expected to include under the guard of Yurakucho, popular services, and cheap interiors ?⤵️
TAKAO AOKI on Google

京都の名店という事らしい。 18時過ぎると席もほぼ埋まり、予約しておいた方が良さそう。 ホルモンが中心だけど、値段は良い値段する。 メニューに★が書いてあるのは、ハーフ&ハーフできるらしい、って後から気づく。 外国籍の店員さん多いけど、元気があって日本人も見習って欲しい。
It seems to be a famous store in Kyoto. After 6 pm, the seats are almost full and it seems better to make a reservation. It's mainly hormones, but the price is good. I noticed later that the ★ on the menu seems to be half-and-half. There are many foreign clerk, but I want Japanese people to follow suit because they are energetic.

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