日山 大丸東京店

4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 日山 大丸東京店

住所 :

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://hiyama-gr.com/
街 : Tokyo

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan
bitz on Google

望月功太 on Google

帆足亜弓 on Google

Hikohikohi on Google

鳥モツの処理が極めて良く、妻に喜ばれるので長らくお世話になってる。 残念ながら、脂を落とさないなど、処理が悪くなったが、一度店員と会話したら改善。 今月(21年7月)行ったら、ハツの処理がひどくて落胆。 おごり?自信? 今後(来月)に期待。。
The processing of chicken offal is extremely good, and my wife is pleased with it, so I have been indebted for a long time. Unfortunately, the treatment got worse, such as not removing the fat, but once I talked to the clerk, it improved. When I went this month (July 2009), I was disappointed because the processing of the hearts was terrible. treat? Confidence? Expectations for the future (next month). ..
make love on Google

品質は申し分ないです。弁当も美味しい!けれども… 松屋銀座、浅草もそうだが、どの店舗も店員が「暗い冷たい偉そう」の3点セット!売り場に行って嫌な思いをするので余程自分に余裕がある時じゃないと苛々しますよ。 お肉の接客したくないなら辞めればいいのに…とても買って欲しくなさそうな態度がどの店員からも醸しでている。 ご自分の給料は買ってくれるお客さんから出てるって考えないのでしょうかね?
The quality is perfect. Bento is also delicious! But ... As with Matsuya Ginza and Asakusa, the clerk at each store has a 3-piece set of "dark and cold"! I go to the sales floor and feel unpleasant, so it's frustrating if I don't have much time to spare. If you don't want to serve meat, you can quit ... Every clerk has an attitude that you don't want to buy it. Don't you think your salary comes from the customers who buy it?
ブルマ秘書 on Google

どうしても米沢牛をお家で食べたくて調べたらここが一番アクセスが良さそうだったので行きました!(東京で買えるところが実はめちゃくちゃ少ないですよね(^ω^;)) 八重洲北口出て真っ直ぐ大丸へ! 入口からすぐにエスカレーターが見えるので 下ってB1Fへ行きましょう! エスカレーター降りて右奥にお店があります! 電車から降りて5分くらいで着きました! 近くていいですね! お肉も美味しくてまた買いに行きます!
I definitely wanted to eat Yonezawa cow at home so I went there because the best access seemed to be here! (There are actually few insurmountable points in Tokyo (^ ω ^;)) Go out Yaesu North Exit and straight to Daimaru! Since the escalator can be seen from the entrance immediately Let's go down to B1F! There is a store in the back right after getting off the escalator! I got off the train and arrived in about 5 minutes! You may as well be near! Meat is also delicious and I will go buy again!
ピカパパ on Google

美味しいお弁当を探して大丸地下へ。テレビで紹介されてた日山で焼肉弁当1080円(2番人気)と牛丼弁当864円(3番人気)を購入。1番人気のすき焼き弁当は売り切れでしたので次回に。こちらのお店の本店は創業大正元年、人形町ですき焼き割烹のお店をされてて高級店で、以前ミシュラン⭐︎でした。お弁当だとリーズナブルな価格でいただくことができ、ワクワクでいただきました。さすが肉の良さを感じます。美味しかったです。 お店の方の対応はかなりいいです。受け答えがお客様よりで親切です。 後日、1番人気すき焼き弁当1512円買いました。肉がすごく美味しかった。価格以上。また、食べたい弁当でした。21年12月 ハンバーグ弁当食べました。やはり肉の香りが良く美味しかったです。22年3月
Looking for a delicious lunch, head to the basement of Daimaru. I bought a grilled meat lunch for 1080 yen (the second most popular) and a beef bowl lunch for 864 yen (the third most popular) at Hiyama, which was introduced on TV. The most popular sukiyaki lunch was sold out, so next time. The main store of this shop was founded in the first year of the Taisho era, and was a high-class shop that was a sukiyaki cooking shop in Ningyocho, and was formerly Michelin ⭐︎. I was excited to have a lunch at a reasonable price. I really feel the goodness of the meat. It was delicious. The correspondence of the shop is quite good. The answer is kinder than the customer. Later, I bought the most popular sukiyaki lunch for 1512 yen. The meat was very delicious. More than the price. Also, it was a lunch I wanted to eat. December 21 I ate a hamburger lunch. After all the scent of meat was good and delicious. March 2010

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