Marugame Seimen Tsukuba - Tsukuba

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marugame Seimen Tsukuba

住所 :

2 Chome-26-14 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898978
Postal code : 305-0045
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–9PM
Sunday 10:30AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

2 Chome-26-14 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0045, Japan
小野間優介 on Google

みんな大好き丸亀製麺。 ここは特にお昼時には駐車場が停められない位いっぱいになります! 店内で食べるよりも天ぷらを持ち帰りの方が僕は多いのですが、今回もそれでした。 最近はコロナ禍もあり、うどんも持ち帰り可能なようですので、今度はうどんも持ち帰ろうかと思います。 天ぷらはここのはかき揚げが好きです。種類も複数あったり、何よりほぼ揚げたてなのが嬉しいですね! 他には半熟卵の天ぷらと海老天は必ず買います。 かき揚げが買えなかった時には野菜(レンコンやナス)をよく買いますね! ついつい買い過ぎてしまう傾向がありますが笑、天ぷらはなかなか家で作れない(作りたくない)ので、近くに丸亀製麺があると非常に助かりますね! またテイクアウトしにきます!
Marugame Seimen that everyone loves. The parking lot is so full that it can't be parked, especially at noon! I often take tempura home with me rather than eating it in the store, but this time too. Recently, there is a corona bruise, and it seems that udon can be taken home, so I think I'll take udon home next time. Tempura likes kakiage here. I'm glad that there are multiple types, and above all, it's almost freshly fried! Besides, I always buy soft-boiled egg tempura and shrimp tempura. When I can't buy kakiage, I often buy vegetables (lotus root and eggplant)! I tend to buy too much, but lol, tempura is hard to make at home (I don't want to make it), so it would be very helpful to have Marugame Seimen nearby! I will come to take out again!
creypy creapy on Google

丸亀製麺の他店舗と比べて麺が柔らかくてコシがない。 かけうどんつゆ用のサーバーが見当たらなかったため、おにぎりのお茶漬けが作れなかった。 そしてうどんのどんぶりに触るとザラザラとしている箇所が…固着した汚れ? とろたまうどんを頼みましたが食事してから2時間後に腹が痛くなりました。
Compared to other Marugame Seimen stores, the noodles are soft and chewy. I couldn't make Ochazuke of rice balls because I couldn't find a server for kake udon soup. And when you touch the bowl of udon, the rough spots are ... Dirt stuck? I ordered Torotama Udon, but two hours after eating, my stomach hurts.
ノス on Google

2019.09.11~13間のみ限定17:00~でお好きな釜玉頼むと釜玉(並)1杯無料。を今回も狙って訪問。 注文したのは 連れは明太クリーム釜玉(温)640円(税込) 俺は明太が無いチーズ釜玉520円(温)(税込)と 野菜かき揚げ130円(税込)1つときつねあげ140円(税込)で子と半分でシェア 釜玉360円(税込)×2←これが無料♪♪ で1杯が子ども用 子が卵苦手なので1つに卵をまとめていれて貰いましたが…釜玉のメニュー写真を見ると黄身のみだけど(明太クリームもチーズも黄身のみ) この釜玉は温泉卵風~ 釜玉はだし醤油で食べるけど…ぶっかけ用のかな?のつゆを温と冷を各1杯分貰い、おまけの釜玉に投入! 先にチーズを黄身を割らずに食べて見ると…チーズ濃厚なうどん!ブラックペッパーが良いアクセントに~ 少し食べ進めてから黄身を潰して混ぜて食べると ほぼカルボナーラ♪♪ 2度楽しめる感じ 腰がある麺で下手なパスタより良い! 好みは黄身がないチーズのが良かった~ 連れの方は出汁の聞いたクリームスープは美味しいが…混ぜて食べると明太の味が濃くややしょっぱめ…明太抜きなら飽きずに行けそうな味 今回注文したの全部並だっけど…なんか麺の量が大盛ぐらいの2杯あったのは気のせいか… うどんの味もチェーン店では高レベルでお得なイベント時はコスパかなり良いし、この店の店員はどなたも対応良く子にも対応良かった~ ただどこの丸亀も…掃除が行き届いてなく特に座敷が汚いのが難点。
2019.09.11 ~ 13 only Limited at 17: 00 ~ If you order your favorite Kamatama, 1 cup of Kamatama will be free. Aiming to visit again this time. I ordered Along with meita cream kamatama (warm) 640 yen (tax included) I have 520 yen (warm) (tax included) Vegetable kakiage 130 yen (tax included) and share with half a child for 140 yen (tax included) Kamatama 360 yen (tax included) × 2 ← This is free ♪ ♪ 1 cup for children Because the child is not good at egg, I asked him to put the eggs together into one. But looking at the Kamatama menu photo, it's only yolk (meal cream and cheese are only yolk) This Kamatama is a hot spring egg style ~ Kamatama is dashi soy sauce but ... maybe for bukkake? Add 1 cup of hot and cold soup to the soup and add it to the extra kamatama! If you eat cheese without breaking the yolk first ... Cheese rich udon! Black pepper is a good accent ~ After eating a little, crush the yolk and mix and eat it. Feeling twice enjoyable Noodles with waist are better than poor pasta! I like cheese without yolks ~ If you're accompanied, the cream soup you've heard of the soup is delicious ... If you mix and eat it, the flavor of menta will be deep and a little bitter ... I ordered this time, but it's just like ... I don't mind that there were two cups of noodles that were about to be large ... The taste of udon is also high at chain stores, and it is quite good at great deals, and the store clerk was responsive to everyone and good to kids ~ However, every round turtle ... the cleanliness is poor and the parlor is especially dirty.
天貝栄 on Google

The Tsuchiura store is under renovation and I came here for a holiday. I'm a Marugame udon addict who has to eat at least once a week. Delicious ?
lance nakagawa on Google

Good place for a bite
Alejandro Schulman on Google

Excellent quality and low prices. Always a good choice
Don Futaba on Google

One of my other favorite places particularly when it comes to cost to quality. I usually get out of there well under 1000 yen and within a 1/2 hour. Plenty to choose from regarding udon based foods. It is open to eating in but as with other places, slightly increased spacing between tables has reduced the overall seating.
한유일 on Google

Reasonable price Various udon and friend things. Kind staff Famous chain restraunt

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