Marugame Seimen Rakuhoku Hankyu Square Shop - Kyoto

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marugame Seimen Rakuhoku Hankyu Square Shop

住所 :

洛北阪急スクエア 36 Takanonishihirakicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 606-8103
Webサイト :

洛北阪急スクエア 36 Takanonishihirakicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8103, Japan
近野紀子 on Google

フードコートのお店ですが、キチンと店内でうどんを打っていました。 出来立てのうどんを味わえます。 また、テイクアウトもされてますので利用しやすくなっています。
It's a food court shop, but I was hitting udon noodles inside the shop. You can enjoy freshly made udon noodles. In addition, it is easy to use because it is also taken out.
キキ on Google

Marugame Seimen is located in a corner of the food court in Hankyu Square. As it is popular, it is often lined up. As it is popular, it is often crowded regardless of time (2F)
Y Hashimoto on Google

何回かこちらの丸亀にきましたが、いつも最悪な気持ちにさせます。 かけうどんがぬるいのにもビックリ。 牛トロ玉うどんの肉がいつもより少ないので伝えたら、逆ギレされた。 会計の時dカードを出したら、何故かめっちゃやな顔されて態度が豹変した。 全ての事で驚いた。
I've been to Marugame several times, but it always makes me feel the worst. I was surprised that the kake udon was lukewarm. The meat of the beef toro ball udon is less than usual, so I told him that it was reversed. When I issued the d card at the time of accounting, for some reason I was faced with a mess and my attitude changed suddenly. I was surprised at everything.
メッセ on Google

The telephone response was smooth and I was able to confirm the parking fee and green onion service, so I was relieved. At Rakuhoku Hankyu Square, you can eat slowly, with 2 hours free on weekdays and 1 hour free on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. As for the green onion service, some of the food courts of other stores do not provide green onions as a service, but I was satisfied because it was a store that could serve green onions properly. It was good that the customer service and hygiene were excellent. I want to come again.
kasabura akasa on Google

いつも繁盛してるうどん屋さんです。天ぷらや、おにぎりといったサイドメニューも豊富で何より安くて美味しいです。 ネギは取り放題ですが、レジに並んでいる時に入れなくてはならない為、気を使ってしまいます。
It is a udon restaurant that is always thriving. There are plenty of side menus such as tempura and rice balls, which are cheap and delicious. You can take all the green onions as much as you want, but you have to put them in when you are in line at the cash register, so you have to be careful.
2 yzk on Google

行く度に嫌な気持ちにさせられる接客。注意出来る人はいないんだろうか‥‥ 以前会計の際に釣り銭をネギ容器に落としていましたが、交換も何もせずそのまま使い続けていました。他の方も書かれているように接客、衛生ともに問題のある店かと思います。
Customer service that makes me feel uncomfortable every time I go. I wonder if anyone can be careful ... I used to drop change in a green onion container at the time of accounting, but I continued to use it without exchanging anything. As other people have written, I think the store has problems with both customer service and hygiene.
10 nonnon on Google

ここの店だけじゃないけど、うどん受け取ってから会計までの時間が長すぎてうどんがのびてしまう。レジを複数代置くとか、改善してほしい うどん・天ぷら共に大好きなんだけどあの待ち時間の為に行く気がしない
It's not just the store here, but the time from receiving the udon to the checkout is too long, and the udon grows. I want you to improve, such as having multiple cashiers I love both udon and tempura, but I don't feel like going because of that waiting time
Brenda Ariesty Kusumasari on Google

Chain udon restaurant located on the 2nd floor of Hankyu Square. The menu is almost the same everywhere; hot/cold udon with different toppings and additional tempura, tendon (rice topped with tempura) and onigiri. Affordable price worth the taste.

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