Marugame Seimen Matsuyamarokkenya - Matsuyama

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marugame Seimen Matsuyamarokkenya

住所 :

3-35 Rokkenyacho, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Postal code : 791-8021
Webサイト :

3-35 Rokkenyacho, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8021, Japan
オオモリ将孝 on Google

The scent of duck green onion udon yuzu was effective and it was delicious.
かい on Google

うどん自体は美味しかったです きつねうどんのあげは味がしっかりしててとてもよかった! 平日夜7時頃行ったのですが、ずっとお喋りしていて、お喋り中は楽しそうなのにレジ対応の女の子ははめちゃくちゃ塩。 お金を落としたときは見向きもせずにガン無視、おつりをトレーに乗せて、嫌そうに、おつりです、と顎で指して置く始末。 お喋りを楽しみながら素手でうどんをベタベタ触りこねくり回す。席に運ぶうどんを間違えた際 「あれ、ちがうやん、見つからんのやけど!さーせーん」 こんな感じ。なんか、高校生の文化祭の出し物みたいでびっくりしました。 注文の仕方の説明とかもなく、どうしたらいいのか分からず焦りました。
The udon itself was delicious The taste of Kitsune Udon was very good! I went there around 7 pm on weekdays, but I was talking all the time, and although it seemed to be fun while talking, the girl who was compatible with the cash register was messed up with salt. When I dropped the money, I ignored the cancer without looking at it, put the change on the tray, and unpleasantly pointed it to the change with my chin. While enjoying talking, touch the udon with your bare hands and knead it. When you make a mistake in carrying udon to your seat "That's wrong, I can't find it! Like this. I was surprised that it looked like a high school student's cultural festival. I was impatient because I didn't know what to do because there was no explanation on how to order.
kyon on Google

2種の天ぷらと定番のおかずのうどん弁当(390円)を初めてテイクアウトしました。 値段、量的にはちょうどでした。
For the first time, I took out two types of tempura and a standard side dish udon lunch (390 yen). The price and quantity were just right.
r ay on Google

2022.3.1. 21時頃。レジの女の子の態度にびっくり。お会計をしてもらう為にレジの前で待っているのに急ぎもせず、お待たせしましたもなく、無愛想に会計されお釣りをトレーに置くとすぐに自分の仕事へ。他の定員さんと話す時は笑い声が聞こえたり大きな声でお喋りして楽しそうですけど…? 遅くまで空いていて大好きなうどん屋さんなのに残念です。
2022.3.1. Around 21:00. I was surprised at the attitude of the girl at the cash register. I was waiting in front of the cashier to get the bill, but I didn't hurry and wait, and the bill was unfriendly and I put the change on the tray and immediately went to my job. When you talk to other people, you can hear laughter and talk loudly, but it seems to be fun ...? It's a pity that it's a udon restaurant that I love until late.
うさぎのゆっくりゲーム実況 on Google

1月5日15時30分頃 釜揚げ大を頼んだのに量が並のぐらいしか入っておらずレジに行くてお年寄りの男性の店員に もうちょっと前にすすんでやみたいな感じで言われバーコード決済にすると携帯もっと近づけて こうやってみたいな感じで勝手に携帯触ってきて それでも反応せずその人の操作ミスでものすごくでかい態度で不愉快な思いをした 食器を拭くときもガチャガチャ凄い音を立てながら拭いていて気分を害した。 本部もちゃんと指導すべき
Around 15:30 on January 5th I asked for a large kamaage, but the amount was only about the same, so I went to the cash register and asked an elderly male clerk. I was told that I would like to proceed a little while ago, and if I make a bar code payment, I will bring it closer to my mobile phone I feel like I want to do it like this Even so, it did not react and I felt unpleasant with a very big attitude even if the person's operation mistake was made. When I wiped the dishes, I was offended by wiping them while making a terrible noise. Headquarters should also be instructed properly
ふくおか“みぃこ”みぃ on Google

丸亀行きたい、行きたいと思ってて、 牛とろ玉うどんが期間限定で出たのと、 もろもろのタイミングが合ったので行ってみた。 期待し過ぎたのかもしれないけど普通にこれくらいのうどんなら他でも食べれるかなぁ~。 この店舗は忙しい時間帯に行ったのも悪かったかもしれないけど対応が雑だった。のが残念。
Marugame I want to go, I want to go, Beef torotama udon was released for a limited time, I went because the timing was right. Maybe I was expecting too much, but I wonder if I can eat anything else like this normally. It may have been bad to go to this store during busy hours, but the response was messy. I'm sorry.
シオンママン on Google

You can easily eat delicious udon noodles by yourself or with your family ?
植木裕久 on Google

It was crowded. It can't be helped because it's lunchtime. I thought that corona measures were inadequate.

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