3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋MARU

住所 :

Heisei, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0037 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://twitter.com/men_ya_MARU
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Heisei, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0037 Miyagi,Japan
えすえい on Google

私への対応は普通でしたが、 後から来たお客さんが販売機でライスを購入したら、『この時間に米が余ってるわけないだろ』と店主に怒られてました。 いや、だったら買えないように売り切れにしとかないと、、、 見ていて気持ちのいいものではありませんでしたのでこの評価です。 味は美味いだけに残念。。。
The response to me was normal, When a customer who came later bought rice from a vending machine, the owner was angry, saying, "There is no surplus rice at this time." No, I have to sell it out so that I can't buy it ... I didn't feel comfortable looking at it, so this is my evaluation. The taste is disappointing because it is delicious. .. ..
S S on Google

G系など濃いラーメンが大好きで 県外県内問わずあちこちお店に行ってますが ここは初めてなので気になり行ってみました。 まず駐車場が少し離れて分かりづらいです。 整備されていない砂利の駐車場で微妙でした。 店に入ると店主一人で切り盛りしており お客さんもいなくて閑散としていました。 そして食券を購入し券を持って待機します。 注文が分かりづらく初めて行く人は壁の貼り紙を 注意深くちゃんと見たほうがいいです。 独自ルールがあり守らないと注意されます。 実際見逃して注意されました。 気分で汁なし頼みましたが味は普通でした。 不味いわけではないのですが感動は特にない。 他にも色んな美味しいお店は沢山あります。 最後にそろそろ食べ終わるところで スチールウールのような金属片が出てきました。 ガッカリです。 何も言わず完食しそっと帰りましたが気分は悪いです。 二度と来ないと思います。 ご馳走様でした。
I love dark ramen such as G series I go to shops here and there regardless of whether it's outside the prefecture or inside the prefecture. This is my first time, so I was curious about it. First of all, the parking lot is a little far away and difficult to understand. It was subtle in the unmaintained gravel parking lot. When you enter the store, the owner is alone It was quiet with no customers. Then buy a meal ticket and wait with the ticket. For those who go for the first time because it is difficult to understand the order, put a sticker on the wall You should look carefully and properly. Please note that there are unique rules and you do not follow them. I actually missed it and was careful. I asked for no soup because of my mood, but the taste was normal. It's not bad, but I'm not particularly impressed. There are many other delicious shops. Finally, when I finish eating A piece of metal like steel wool came out. I'm disappointed. I finished eating without saying anything and went home softly, but I feel sick. I don't think I'll come again. It was a treat.
ギザまめお on Google

同じ趣味を持つ友人に強く勧められて行ってみましたがそれ以来何度も行くようになってしまいました(笑)特に鯛to葱は衝撃です!開店当初の鴨to葱を全く前情報無しで散歩しながら見つけたことが人生における唯一の自慢な私としては絶対に食べなければと意気込んでいたら良い意味で裏切られました!しっかりとした鯛出汁に上品さを感じるほんのり甘めの醤油風味、そしてこれがG系として成り立ってしまうのだからもう店員さんの腕が怖いです(笑) 鯛つけ麺の濃い目や汁なしもクセになる感じで美味しくいただきました!汁なしが1番リピートしてると思います。つけ麺はかなりドロドロしていたので次回頼むときはご飯ものを付ける冒険はしないようにしたいと思います… あ、接客のことで色々な情報があるみたいですが私が行ったときは毎回何も起きてないです。とりあえず掲示物を呼んでおけばあとは食券渡して作ってもらったものいただくだけなので気にする必要もないかと。愛想屋ではなく麺屋なはずなので。 鯛to葱が復活するようなので近々また行きたいと思います!
I was strongly recommended by a friend with the same hobby, but since then I have come to visit many times (laughs) Especially bream to green onion is a shock! The only thing I'm proud of in my life that I found a duck to a green onion during a walk without any previous information at the time of opening the store was betrayed in a good way if I was eager to eat it! The firm broth soup has a slight sweetness and soy sauce flavor, and because this is a G type, it's scary for the clerk's arm (laughs). The dark sea bream noodles and the taste without soup were delicious and delicious! I think that there is no soup and repeats the first. The tsukemen were quite muddy, so I would like to avoid the adventure of adding rice next time I ask... Oh, there seems to be various information about customer service, but when I go, nothing happens. If you call the bulletin board for the time being, all you have to do is hand over the meal ticket and make it. It's supposed to be a noodle shop rather than a lover. Sea bream to green onions will be revived, so I will go back soon!
ぱぴぷぺぽんぽん on Google

数週間前に初訪問。もちろんこちらの口コミは散々読みました…味は美味しいけど接客が…という情報を事前に見ていたためビクビクしながら行きました笑 夜8時頃で店内は若い男性で満席でしたが食券を買い終わるタイミングでちょうど席が空いたので、噂の食券を手に持つスタイルで着席。周りの壁を見るとイヤホン禁止とのことでそっと外しました笑 次に来たお客さんが3人グループだったので店員さんがこちらの方作ってからまとめて作りますと説明されてたのでなんか申し訳なかったです? まあ一回で茹でる量と食べるタイミングを考えるとしょうがないんでしょうね…。 コールの時もビビりまくってたので本来だったらニンニクアブラの量を伝えるところ、はい!って返事しちゃいましたが普通に量はどうしますか〜?って聞かれたので別に接客も普通でした。(若いお兄さん?お一人だったので店長さんじゃなかったのかな?) 無事にラーメンもきて食べましたが、確かに今まで食べた二郎系とはまた違う味!個人的に野菜はシナシナ派でしたがここのシャキシャキ野菜も美味しいなあと感じました。何よりスープが美味しい!混んでいないタイミングで限定のものを食べてみたいですね! 確かに初めて行く人が口コミなどに目を通してないとわからないルールも多いですし、店内も張り紙や注意書きが多かったので何に気をつければいいのか分からないかもな…と思いました。 印象的だったのが大盛りを注文しようとしているお兄さんに店員さんが量がめちゃくちゃやばいですよと色々説明していたので事前の情報は大事だな〜と感じたラーメン屋さんでした笑
First visit a few weeks ago. Of course, I read this review a lot ... I was surprised because I had seen the information in advance that the taste was delicious but the customer service was ... lol At around 8 pm, the store was full of young men, but when I finished buying the meal tickets, the seats were just vacant, so I took a seat in the style of holding the rumored meal ticket. Looking at the surrounding wall, I gently removed it because earphones are prohibited lol The next customer was a group of 3 people, so I'm sorry because the clerk explained that I would make this one and then make it all together ? Well, considering the amount of boiled at one time and the timing of eating, it can't be helped ... I was scared at the time of the call, so I would like to tell you the amount of garlic abra, yes! I replied, but what about the amount normally? I was asked, so the customer service was also normal. (Young brother? Wasn't he the manager because he was alone?) I came and ate ramen safely, but it certainly tasted different from the Jiro-type I had eaten so far! Personally, the vegetables were Chinese, but I felt that the crispy vegetables here were also delicious. The soup is delicious above all! I want to eat a limited edition when it's not crowded! Certainly, there are many rules that people who go for the first time do not understand unless they read the word of mouth, and there are many posters and notes in the store, so I thought that I might not know what to watch out for. What impressed me was the ramen shop who felt that prior information was important because the clerk explained to the older brother who was trying to order a large serving that the amount was messed up.
ブロリークッキー on Google

私が入る前は先客なし 閉店30分前、『まだ大丈夫ですか?』ときくと、新人らしい子が、『大丈夫です?』と笑顔で答えてくれたが、私が入るや否や金髪の子が、そそくさと暖簾を中にしまっていましたw入らない方がよかったかな?w 味はビリーより好きかも。野菜の茹で加減もクタクタではなくパリパリよりで良い感じ。 前のコメント見ると、食べたか中身を金髪の子に確認されるとか言われてたけど、全て平らげて早めに退散させていただきましたw ご馳走様でした。
No predecessor before I entered 30 minutes before the store closed, "Are you still okay? At times, a newcomer-like child answered with a smile, "It's okay ?", but as soon as I entered, the blonde child had a rush and a curtain inside. Wonder? w Maybe you like the taste better than Billy. Boiled vegetables are better than crispy, not crunchy. Looking at the previous comment, it was said that the blonde child would confirm whether he ate or the contents, but I flattened everything and dismissed early w It was a treat.
味の素 on Google

他の方も書かれていますが、事前に店舗固有のルールを熟知してから来店する事を強くおすすめします。 特に初心者が怒鳴られやすいのは、食券を手に持っていないケースです。 「食券は手に持て。張り紙が読めねーのか」と怒鳴られているお客さんを何度か見ました。 また、店主はマスクをしていないため、感染にも気をつけてください。
Others have written it, but we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the store-specific rules before coming to the store. Beginners are especially vulnerable to yelling when they don't have a meal ticket in their hands. I saw several customers yelling, "Hold your meal ticket in your hand. Can't you read the poster?" Also, the shop owner does not wear a mask, so be careful of infection.
tmt 30 on Google

If you like G-type, you'll want to go there once, but Maru will be at the threshold of the store rules. It is an appetizing visual with a distinctive appearance on which green onions are placed. This has a solid amount of both Yasai and Abra, so even if you like Mashimashi, let's make it the default first. We recommend gray onion toppings. Please try it. The soup is a soup that goes well with the noodles, which have a strong aroma and taste, and is crispy until the end of eating. As you can see in the picture, the pig is juicy and has a good taste. It's a satisfying cup. There are 3 parking lots, but it is difficult to understand. Let's count on the green cone.
佐藤哲朗 on Google

ココの口コミを読まないでぷらっと訪問。 トッピングを付けたかったがわかりにくいので並だけを選択。券売機で食券を購入しカウンターに出して座っていると「食券は手に持って、待って」と怒り気味に言われる!何を言われてるのかわからず、食券を持って立ったがコレも違ったらしい。なんか変なこだわりがあって客に強要してきます。 帰ろうかと思ったが、腹も減っていてここはグッと我慢。ルールの貼紙があって「残すと出禁」などのルールも書いてありました。口にあわない人もいるであろうに…これは酷いルールです。 店内にはフィギュアなどが飾られてあり清潔感はありません。店員はマスクなし。私服っぽいパーカー姿。清潔感がなくてダメ。水を入れるウォーターサーバが草野球で使うやつみたいで初見は入れづらい。こぼしてしまいました。(怒られるかと思ってビクビクした笑) 美味しいとか不味いとか以前に店員の接客姿勢が悪すぎて評価に値しません。高いサービスを求めてるわけじゃなく飲食店として普通の事をやればいいのに、と思います。そもそもそんなすごいラーメンか??★ゼロ。
Visit without reading Coco's reviews. I wanted to add toppings, but it's difficult to understand, so I chose only average. When I bought a meal ticket at a ticket machine, put it out at the counter, and sat down, I was angry and said, "Hold the meal ticket in your hand and wait!" I didn't know what was being said, so I stood up with a meal ticket, but it seems that this was different. There is something strange about it and I will force customers. I thought I'd go home, but I'm hungry and I have to put up with it. There was a sticker of the rule, and rules such as "If you leave it, you will be banned" were also written. Some people may not like it ... this is a terrible rule. The inside of the store is decorated with figures and so on, so there is no sense of cleanliness. The clerk has no mask. A hoodie that looks like plain clothes. It's not clean. The water server that puts water in is like the one used in grass baseball, so it's hard to put it in for the first time. I spilled it. (I was surprised to get angry) The customer service attitude of the clerk was too bad before it was delicious or unpleasant, and it is not worthy of evaluation. I don't want high service, I think I should do normal things as a restaurant. Is it such a great ramen in the first place? ?? ★ Zero.

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