Mandai Sakai Takasu - Sakai

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mandai Sakai Takasu

住所 :

一階 1 Chome-1-5 Takasucho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 590-0003
Webサイト :

一階 1 Chome-1-5 Takasucho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0003, Japan
Tack Clayton on Google

惣菜、パンの種類が多い 午前中だと魚、野菜も新鮮なものが多い‼️
There are many types of side dishes and bread Many fish and vegetables are fresh in the morning! ️
Fukuro Ishizuchi on Google

駐車場がいつも混んでるが 広いので置けなかったことは無い 電車だと阪堺線 高須神社電停からも 5分くらい。
The parking lot is always crowded It's so wide that I've never been able to put it By train, from the Hankai Line Takasu Shrine tram stop About 5 minutes.
Masaaki Sueto on Google

他の万代は知りませんが高須店では…レジに人がいても無理やりレジから入ろうとする客を目にします。 それを店員も注意しません。 車椅子を押していて、通れる余地は無いのに‥車椅子を避けてまで入ってくるのを注意せずに、「○○○円です。○番の精算機で。」と。店員の意識は低いですね。。これが‥ベビーカー押し退けられたら、精算どころじゃなく!子どもが泣き出しますよ。。 警備員居るなら、出口から入れない様にすれば良いのに。。 車で買い物する方には、駐車場が大きくて、売り上げは上がるだろうけど… 質は良くない印象です。あくまでも、私の印象ですが。
I don't know about other Bandai, but at the Takasu store ... I see customers trying to enter from the cash register even if there are people at the cash register. The clerk does not pay attention to it either. I'm pushing a wheelchair and there's no room for it, but without paying attention to avoiding the wheelchair, I said, "It's XX yen. With the XX payment machine." The clerk's awareness is low. If this is pushed away from the stroller, it's not the place to pay! The child will start crying. If you have a security guard, you should not enter from the exit. For those who shop by car, the parking lot is large and sales will increase, but the quality is not good. It's just my impression.
あーずるぷらす on Google

クレジットカード対応と表示がありますが、クレジットカード払いで、と言っても毎回現金で通されます…三回行って三回ともスルー。会計後すぐ近くのATMで下ろして事なきを得てますが、話は聞いてほしいなと思います。流れ作業だから仕方ないのかもしれませんが… 惣菜、パンが美味しいので行きたいけど毎回残念だなぁと思います。
There is a display saying that it is compatible with credit cards, but even if you pay by credit card, you will be passed in cash every time ... Go three times and go through all three times. After the checkout, I got it off at an ATM near me, but I would like you to hear the story. It may be unavoidable because it is an assembly line work, but ... I want to go because the side dishes and bread are delicious, but I think it's a shame every time.
ショコラマロン on Google

新鮮な商品が沢山陳列してました。 お弁当、お惣菜も色々ありました。 駐車場は、無料です。 横にコーナンもあります。
A lot of fresh products were on display. There were various lunch boxes and side dishes. Parking is free. There is also Kohnan next to it.
にゃんにゃん on Google

地域柄なのは重々承知ですが、常識のない親子連れが多く目に余る。 混雑してる夕方でも鬼ごっこや追いかけたりして他の人にぶつかっても知らんぷり、食べ物をベタベタと触ったり。。。 親は何をしてるのかと言うとスマホを弄ったりお喋りしたり。。 注意したくても、子が子なら親も親、、、見た目からして感じの良い人達ではなく、怖くて注意は出来ませんでした。 足が悪いのでぶつかって怪我をしたくないので、夕方は行かないようにします。
I know that it is a regional area, but there are many parents and children who do not have common sense. Even in the crowded evening, I don't know if I play tag or chase and hit other people, and I touch the food sticky. .. .. What parents are doing is playing with their smartphones and talking. .. Even if I wanted to be careful, if the child was a child, the parents were also parents, and they weren't the ones who looked good, and I was scared and couldn't be careful. I don't want to get hurt by hitting my leg because I have a bad leg, so I try not to go in the evening.
Keith Bazzle on Google

Fulfilled all my needs
Thuy Dang on Google

It cheaper here than the convenient store, obviously, but still a bit more expensive than other supermarket. I love fruit and bought a quite expensive package of peach here, but the quality wasn't as good as it should be. Maybe I expected too much. Though, they sell everything you need and the ready made food is good. Beside it open till late at night, about 10PM I think, which is very convenient.

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