Mamiya Heritage - Okazaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mamiya Heritage

住所 :

Okazaki, Aichi 444-0855, Japan

Postal code : 444-0855
Webサイト :

Okazaki, Aichi 444-0855, Japan
足利義植 on Google

It is a ruin of various times.
Shun Yamashita on Google

小さな遺跡のある公園です 六名が洪水になってもここは沈みません
A park with small ruins Even if six people flood, this will not sink
義弘安達 on Google

The earthenware is exposed and stored, is it a replica? Discovered by jogging. I'm a little surprised.
吉岡雄次 on Google

This is also the site of a castle called Rokumeijo. However, there was no remains as a castle ruin.
ほいさっさ太郎 on Google

The foundations and pottery of the pit dwelling have been restored, and it is a spectacular site.
Syun XooX on Google

住宅地にある縄文時代の遺跡。 気温2℃で強風にもかかわらず 神様みたいな人がベンチで寝てました。
A remains of the Jomon period in a residential area. Despite the strong wind at 2 ℃ A person like God was sleeping on the bench.
ロン・オッター on Google

国指定史跡です。「しんぐういせき」とよぶそうです。 矢作川左岸沿いに位置する、縄文~鎌倉時代の長期にわたって生活の痕跡が残る複合遺跡で、土墳や竪穴住居の遺構が再現されています。遺跡保護のため、本当の遺構は埋め戻されています。 しかしいつも思うのですが、ここと同じように遺跡を埋め戻す遺跡はかなり多いですが、埋め戻す必要ってあるのでしょうか? また発掘し直すなんてことはないでしょうに。ましてや公園にしてそこで再現しているのであれば、凸凹や大きな石がジャマとなり、草野球やサッカーとかし辛くなるのでは?
It is a national designated historical site. It seems to call "Shinkui". Located along the left bank of the Yahagi River, it is a complex ruins where traces of life remain in the Jomon - Kamakura period for a long time, and the remains of soil dugouts and pit dwellings are reproduced. To protect the ruins, the real remains are being backfilled. However, as always, there are quite a few ruins that fill the ruins in the same way as here, but do you need to backfill them? There will be no way to unearth again. If you make it to the park and reproduce it there, unevenness and big stones become jama, and grass baseball and soccer become painfully hard to do?
M N on Google

真宮遺跡は、縄文時代から中世までの複合遺跡です。昭和48年に区画整理事業に伴う工事中に発掘され、約4万平方メートルから縄文時代の平地住居跡12軒、土器棺墓37基、土坑6基、弥生時代の方形周溝墓1基、古墳時代の竪穴住居跡11軒、奈良・平安時代の竪穴住居跡19軒と堀立柱建物跡1棟と埋甕1基が発見されている。縄文時代の住居跡からは、土器、石斧や石鏃、石皿といった生活用具、石刀・石剣や土偶・岩偶・動物形石製品 などの儀式用と思われる遺物が出土しているそうです。
Mamiya Heritage is a complex site from the Jomon period to the Middle Ages. Excavated during the construction work associated with the land readjustment project in 1973, from approximately 40,000 square meters, 12 flatland dwellings from the Jomon period, 37 earthen pit tombs, 6 earthen pits, 1 square-shaped tomb from the Yayoi period, Eleven pit-houses from the Kofun period, 19 pit-houses from the Nara / Heian period, one pit-house building, and one burial have been found. From the remains of the Jomon period dwellings, earthenware, stone axes, stone irons, stone plates and other living tools, and relics such as stone swords, stone swords, clay figurines, rock figurines, and animal-shaped stone products have been excavated.

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