
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本郷内科

住所 :

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://hongokai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–12:30PM
Thursday 10AM–12:30PM
Friday 10AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan
certnluz on Google

papas manten on Google

There is almost no waiting time. There is no waiting time to worry. Women's response is the worst.
シゴフミ on Google

自分の思うことを話すだけで、人の話しは聞かず、風邪と決めつけられ、他の病院に行ったところ風邪以外の症状でした。 二度とここには通いません。
I just talked about what I thought, I did not listen to people's talk, I was determined to have a cold, and I went to another hospital with symptoms other than a cold. I will never go here again.
Ariel Hsieh on Google

The clinic itself seems a bit old, but the teachers and the receptionist were kind and easy to talk to. The waiting room was large and it was nice and comfortable.
nao coco on Google

治りかけの風邪と言われましたが悪化し喘息と他院で診断されました。薬も漢方以外を希望しましたがこの症状にはこれしかないと言われ漢方薬を処方されました。行きつけの処方せん薬局では、この薬では効果ありませんでしたよね?と言われました。 もう行きません。
I was told that I had a cold that was about to heal, but it got worse and I was diagnosed with asthma at another hospital. I wanted a medicine other than Chinese medicine, but I was told that this was the only medicine for this symptom and I was prescribed Chinese medicine. At your favorite prescription pharmacy, this drug didn't work, right? They said. I won't go anymore.
M J on Google

When I had the flu, I thought I had a mild cold, but the teacher gave me a very careful examination and prescribed a medicine that worked well. I think that other hospitals didn't notice it before the B type became popular. The examination was really polite.
** on Google

急性腎不全による尿毒症で初来院。初診は問題無し、二度目が血液検査、三度目に緊急入院の紹介状、と約1か月3回の来院で緊急入院のスピード治療でした。 末期腎不全でしたが、『食事制限不要』の力強いお言葉でQOL指導にも力が入ってます。 現在はコロナ禍で人工透析患者のみとなり病人は受け入れしていないため、健康で人工透析をされている方におすすめです。
First visit due to uremia due to acute renal failure. There was no problem at the first visit, the second was a blood test, the third was a referral letter for emergency hospitalization, and about three visits a month, it was a speedy treatment for emergency hospitalization. Although I had end-stage renal disease, I am also focusing on QOL guidance with the powerful words of "no dietary restrictions required". Currently, only corona dialysis patients are accepted, and sick people are not accepted, so it is recommended for those who are healthy and undergoing dialysis.
Johnny Hata on Google

Very friendly attendants and doctors. They help you to try to understand what you are felling, but it helps if you search previously using Google translator. Recommend.

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