Makita General Hospital Medical Check-up Center - Ota City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Makita General Hospital Medical Check-up Center

住所 :

B棟 2 F 8 Chome-20-1 Nishikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 144-8501
Webサイト :

B棟 2 F 8 Chome-20-1 Nishikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-8501, Japan
ha on Google

I had a medical examination. The staff were very nice and kind. The hospital was spacious and clean as it moved closer to the station. The mammo was up, down, left and right (the other hospital was only left and right), and the mammary gland echo was also examined in great detail. He kindly called out to me, who had an anxious face, and I thought that this was a safe place for a gynecological examination.
コブラカイ on Google

婦人科受診で。 かなり混んでるけどスムーズよ。 総合だから何かあったら安心。 無事産まれて来ますように。
At a gynecological examination. It's pretty crowded but smooth. It's comprehensive, so it's safe if something happens. I hope you will be born safely.
m on Google

新しい施設なので清潔感はあります。 直接診てくれる医師、技師たちは親切丁寧です。 けれど事務服を着ている職員の方々が意味もなく、 バタバタ歩きまわっていて落ち着きません。 緊急を要する場でもないし、 健診受診者は少ないので雑事に追われているようでもないのに、 静かな健診センター内の職員同士でのおしゃべりと、バタバタ歩きは気になります。 医療事務専門学校でマナーも学んでいるでしょうから、 健診センターのイメージ悪くさせるので気をつけていただきたいです。
It's a new facility, so it's clean. The doctors and engineers who see you directly are kind and polite. However, the staff wearing office clothes are meaningless, I'm fluttering around and I'm restless. It ’s not an urgent place, There aren't many people undergoing medical examinations, so it doesn't seem like they're busy with miscellaneous things. I'm worried about chatting between staff members in the quiet medical examination center and fluttering. You're probably studying etiquette at a medical office school, Please be careful as it will make the image of the medical examination center worse.
もーりー on Google

A medical examination center that gives top priority to turning quickly. In particular, the reception staff was like a robot and had no human touch.
明太子 on Google

勤務先からの指定で定期検診を受けるため、自宅から一番近いこちらへ電話をかけ続けましたが、数時間トライしてもガイダンス→呼び出し音ばかりで一度もつながることがありません。 コロナで受付を縮小しているのかもしれませんが、受診希望者に対して何のアナウンスもなく無駄に時間を取らせるのは感心しません。
I kept calling the person closest to me from my home because I received regular medical examinations as specified by my office, but even if I tried for a few hours, I couldn't connect even once with only guidance → ringing tone. It may be that the reception is being reduced in Corona, but I'm not impressed with the wasted time without any announcement for those who wish to see the doctor.
May N on Google

会社の健康診断で利用しました。 院内は綺麗で、場所もわかりやすく迷う事なくたどり着けました。 婦人科や血圧問診など、一部混み合っている所があり、少し退屈だったので雑誌や本などあれば嬉しいです。 でも待ち時間の間に空いてるところを案内してくれたり、事務の方も看護師さんもテキパキ誘導していてあれだけの人達をパニックにならずさばかれていて、すごいなと思いました。 塩対応な方も中には居ますが、とても親切な方もいらっしゃいます。 心電図の看護師さんと自分の脈拍の状態についてお話していたら、別の診断受けている間に先生に聞きに行って下さり、わざわざ伝えに来て下さいました。ありがとうございました。
I used it for my company's health check. The inside of the hospital was beautiful, the location was easy to understand, and I arrived without hesitation. There are some places that are crowded, such as gynecology and blood pressure interviews, and it was a little boring, so I would be happy if I had a magazine or book. However, I thought it was amazing that the office staff and the nurses were guiding me to the places that were vacant during the waiting time, and that many people were being treated without panicking. Some people are salt-friendly, but some are very kind. When I was talking with an ECG nurse about my pulse condition, he went to ask the teacher while I was receiving another diagnosis and came all the way to tell me. Thank you very much.
원스트와이스 on Google

とにかく受付と案内が雑で機械的。新病棟になってからより悪くなっている。コロナ禍で大変な仕事は分かるが、受診者は不安な気持ちも抱えてきているのに、人をモノとして扱う態度が不安感を煽る。人間ドック自体が嫌になる。給料安く、ノルマが多いのか、事務職のストレス一杯感を感じる。病気をしても、こういう病院には入院したくないと思った。 場内案内も、エリア名と検診種目の2重管理でわかり難く、胃カメラの際は検診着で受付を通過しなければいけない導線設定の悪さ。ナンバーと個人名の問診票とチェックが分かりずらく、案内係も看護師さんも受診者の顔をロクに見ない。 大森蒲田地区の地域医療を担う大病院なのでもっと経営者には意識を高く持ってもらいたい。 他で予約が取れない時以外は避けた方がいいと思います。
Anyway, the reception and guidance are sloppy and mechanical. It's getting worse since it became a new ward. I understand the difficult work of Corona, but the examinee has anxiety, but the attitude of treating people as things fuels anxiety. I hate the human dock itself. I feel the stress of clerical work is full, probably because the salary is low and there are many quotas. Even if I got sick, I didn't want to be hospitalized in such a hospital. Guidance in the hall is also difficult to understand due to the double management of the area name and the examination item, and in the case of a gastrocamera, the conductor setting is bad because you have to go through the reception desk with the examination clothes. It is difficult to understand the number and personal name of the questionnaire and the check, and neither the usher nor the nurse looks at the examinee's face. Since it is a large hospital that handles regional medical care in the Omori Kamata area, I would like the management to have a higher awareness. I think you should avoid it unless you can't make a reservation elsewhere.
だいごとこはる on Google

元々は蒲田駅の北にありましたが、南口から歩いてすぐの所に移転して新しくなりました。 毎年健康診断でお世話になっています! 中はかなり広く、採血やレントゲンなど項目ごとに結構移動しますが、いろんな所に係の方が立っていて、初めての人でも安心して受診できます。
Originally it was in the north of Kamata station, but it has moved to a new location just a short walk from the south exit. I am indebted to my health checkup every year! The inside is quite large, and you can move around for each item such as blood sampling and X-rays, but there are people in charge at various places, so even first-timers can feel at ease.

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