
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリーMOA

住所 :

Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, 〒336-0017 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : https://patisserie-moa.jp/
街 : Saitama

Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, 〒336-0017 Saitama,Japan
Koichi Mase on Google

店内は明るく楽しい気分になるディスプレイに満ち溢れている店。 クリスマス時期には予約客であふれかえる人気店。 個人的にはごつごつシュー(170円)がお気に入り。ごつごつしたシューにこくのあるクリームがつまったシュークリーム。 ショーケースに入っているケーキ以外にもゼリー、ドーナツ、焼き菓子、カステラ等などいろいろなものが揃っている。 「ひかり(光)カステラ」という商品があるが、以前この店舗ができる前にあった本屋「光書房」の名前にちなんで「ひかり」とネーミングされたとのこと。 また人気店であるせいか店先の路上駐車する人が多いが、店舗横に駐車場があるので、そちらをぜひ利用したい。
The store is full of displays that make you feel bright and enjoyable. A popular store that is filled with reserved customers at Christmas time. Personally, I like my favorite shoes (170 yen). A cream puff in which a cream with a firmness is stuck in a firm shoe. In addition to the cakes in the showcase, there are various things such as jelly, donuts, baked goods, castellas and so on. There is a product called "Hikari (light) castella", but it was named "Hikari" after the name of the bookstore "Hikari Shobo" that was before this store was made before. In addition, there are many people who park on the street at the storefront because it is a popular store, but because there is a parking lot next to the store, I want to use that by all means.
man black on Google

価格帯や美味しさだとまあまあだと思いますが、皆さんおっしゃってる接客面や従業員さんが… あまり対応よくないかな。 コンビニとかならいいんですけどケーキ屋さんで雰囲気も込みですからねえ。 なんとかならないものか 大体の店員さんがそんなに対応よくないのでもったいないかなとは思ってしまいます。
I think the price range and deliciousness are OK, but the customer service and employees you are talking about are not very good. It would be nice if it was a convenience store, but it's a cake shop and the atmosphere is also included. Something that can't be done I wonder if it's a waste because most of the staff aren't so good at dealing with it.
月見団子 on Google

若い店員もテキパキしてて対応は良い。 ケーキは甘すぎず、かといって薄いわけでもなく大きさもちょうどいい。 子供の誕生日ケーキを何度か注文したことがある。 最近は飴細工もやるようだ。 店舗、駐車場は狭い。駐車場は店舗の左隣接地に5台あるが間隔は狭い。 週末は予約客が多いので時間をずらした方が無難。 定休日は水曜で通常営業日は19:30で閉店。 駅からは近いが周辺の道路は複雑なので最初は店を探しにくいかもしれない。
The young clerk is also very responsive and the response is good. The cake isn't too sweet, it's not thin, and it's just the right size. I have ordered a child's birthday cake several times. Recently, he seems to be doing candy work. Stores and parking lots are small. There are 5 parking lots on the left side of the store, but the intervals are narrow. Since there are many reservation customers on weekends, it is safer to stagger the time. The store is closed on Wednesdays and is closed at 19:30 on regular business days. Although it is close to the station, the roads around it are complicated, so it may be difficult to find a store at first.
香取貴子 on Google

誕生日お祝いにイラストプレートを頼みました!手書きではなく、プリントでしたので、逆に複雑なキャラや複数キャラのシーンでも大丈夫でした! プレートサイズは小さめです! 追記: ひな祭りにケーキを買いに行きました。 去年も、お雛様のケーキがなく、お内裏様のケーキしか余っていませんでした。 今年も同じように、お内裏様のケーキ(40くらい)はありましたが、お雛様のケーキが残りひとつくらいでした、、、16時ころでしたが、行列はあったので、需要があると思いますので、お雛様のケーキを増やしてほしいです! 写真は、上ふたつはモアさんのケーキ 左下飾りは、お雛様が欲しくて、飾りのみのもの 右下のいちご大福は他店です。
I asked for an illustration plate to celebrate my birthday! It was printed, not handwritten, so it was okay for complicated characters and multiple character scenes! The plate size is small! postscript: I went to buy cake at the Doll's Festival. Last year, there was no Hina-sama's cake, and only the inner back's cake was left. In the same way this year, there was a cake for the inner back (about 40), but there was only one cake left for the chicks ... It was around 16:00, but there was a line, so I think there is demand. So I want you to increase the number of chick cakes! In the photo, the top two are Moa's cakes. The lower left decoration is only for decoration because I want chicks Ichigo Daifuku in the lower right is another store.
あきむし on Google

誕生日にカットケーキを購入。 大きめですがお値段もまぁまぁ します。綺麗なケーキでしたが 自転車の籠で崩れてしまい? 焼菓子などは以前贈答品で購入。 田舎の親戚には みなみうら輪というドーナツを購入。まだあるのかしら? だいぶ前です?
I bought a cut cake for my birthday. It's big, but the price is ok To do. It was a beautiful cake It collapsed in a bicycle basket ? I used to buy baked goods as gifts. For relatives in the country I bought a donut called Minami Urawa. Is it still there? A long time ago?
渋谷孝 on Google

I visited for the first time! It was a late time so the number of items was small, but I bought a short strawberry, chocolate and a cup of pudding. They are all delicious. Although it was close to the station, there were several parking lots next to the store, so it was easy to reach by car. I went there at night and found out immediately.
Todoちゃん on Google

シュークリームの味が落ちた。以前とても美味しくて感動したので、久し振りに買いに行きました。一口食べた瞬間、えっ!こんなんだっけ?美味しくなくなった。クリームのコクが無くなって、フワフワした食感、カスタードの味が感じられない。最後まで食べて胸やけ、残念。何か混ぜて増量?パティシエの腕? また、嫌な事もあった。誕生日ケーキのチョコプレートに書く名前を店員さんに聞かれ、「ひろえ」です、と伝えた。いざ、ケーキを取り出すと「誕生日おめでとう!ひろえ」と呼び捨てで書かれていた!。この店は「ひろえちゃん」と書いてと言わないと「誕生日おめでとう!ひろえちゃん」「○○君」と書いてくれません!誕生日のテンションを下げられた。 バースデーケーキの生クリームデコレーションケーキは、生クリームが軽くアッサリ目で、食べた後も変にくどくならず、胸焼けもしない。スポンジも適度にしっとりかな?これは美味しかった。それだけに、プレートの対応が残念でならない。 浦和駅付近のホールケーキと比べてコスパは断然良い。
The taste of cream puff has dropped. I was impressed by how delicious it was before, so I went to buy it for the first time in a while. The moment I ate a bite, eh! Is it like this? It's no longer delicious. The richness of the cream is gone, and the fluffy texture and the taste of custard cannot be felt. I'm sorry to eat until the end. Mix something and increase the amount? Pastry chef's arm? Also, there were some unpleasant things. The clerk asked me the name to write on the chocolate plate of the birthday cake and told me that it was "Hiroe". When I took out the cake, it was written as "Happy Birthday! Hiroe"! .. This shop will not write "Happy Birthday! Hiroe-chan" or "○○ -kun" unless you say "Hiroe-chan"! I was able to lower my birthday tension. The fresh cream decoration cake of the birthday cake has a light creamy texture, and it does not become strangely irritating even after eating, and it does not cause heartburn. Is the sponge moderately moist? This was delicious. For that reason, the correspondence of the plate is unfortunate. Cospa is definitely better than the whole cake near Urawa station.
Thomas Vimal on Google

Excellent places for ordering cakes for parties

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