焼きたてパン ファリーヌ 永山店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼きたてパン ファリーヌ 永山店

住所 :

Mahikizawa, Tama, 〒206-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://search.yahoo.co.jp/amp/s/s.tabelog.com/tokyo/A1327/A132702/13090510/top_amp/%253Fusqp%253Dmq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%25253D
街 : Tokyo

Mahikizawa, Tama, 〒206-0023 Tokyo,Japan

噂のよもぎパンを食べました。確かに小さいながら餡がしっかり入っていて、餡の重みで結構ずっしりきます。餡の味は優しい甘さなのでいくらでも行けそうですね。価格は140円です。 また、女性受けしそうなフルーツがふんだんに乗ったタルト系のパンもいろいろありましたよ。 付け加えます。自家製プリン(正式名・パンプティングプリン)が絶品過ぎます。価格200円ですが、それ以上の価値はあります。絶対に❗
I ate rumored wormwood bread. Although it is small, it has a well-filled kite, and the weight of the kite is quite heavy. The taste of the candy is so sweet that you can go as much as you want. The price is 140 yen. There were also a variety of tart breads with plenty of fruit likely to be received by women. I will add. Homemade pudding (official name, pumping pudding) is too good. The price is 200 yen, but it is worth it. Absolutely ❗
もりぐちさささ on Google

値段の割にはぎっちり詰まったヨモギ餡パンの餡や、小さいけど食べごたえのあるグラタンパン、甘くてどこか懐かしいバター風味なミルクスティックパン。 どれもすごく美味しいです。 ただ、一年前に、平たいパンに芋とマヨネーズがついていた惣菜パンは美味しくなくがっかりした記憶がありましたが、今は店頭で見かけないのでなくなったのかな? サンドイッチの惣菜系は味に偏りがあり常連向けな感じがしました。(ゴボウマヨサンドとか)でもデニッシュは間違いなく美味しいです。 ピザはこれでもかッと言うくらいチーズたっぷりで個人的にすごく好きです(お値段もちょうどいい) 小さな店内だけど種類も豊富! すぐになくなってしまうので焼きたてが次々でてタイミングが合えば熱々を食べられます。 接客は可もなく不可もなく。普通かな? 常連に愛された昔ながらのしっかり仕事をしているパン屋さんです。
For the price, the bean jam of the mugwort bean jam packed tightly, the gratin bread which is small but satisfying to eat, and the milk stick bread with butter flavor that is sweet and somewhat nostalgic. All are very delicious. However, a year ago, I had a bad memory that the flat bread with potatoes and mayonnaise was delicious and I was disappointed, but I don't see it now because it's not seen at the store? The side dish of the sandwich was uneven in taste and I felt it was for regular customers. Even if it's burdock mayo sandwich, Danish is definitely delicious. I personally like pizza with plenty of cheese (it's just right for the price). Although it is a small shop, there are many kinds! It will be gone soon, so you can eat hot if the timing is right after the freshly baked one after another. No customer service is acceptable or impossible. Maybe just normal? This is a bakery shop that is loved by regulars and does a good old-fashioned job.
ラインバッハ3世シュトルテハイム on Google

知り合いに教えてもらい行きました。 甘いパンは美味しいのですが市販の菓子パンと比べると中身が詰まっているので(素晴らしいことなのですが)重く、もういいかな…となりました。 惣菜パンでピザ系統と野菜フォカッチャをよく購入しています。 野菜フォカッチャは大きなじゃがいもやズッキーニ、いろいろな野菜が乗っていて食べ応えがあり、トマトのピザは素材の味が出ています。 駐車場・駐輪場がないので皆さん路駐か歩道に自転車を止めてますが危ないと思います。 セブンイレブンが近くにあるので、そちらでも買い物しないといけなくなりますがそっちに止めたほうが安全かなと。 ただ、毎日のように購入している方だとそんなことやってられないよなーと思いつつ、駐車スペースほしいなと思ってしまいます。
I went to an acquaintance to teach me. Sweet buns are delicious, but they are heavier (though it's great) because they're much more packed than commercially available buns, so I think it's okay. I often buy pizza and vegetable focaccia with prepared bread. The vegetable focaccia has big potatoes, zucchini, and various vegetables on it, which makes it easy to eat. The tomato pizza has the taste of ingredients. There are no parking lots or bicycle parking lots, so everyone parks their bicycles on the sidewalk or on the sidewalk, but I think it is dangerous. Seven-Eleven is near, so I have to do shopping there, but I think it would be safer to stop there. However, I think that if you purchase it everyday, you can't do that, and you want a parking space.
林健太朗 on Google

I was at a loss because of the wide variety of bread. The tomato and cheese pizza bread was very delicious. No matter which bread you buy, you won't lose.
Shigeru “G2” じーつー on Google

リベンジ叶いました。 日曜日も開いてるので、使いやすいですね。 狭いお店なので、1組ずつ入るのが良いと思いました。 そして、狭さとは裏腹に、そこそこ色んな種類・大きさのパンを選べます。 調理パンは、美味しいお惣菜! こんなにしっかり茄子を味わえるパンは初めてです(^-^ パンが小さめにしてあるメンチカツサンド、1切れでも食べ応え十分です。 ――――― 今日(8/13)はお休みでした。
Revenge has come true. It's open on Sundays, so it's easy to use. It's a small shop, so I thought it would be good to enter one group at a time. And, contrary to the narrowness, you can choose bread of various types and sizes. Cooking bread is a delicious side dish! This is the first bread that you can taste eggplant so well (^-^ Menchi-katsu sandwich with small bread, even one slice is enough to eat. ――――― Today (8/13) was a holiday.

Farine's freshly baked croissants and wiener rolls were very delicious. Open from 8:30 in the morning
nao t*66 (takamie) on Google

メンチカツサンドの大ファンで定期的に頂くのですが全く飽きることのない味。 季節ごとのパンも優しいお父さんとお母さんが1つ1つ丁寧に作っている温かい味が大好きです。 この他にも、なかなかタイミングが難しいのですが、お昼過ぎ頃に焼き上がるフランスパンの生地のあんパンもオススメです。
I get it regularly with a large fan of Menchi-katsu sandwich, but it's a taste that I never get tired of. I love the warm taste of seasonal bread, which is carefully made by father and mother one by one. In addition to this, timing is quite difficult, but I also recommend the Anpan bread, which is a flan bread dough that is baked around noon.
osumi on Google

The bread is beautiful and delicious. There was a chestnut fruit in the chestnut pie.

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