Magokorokitakoshigaya Ekimae Orthopedic Clinic - Koshigaya

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Magokorokitakoshigaya Ekimae Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-3-3 Kitakoshigaya, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 343-0026
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM

4 Chome-3-3 Kitakoshigaya, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0026, Japan
GM LAN on Google

最初に格安で人を集めその後高額な回数券を勧められます。 回数券は90回で45万などかなり高額で返金できると言うが元々あった会社では返金出来ず倒産したので怪しい。 やわらぎ宮原日進整骨院の同じグループのようです。 これ以上被害者が増えませように口コミ投稿します。
You can get people cheap at first and then recommend a high-priced coupon. It is said that the coupon ticket can be refunded at a very high price such as 450,000 with 90 times, but the original company could not refund it and it went bankrupt, so it is doubtful. It seems like the same group at Yawaragi Miyahara Nisshin Osteopath. I will post reviews so that more victims will not increase.
幸田真一 on Google

I was looking for an osteopathic clinic in Koshigaya where I could feel the most secure treatment for traffic accident whiplash, and since my workplace is close to Kitakoshigaya, I decided to go to the osteopathic clinic in front of Kitakoshigaya station. There was a free consultation with a traffic accident lawyer, and the traffic accident treatment was also free, so I went to the hospital with confidence. I was glad that the whiplash treatment for traffic accidents was well treated from various treatment approaches, and the discomfort around the neck was alleviated.
mixxx voice on Google

少し前にかかりましたが、長髪の男性が「アイツどこ行ったの?」「予約そんな時間に入れるの無理だろ」「言っても分かんねーな」「あのジジイまたか」など、他の患者さんに対して患者さんを目の前にしていない時の暴言がひどかった。自分もそんな風に言われるのだと思うと嫌になって一回で行くのをやめた。どこがまごころ? ご返信ありがとうございます。スマートウォッチで常に周りの音を録音しているので証拠を提示しろと言われるなら今すぐにでもネットにアップロードできます。すごく嫌な気持ちになったので改善を願うばかりです。 追記 以下のように書いていたのに証拠があると言った瞬間掌返しですね。事実無根ではなかったということだと思います。虚偽ではないのでこちらの書き込みは刑法233条には該当しません。 「当院では、SNSでの名誉棄損、偽計業務妨害に関わる本投稿の「嘘の記載」に関して、顧問弁護士よりこの口コミに対して断固として法的手続きさせて頂きます。googleによる個別電話番号の認証(これはすべてのgoogleアカウントに紐づけられているので個人が特定出来ます)、メールアドレス、IPアドレスの情報公開請求後に、個人を特定させて頂き次第、法的手続きをさせて頂きます。この投稿はキャプチャにて保存させて頂きましたので、民事訴訟裁判での証拠として提出させて頂きます。 ※偽計業務妨害は、業務妨害罪の一種で,虚偽の風説を流布し,または偽計を用いて人の業務を妨害する行為を内容としている犯罪になります。 刑法233条に規定されており,違反すると3年以下の懲役又は50万円以下の罰金が課されます。 なお,刑法233条は「信用及び業務に対する罪」として,信用毀損罪(前段)と業務妨害罪(後段)の2つの罪を合わせて規定しています。信用毀損罪は,個人の経済的信用を保護法益にしている犯罪に対して,個人の社会的活動を保護法益とする業務妨害罪とは罪質を異にしています。 本罪の行為である「虚偽の風説を流布」するとは,虚偽の事項を内容とする噂を,不特定または多数の者に知れ渡るようにすることをいいます。」
It took a while ago, but a long-haired man said, "Where did he go?" "I can't make a reservation at that time." "I don't know if I say it." "That Jijii Mataka." On the other hand, the rant was terrible when he was not in front of the patient. When I thought that I was being told that way, I didn't like it and stopped going all at once. Where is it true? Thank you for your reply. The smart watch constantly records the sounds around you, so if you are asked to show evidence, you can upload it to the net right away. I felt very unpleasant, so I just hope for improvement. Postscript It's the moment when I said that there was evidence even though I wrote as follows. I think it wasn't rootless in fact. Since it is not false, this entry does not fall under Article 233 of the Penal Code. "At our hospital, we will take decisive legal proceedings against this review from our attorney at law regarding the" statement of lies "in this post related to defamation on SNS and obstruction of counterfeit business. After verifying the individual phone number by google (this is linked to all google accounts so you can identify the individual), requesting the disclosure of e-mail address and IP address information, legal procedure as soon as the individual is identified I will do it. This post has been saved as a capture and will be submitted as evidence in a civil litigation trial. * Counterfeit business disruption is a type of business disruption crime, and is a crime that disseminates false rumors or interferes with a person's business by using a false counter. It is stipulated in Article 233 of the Penal Code, and if you violate it, you will be punished with imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 500,000 yen. In addition, Article 233 of the Criminal Code stipulates two crimes as "criminal offenses against credit and business": credit damage (first stage) and business obstruction (second stage). The crime of credit damage is different from the crime of obstruction of business, in which the social activity of an individual is in the protection law, for the crime in which the financial credit of the individual is the protection law. The act of this sin, "disseminating false rumors," means making rumors containing false matters known to an unspecified or large number of people. "
Hermit_FF7FS on Google

整体?は初めてでしたが、お店に入りやすい雰囲気で安心しました。 対応してくれた方もすごく優しくて、マッサージも丁寧でした。 骨盤矯正は写真を説明しながら、細かい部分までしっかりとして頂きました。 しかも変化がすごくてビックリです! 来週また行きますが、長く通いたいと思います。
Manipulative? It was my first time, but I was relieved that the atmosphere was easy to enter the store. The person who responded was very kind and the massage was polite. The pelvis correction was done in detail while explaining the photos. Moreover, the change is amazing! I will go again next week, but I would like to go there for a long time.
永井住枝 on Google

Facebookにて、キャンペーンをみて、3月22日16時に予約して伺いました。 カウンセリングで、私は継続して来ないと思ったのか、10分ぐらい電気をかけて、無言で10分程度揉んで、はい終了です。。。。 行かなきゃよかったと思いました。 1450円が高い!と思うぐらいひどい対応でした。
I saw the campaign on Facebook and made a reservation at 16:00 on March 22nd. At the counseling, I thought that I would not continue, I turned on the electricity for about 10 minutes, rubbed it silently for about 10 minutes, and yes it was over. .. .. .. I thought I should have gone. 1450 yen is expensive! It was a terrible response.
北川義孝 on Google

経営が代わり以前の様な良い整骨院になりました。 コースも以前より安価になり通い安いですね。 でも人気なのは良いけど予約でいっぱいなのは何とかして欲しい経営陣が考えて改善して行かないと施術師や受け付けスタッフも大変過ぎだと思う。
The management has changed and it has become a good osteopathic clinic as before. The course is cheaper than before and it's cheaper to go. But it's good that it's popular, but I want the management to do something about it because it's full of reservations. I think the practitioners and reception staff are too hard if they don't make improvements.
重田あかね on Google

越谷市の整骨院で腰痛・ぎっくり腰がよさげなところをネットでみていきました♪ 腰痛がぎっくり腰のような症状だったので、すぐ電話で予約して当日来院できたのはすごく助かりました。院内の様子は活気があってよかったです。料金は、保険での部分が300円ほどで、骨盤矯正が3000円で比較的お安く受けれたのですが、何よりも回数プログラムなどお得なコースがあって現在8回程度通院して症状もすごく良くなってます。 越谷市でも評判の良い整骨院のようでとても症状も軽くなり大変よかったで
At the osteopathic clinic in Koshigaya City, I went online to see where I had low back pain and a tight back. My back pain was like a backache, so it was very helpful to be able to make a reservation by phone and come to the hospital on the day. I'm glad that the inside of the hospital was lively. The insurance fee is about 300 yen, and the pelvis correction is 3000 yen, which is relatively cheap, but above all, there is a great course such as a number of times program, and now I go to the hospital about 8 times and have symptoms. It's getting really good. It seems to be an osteopathic clinic that has a good reputation in Koshigaya City, and it was very good that the symptoms were alleviated.
ゆうすけ on Google

某有名サイトから予約しましたが、しばらくして電話で予約が全て埋まっているので対応できない旨の連絡を頂きました。 予約も管理できないのであればそのようなサイトは利用しない方が良いのでは?
I made a reservation from a famous site, but after a while I was informed that I could not respond because all the reservations were filled up by phone. If you can't manage your reservations, why not use such a site?

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