
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 整体サロンハピエル

住所 :

Higashikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0023 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://happyel-seitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–2PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–2PM
Tuesday 10AM–2PM
Wednesday 10AM–2PM
Thursday 10AM–2PM
Friday 10AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Higashikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0023 Saitama,Japan
堀井健一 on Google

ストヘートネックからと思われる頭痛、肩こりに悩まされてるところに、こちらの整体を知り、来院しました。 2回の施術を受けただけですが、違います。 これまでの接骨院では気休めにしかなりませんでしたが、こちらでは施術後の体調がスッキリとし、良い方向に向かっていく感じがします。体の外側から揉みほぐすだけでなく、施術に関して、先生からの説明があり、こちらでも理解した上で治療に挑め、体の内面からも治療されます 。 体の悪いところを治してもらいたいという思考が、自分で体の悪いところを治したいと考えられる思考に、自分で治すという風に変わりました。 是非、お奨めです。
I came to the hospital because I was suffering from a headache and shoulder stiffness, probably caused by a stratoneck. Only two treatments are different. In the past, we were only relaxed at the bone institution, but here we feel refreshed and feel like we are heading in the right direction. In addition to massage from the outside of the body, there is an explanation from the teacher about the treatment, and after understanding it here, I will challenge the treatment and be treated from the inside of the body. The thought of wanting to cure a bad body turned into a thought of healing a bad body by yourself. By all means, it is recommended.
Nemoto Ayano on Google

四十肩に、首の寝違えがひどくてこちらに通い始めました。 元々腰痛もあり、整体やカイロに長年通っていましたがすぐに元に戻っていました、 こちらに通い始めてどんどん調子が良くなっています。今までは、マイナスになって整体でゼロにするけどすぐマイナスになるイメージでしたが、こちらでは通うほどプラスになっている感じです。 先生はとても気さくで、日ごろの生活のアドバイスや食生活のお話もしてくれます。 長年のお悩みがある方におすすめです。
I started to go here because I had a bad sleep on my shoulder. Originally, I had back pain, and I had been going to manipulative treatment and Cairo for many years, but soon I was back. I'm starting to go here and I'm getting better and better. Until now, it was a negative image and it was zero after the manipulative treatment, but it was a negative image immediately. The teacher is very friendly, and he also gives advice on daily life and stories about eating habits. Recommended for those who have many years of worries.
G M on Google

私は片側手足の痺れ、長年の首肩こり、こめかみの痛みや頭痛で悩んでおり今回ハピエルさんにお世話になりました。 色々な整骨院やマッサージサロン等に通いましたがその時だけ回復してもまた元に戻ってしまいました。 ハピエルさんに通うようになってからは痺れやこめかみの痛みが全くなくなり初診時の症状も忘れてしまう位回復しました。 そして生活スタイルや食事についても先生がアドバイスして下さり色々な事を心掛けるようになりました。 これからも習慣や食事に気をつけながら元に戻らないようにしていきたいです。 サロン内はたくさん陽が入り明るい雰囲気でゆったりと落ち着ける雰囲気です。
I have been suffering from numbness in one limb, stiff neck and neck pain, pain in my temples and headaches. I went to various osteopaths and massage salons. After I started attending Hapier, my numbness and pain in my temples disappeared, and I recovered so much that I forgot my symptoms at the first visit. The teachers also advised me about lifestyles and meals. I want to keep going back while paying attention to customs and meals. There is a lot of sun in the salon and it is a bright and relaxing atmosphere.
積山裕美 on Google

通いはじめた頃は、首が痛くて、寝付きも悪かったです。またひどい頭痛もありました。通いはじめてからは、ひどい頭痛がでていません。先生のおかげで、普段の姿勢に気をつけてすごしたりと、意識も変わりました。 とても気持ちのいい空間で、通って良かったと思える整体サロンです。とてもお勧めです。
When I first started going, my neck hurt and I had a hard time falling asleep. I also had a terrible headache. I haven't had a terrible headache since I started going. Thanks to the teacher, I changed my consciousness by paying attention to my usual posture. It's a very comfortable space, and it's a manipulative salon that I'm glad I went to. I highly recommend it.
橋本高 on Google

3か月間、耳鳴りに悩まされていました。耳鼻咽喉科で検査も受けましたが聴覚に異常はないとこと。自分でもネットで調べ、自分としては頸椎に問題があるのではないかと目星をつけました。そしてネットで首、頸椎の専門家を探していて見つけたのが「首専門」をうたうハピエルさんでした。 ハピエルさんを訪ねて、1回目で耳鳴りは消えてしまいました。その後は一度も起きていません。 何が効いたのか、素人の私には良く分かりませんが、印象としては手技もさることながら、院長の生沼先生との会話が効いたような気がしています。 先生の話はなるほどと思えることばかりですごく納得できました。当初私は自律神経の交感神経優位になっていたと自分で分析していたのですが、それを先生に話すと「それが普通ですよ」と言います。また目を酷使して根を詰め過ぎかもと思い話すと先生は「根を詰めたというのは今に始まったものじゃないんじゃないですか?」と。 私自身で不安を増幅していたことに気付かせてもらいました。 また、常識に囚われない自由な会話の中で、生沼先生と話すと不思議と元気が湧いてくる感覚も持ちました。首や背中を押してもらいながらいろんな話をしました。仕事や人生、世間に対する姿勢や試行錯誤の話、その一つひとつが心の底から納得できるもので、その結果すごく楽しい時間を過ごせました。この楽しさというものが体調の改善に大きく影響しているんだろうなと思います。 生沼先生、ありがとうございました。
I had been suffering from tinnitus for three months. I had an examination at the otolaryngology department, but there was no abnormality in my hearing. I searched on the internet myself and found out that I might have a problem with the cervical spine. And when I was looking for a neck and cervical spine specialist on the net, I found Mr. Hapiel who sang "neck specialty". When I visited Mr. Hapiel, the tinnitus disappeared the first time. It has never happened since then. As an amateur, I'm not sure what worked, but the impression is that the conversation with Dr. Ikunuma, the director of the hospital, worked as well as the technique. I was very convinced that the teacher's story seemed to be true. At first, I analyzed that the autonomic nerves had sympathetic dominance, but when I told the teacher, he said, "That's normal." When he overworked his eyes and thought that he might have stuffed the roots too much, the teacher said, "Isn't stuffing the roots something that has just begun?" I realized that I was amplifying my anxiety myself. Also, in a free conversation that was not bound by common sense, I had a feeling that when I talked with Professor Ikunuma, mysteriously became energetic. I talked about various things while having my neck and back pushed. Every one of my work, my life, my attitude toward the world, and the story of trial and error was completely convincing, and as a result, I had a great time. I think that this fun has a great influence on the improvement of physical condition. Thank you, Professor Ikunuma.
Yoshinao Ito on Google

About a year ago, I had a pain in my left shoulder and I couldn't turn my neck a lot. I felt that it was a frozen shoulder, but the pain became so severe that I slept sideways in my daily life.There were days when I couldn't sleep. I decided. The first thing I looked up on the internet was orthopedics. I was reluctant to say that the pain would improve with the injection, or that an operation would be necessary if the pain became worse. When I checked the manipulative treatment, I found that this salon was near my home. After seeing the website and word of mouth, I made a reservation with the impression that the teacher would be kind enough to consult and perform the treatment. The reservation was easy to understand and made immediately. When I actually visited the clinic, it was a little difficult to understand the building, but when I entered, the teacher warmly accepted me. The interview is polite for my symptoms. He examined various movements around the shoulders, but it made me realize that my shoulders weren't moving so tightly. After the treatment, my body became lighter, and after 3 or 4 months, the pain was surprisingly less. I'm very happy that I can now sleep even if I have a painful shoulder down. The teacher will also give you mental guidance and will also teach you how to stretch yourself at home to help with this symptom. Since the age is near, there are various topics and it is fun during the treatment. However, my body is stiff, so I can't help it, but sometimes the procedure hurts. Well, I can put up with it. From now on, I'm thinking of consulting with other parts.
akihiro okuniki on Google

Opportunity that I have started going to here manipulative salon is the so-called frozen shoulder (although I did not know at the time). Conditions, such as pain is run by simply turning the hips or with a bag had followed several months. Is that carrier? I think shot that had been How can, and search for at all well become not ... Anyway net, 3 months manipulative is was the first time but started to go in feeling that you kana ... let's go somehow, in the back rather than the waist is now it also will be able to turn a hand. The teacher is not the only treatment, because he will teach you how to care the body without impossible in everyday, I think that is also the its thanks. Since the very friendly teacher, it got always is a fun mood and go.
きい on Google

体調不良が続き、内科を受診したところ異常なしと診断され、何の処置もしてもらうことが出来ませんでした。 背中が痛み、疲れやすく、動悸がして息苦しさがあり、体のこわばりもあり、それらの症状で検索をして辿り着いたのがこちらのサロンでした。 整体でこの症状が治るのか…と思いましたが藁をも掴む思いで先生に連絡をしました。 整体に通ったことはなく、連絡をするにはとても勇気がいりました。 初めて施術を受けたとき、丁寧にお話を聞いてくださり、安心したのを覚えています。 いつも伺うと笑顔で先生が迎えてくださり、美味しいお茶を入れてくれます。 暖かい日差しがたくさん入るサロンで心地良いです。 通い始めて1ヶ月程ですが、通い始めた頃の症状は無くなりました。 気持ちも前向きになるようなお話をたくさんしてくださり、気持ちの面にも変化がでてきました。 体調不良で悩んでいる方がいたら是非おすすめしたいです。 優しい先生が迎えてくださいます。
I was in poor physical condition, and when I visited the internal medicine department, I was diagnosed as having no abnormalities and could not receive any treatment. My back was painful, tired easily, palpitations and suffocation, and my body was stiff, so I searched for these symptoms and arrived at this salon. I was wondering if this symptom would be cured by manipulative treatment, but I contacted the teacher with the thought of grasping the straw. I have never attended manipulative treatment and it took me a lot of courage to contact me. When I received the treatment for the first time, I remember being relieved to hear the story carefully. Whenever I visit, the teacher welcomes me with a smile and makes delicious tea. It is comfortable in the salon where a lot of warm sunlight enters. It's been about a month since I started going, but the symptoms when I started going have disappeared. He told me a lot of stories that made me feel positive, and my feelings have changed. If you are suffering from poor physical condition, I would definitely recommend it. A kind teacher will welcome you.

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