もりもり寿司 イオンモール橿原店 - Kashihara

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact もりもり寿司 イオンモール橿原店

住所 :

Magarikawacho, Kashihara, 〒634-0837 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 634-0837
Webサイト : https://kashihara-aeonmall.com/shop/detail/291
街 : Nara

Magarikawacho, Kashihara, 〒634-0837 Nara,Japan
Desu Coichan on Google

Conveyor belt sushi, but not a 100 yen shop. Naturally, the higher the price, the better the material and the size of the material will be larger than 100 sushi. The head office is in Ishikawa prefecture, a battleground for conveyor belt sushi. I think we are particular about the material. Blackthroat seaperch is also on the menu. However, I also felt that it was a hit depending on the day. For 100 yen sushi, it might be a good idea to include it in your daily options if you want to eat a little extravagant and delicious sushi today. Depending on the menu you order, the price will be reasonable, so in that case it may be better to go to a sushi restaurant with a reasonable price. Some of the three-point and five-point assortments are reasonably priced and good, so I think we can recommend them.
西尾明浩 on Google

お値段はスシローやくら寿司より、アッパーですが、大変に美味しいお寿司が食べれます といって高級寿司店みたいなお値段ではありません 良いお寿司を食べたくなったらここです 白エビ、のどぐろ、かんぱちなどの北陸のネタもここならいつも食べられます お醤油もとつもなく素晴らしいものです お寿司はどれも美味しいです 汁ものの香箱カニのお椀、白エビのかき揚げうどんは絶品で悶絶級ですので特にオススメします 店内は高級感があり、明るく清潔です 回転寿司でタッチパネルで注文する形です お寿司も注文の際にわさびのあり無しを指定します
The price is higher than Sushiro and Kura Sushi, but you can eat very delicious sushi. But it ’s not like a high-end sushi restaurant. If you want to eat good sushi, this is the place You can always eat Hokuriku ingredients such as white shrimp, nodoguro, and amberjack here. The soy sauce is amazing All the sushi is delicious The soup barrel crab bowl and the white shrimp kakiage udon are exquisite and faint in agony, so I highly recommend them. The interior is luxurious, bright and clean. It is a form to order with a touch panel with conveyor belt sushi When ordering sushi, specify the presence or absence of wasabi.
K K on Google

味は値段なり、接客は星ゼロ 百円の回転寿司より美味しく、イオンモール内にあり立地が良いので繁盛しているが、接客態度が最悪。 約50分待ちの後、20時頃に入店。 寿司は半分以上品切れ、揚げ物全て品切れしてることを入店前に先に了承を得るべき。 店員は全員だるそうで、靴をすって歩いているのが終始不愉快。 会計後、席を立とうとしてる段階で食器を下げる準備をしている。 話し方も含めて全ての態度が仕事をしている意識がないように感じ、腹立たしい。 きちんと教育されてるチェーンの百円回転寿司のほうが、よほど満足度は高い。 前から接客には目をつぶって我慢していたが、もう二度と利用しない。
The taste is price, and the customer service is zero stars It tastes better than 100 yen conveyor belt sushi and is prosperous because it is located in AEON MALL and has a good location, but the customer service attitude is the worst. After waiting for about 50 minutes, I entered the store around 20:00. You should get approval before entering the store that more than half of the sushi is out of stock and all the fried food is out of stock. All the clerk seems to be lazy, and it is unpleasant to walk with shoes. After the checkout, I am preparing to lower the dishes when I am about to stand up. I feel annoyed that all attitudes, including how to speak, do not seem to be working. The well-educated chain of 100-yen conveyor belt sushi is much more satisfying. I closed my eyes to the customer service for a long time, but I will never use it again.
chibi chan on Google

The white shrimp gunkanmaki was delicious. But other than that, it may be a coincidence, but it was a shame.
クルル兵長 on Google

星4つですが お寿司屋さんなので、時には星2つ 良い時には、星5つ 金沢のお寿司屋さんで、近江町市場では 行列の回転寿司屋さんですが 年中通して、同じメニューで提供される 努力は、感服しますが 旬で無いお寿司は、並んで食べる必要無し? それは、ちょっと言い過ぎかも知れませんが お値段お高めのメニューは、見送っても良いでしょう 平日以外で、行列してるのを見ますが 時期によっては、ガッカリするだろうな⤵︎ または、今なら並んでも食べたいな! と、いつ行っても満足出来る訳ではありません! 相手は、生物ですからね。 2021年7月に再訪 注文時にワサビ有り無し以外に シャリ少なめ普通が選択出来る様になりました 意外と有難いです 連休中で混雑して居ましたが注文してから 席に届くスピードがカナリ早くなりました! 回転率に寄与してるのか? 待ち時間も多少マシになった感じです ネタも良く美味しかったです ご馳走様でした。
It ’s four stars It ’s a sushi restaurant, so sometimes it ’s two stars. 5 stars at good times At a sushi restaurant in Kanazawa, at the Omicho market It ’s a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in a line. Served on the same menu throughout the year I admire the effort Is it unnecessary to eat sushi that is not in season side by side? That may be a little overstated, You can forgo the expensive menu I see people in line except on weekdays Depending on the time, you will be disappointed ⤵︎ Or, now I want to eat even if I line up! And I'm not always satisfied! The other party is a living thing. Revisited in July 2021 Other than with wasabi when ordering You can now choose normal sushi rice Surprisingly thank you It was crowded during the consecutive holidays, but after ordering The speed of reaching the seat has become faster! Does it contribute to the turnover rate? It feels like the waiting time is a little better The material was also good and delicious It was a treat.
sachisachi chopper on Google

何食べても、美味しい❣ 魚独特の臭みもなかった❤ お酒4合呑んで、4人で¥13,650だった❣ お味噌汁も美味しかった〰❣
No matter what you eat, it's delicious ❣ There was no fish-specific odor ❤ It was ¥ 13,650 for 4 people after drinking 4 drinks ❣ The miso soup was also delicious 〰❣
金澤滋美 on Google

美味しいのは美味しい。ネタも新鮮なので値段が特段高いとも言えない。 ただ、待ち時間が異常に長い。下手したら名前を記入してから二時間待つことになる。ここがマイナスとしてあまりにも大きい。回転率が回転寿司にも関わらず非常に悪いと言わざるを得ないレベル。それは回転寿司としてどうなのか?と、存在意義を少しばかり疑う。 奈良県民は寿司が好きな県民で、お隣の和歌山を馬鹿にしているにも関わらず魚が新鮮ということで和歌山まで寿司を食べにいくという意味不明な県。この行列は致し方ないのか?と、大阪府民としてやや面白く、そして冷やかにはみている。 ここを利用する場合は(土日祝なら)朝の11時くらいに行き名前を記入してから45分程買い物してから少し様子を見に来る。この45分は2階か3階での買い物がお勧め。ちらっと見に来て店員が自分の番号の2つくらい前呼んでいるならそこでまつ。4つくらい前呼んでいるなら、そばにあるKaldiや久世福商店で15分は買い物ができる。6つくらい前ならもう30分はかかると思っていいと思う。 我慢をどこでするか(時間か味か)の店なんで、人は選ぶと思う。 味は良い!そこは間違いない!
Delicious is delicious. The material is also fresh, so it cannot be said that the price is particularly high. However, the waiting time is abnormally long. If you're not good at it, you'll have to wait two hours after filling in your name. This is too big as a minus. It must be said that the turnover rate is very bad despite the turnover sushi. What about it as conveyor belt sushi? I doubt the significance of existence a little. Nara citizens are fond of sushi, and despite the fact that they make a fool of the neighboring Wakayama, the fish is fresh, so it makes no sense to go to Wakayama to eat sushi. Is this procession unavoidable? As a citizen of Osaka, it's a little fun and chilly. If you use this place (on weekends and holidays), go to around 11:00 in the morning, fill in your name, shop for about 45 minutes, and then come to see the situation for a while. We recommend shopping on the 2nd or 3rd floor for these 45 minutes. If you come to a glance and the clerk calls you about two times before your number, wait there. If you call it about four times ago, you can shop at Kaldi or Kuzefuku Shoten nearby for 15 minutes. I think it will take another 30 minutes if it is about 6 years ago. I think people choose because it's a store where you put up with it (time or taste). The taste is good! There is no doubt!
7 on Google

Delicious and reasonable

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