MAEDA Store Kanita - Higashitsugaru District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MAEDA Store Kanita

住所 :

29-35 Kanita Chushihibakozawa, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 030-1302
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM

29-35 Kanita Chushihibakozawa, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1302, Japan
YOU FUKUI on Google

If you run out of items that were previously displayed, they will respond as soon as you email them, and they will display the items again!
Line Namahage on Google

It seems that Kanita is the largest and has a wide selection of products. The fish was cheaper at Matsuo Supermarket.
高瀬知己 on Google

レジで金額を言われ少し驚く。 未だに税抜き表示なのが原因。言われりゃ分かる位の小さな文字で税込価格も表示してあるのかも知れないが、ある意味作為的と感じる。 あと、寿司のシャリが異常に小さい! 県内のスーパーで最も小さい!間違いない! 酒類コーナー側の入口が閉鎖されていたが、そんなに万引きが多いのか?かなり不便になった。 休憩スペースはコロナが収まるまで閉鎖したへ方がいいね。
I was a little surprised when I was told the amount at the cash register. The cause is that it is still displayed without tax. It may be that the price including tax is displayed in small letters that you can understand, but in a sense it feels artificial. Also, the sushi rice is unusually small! The smallest supermarket in the prefecture! no doubt! The entrance on the liquor corner side was closed, but is there so much shoplifting? It became quite inconvenient. The break space should be closed until the corona fits.
白濱和弘 on Google

昼時に通ったので初めてマエダに入った、想像に反して安く弁当?パン?菓子を買った。弁当コーナーで、 やっぱ唐揚弁当はマエダでしょby ナツコって誰❔ それと次はアメリカパンが欲しい❗
I went to Maeda for the first time since I went at noon, and I unexpectedly bought a cheap boxed-meal bread candy. At the lunch corner, After all the fried lunch box is Maeda by Who is Natsuko And I want American bread next time
kumax aomori on Google

津軽半島最北端の地元系スーパーマーケットです。隣には小規模なホームセンターとドラッグストアもありますので、この界隈でキャンプなどをされる場合は、ここが物資の補給ポイントとなる重要拠点です。 入口付近に買った弁当を食べられるスペースあり。電子レンジや電気ポットもあるのでカップ麺なども食べられます。十三湖・今別・竜飛・平舘方面に行く人や、逆にそちら方面から蟹田方面に来る旅行者には便利でしょう。 蟹田のフェリー埠頭から下北半島に渡る人は立ち寄ってみてはどうでしょう。マエダストアの弁当や惣菜、寿司は美味しいですから、その辺で食べて失敗するよりは良いと思います。
It is a local supermarket at the northernmost tip of the Tsugaru Peninsula. There is also a small home improvement store and drug store next door, so if you are camping in this area, this is an important base for supplying supplies. There is a space near the entrance where you can eat the bento you bought. There is also a microwave oven and an electric kettle so you can eat cup noodles. It will be convenient for those who go to Lake Jusanko, Imabetsu, Ryuhi, Tairadate, and conversely for travelers who come to Kanita from there. If you are traveling from Kanita's ferry pier to the Shimokita Peninsula, why not stop by? Lunch boxes, side dishes, and sushi at the Maeda store are delicious, so I think it's better than eating around and failing.
ヒロシです on Google

広い駐車場と清潔な店内なので気持ちよく買い物が出来ます。 電子レンジとお湯が備わったフードエリアがあるので、買ったお弁当をその場で食べることが出来ます。
The large parking lot and clean interior allow you to shop comfortably. There is a food area with a microwave and hot water, so you can eat your lunch on the spot.
gyunzug on Google

It's a medium-sized supermarket, and I found it very convenient for shopping for a little supper. However, it is inconvenient if you do not drive because it is far from the city. It was unusual for me to take a picture of the inside of the store because it has a unique part, and a clerk came and warned me not to take a picture. I wanted to introduce you to the inside of the store, but did you think it was an industrial espionage?
小枝のぼる on Google


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