Kanaya Mart - Aomori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanaya Mart

住所 :

Hirano-55-2 Ushirogata, Aomori, 030-1262, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 030-1262
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30AM–7PM
Sunday 7:30AM–7PM
Monday 7:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–7PM
Thursday 7:30AM–7PM
Friday 7:30AM–7PM

Hirano-55-2 Ushirogata, Aomori, 030-1262, Japan
まあまあまるお on Google

併設の食堂がコスパ良い。650円の刺身定食をはじめ、500円の定食類のラインナップが凄い。 11/7(日)13時40分頃に入店したら、「今日は終わったから。」といなされてしまいました。14時くらいまでやってて欲しいなあ。
The cafeteria in the annex is good for cospa. The lineup of 500 yen set meals, including the 650 yen sashimi set meal, is amazing. When I entered the store around 13:40 on Sunday, November 7th, I was told, "It's over today." I want you to do it until about 14:00.
tsug ota on Google

今日のおすすめミックス漬け丼800円は、新鮮なヒラメ、イカ、アジで薬味に生姜、ゆず、ネギが乗ってました。量は少なめで、醤油ラーメンをたのんだお客様もいました。 付け合わせの浅漬け、エリンギの和え物、味噌汁も美味しかったです。
Today's recommended mixed pickled rice bowl for 800 yen is fresh flatfish, squid, horse mackerel with ginger, yuzu, and green onions. The amount was small, and some customers enjoyed soy sauce ramen. The lightly pickled garnish, the seasoned trumpet mushrooms, and the miso soup were also delicious.
Mr X on Google

【久々訪問】例和3年11月某日、今日のおさしみ定食には鱈の白子やにしんの刺身があり、かなりレアな感じがしました。 また、牛肉鍋定食を初めていただきましたが 500円コスパ最高、いい出汁でした。 おかみさんは今日も優しかったです。 【3回目】日替わり定食にあった「銀だらかま焼定食」を注文。500円。 銀だらをこの価格で食べれた事に感激。スーパー内でたこの刺身とからあげ、春巻きも購入。あたためて皿に入れて出していただき、どれを食べてもほんとにおいしいです。刺身はやっぱり新鮮! 何よりもおかみさんにいつもほっこりします。最高です。 【1回目】皆さんのレビューを見て訪問。 金谷マートさんで、切り盛りしている食堂は、懐かしい感じの食堂でした。 お刺身定食650円は8品盛でおいしく普通なら1500円はしそうなレベルです。貝焼きみそ定食500円も文句なしでした。スーパー内の惣菜も購入していただきましたがハズレなし。 訪問時も混雑していました。 店員さんは皆さん愛想もよく ほんとに地元にほしいお店です。 きれいとかおしゃれとかではなく 懐かしく、落ち着く雰囲気がよいですし、コスパ抜群、今度は違うものもぜひ食べてみたいです。 レビューで教えてくれた皆さん ありがとうございました。感謝。 コロナ禍でお店大変だと思うので ぜひ頑張ってほしいです。 また行かせていただきます。 ※トイレは別棟にあり、和式ですから 苦手な方は他で済ませて、ぜひ訪問してください。それでも☆5
[Visit after a long time] On a certain day in November, 3rd year of the year, today's sashimi set meal had cod milt and herring sashimi, which made me feel quite rare. Also, I had the beef hot pot set meal for the first time. 500 yen Cospa was the best and it was a good soup stock. Mom was kind today as well. [Third time] I ordered the "Gindarakama-yaki set meal" that was included in the daily set meal. 500 yen. I was thrilled to be able to eat sablefish at this price. I bought fried chicken and spring rolls in the supermarket. You can warm it up and put it in a plate, and it's really delicious no matter what you eat. After all sashimi is fresh! Above all, I always feel at home with my mom. it's the best. [1st time] Visit after seeing your reviews. Kanaya Mart's dining room was a nostalgic one. The sashimi set meal of 650 yen is delicious with 8 dishes, and it is a level that would normally cost 1500 yen. The shell-grilled miso set meal of 500 yen was perfect. I had you buy the side dish in the supermarket, but there was no loss. It was crowded at the time of the visit. The clerk is very friendly It's a shop I really want in the local area. Not pretty or fashionable It has a nice nostalgic and calm atmosphere, and it has excellent cost performance, and I definitely want to try something different this time. Everyone who taught me in the review Thank you very much. Thanks. I think it's difficult to shop because of the corona I want you to do your best. I will go again. * The toilet is in a separate building and is Japanese style. If you are not good at it, please do it elsewhere and visit us. Still ☆ 5
くぼたふみこ on Google

I went around noon on Sunday. At first, there were no seats, but customers who had finished eating could come to the store without staying long. Today's recommended menu! ️I ordered a mixed pickled rice bowl. The wasabi ginger was also delicious soaked in just the right feeling. The salty soy sauce ramen was also delicious at 500 ? ? Tuyu only tasting ✨
on Google

Anyway, cospa is good! Sashimi set meal 650 yen is cheap! Just ... just me? [Swelling] Kana ~? 3 slices of fillet All had bones ? But all the menus are reasonable. It was delicious.
piyopiyo763 on Google

Entered at 11 o'clock on Sunday Daily cutlet boiled rice bowl 500 yen Recommended pickled rice bowl 800 yen I got a little hurry because there are visitors one after another 2022.2.6 Sashimi set meal 650 yen Baba curry ginger boiled set meal 500 yen Chika in the store I bought side dishes such as deep-fried tempura chika and shiitake mushroom onions.
佐久間博秀 on Google

フレッシュマーケットと食堂が一体化しています。とてもリーズナブルな価格で、海鮮系の定食をいただくことができます。 少し物足りない時は、フレッシュマーケットから買ってきたものを、食堂で食べてもオッケー。 おばちゃんが気を利かして「ここで食べていく?」と聞いてくれることもありますし、食べたいものを尋ねると、フレッシュマーケットで扱っていることを食堂のおばちゃんが教えてくれることもあります。 隠れた名店です。
The fresh market and the cafeteria are integrated. You can have a seafood set meal at a very reasonable price. If you're a little unsatisfied, you can eat what you bought from the Fresh Market at the cafeteria. Sometimes the aunt is careful and asks, "Would you like to eat here?", And when you ask what you want to eat, the aunt in the cafeteria may tell you what you are dealing with at the fresh market. It is a hidden store.
立ち寄りあおもり on Google

【営業時間】※おおよそ スーパー部門 7:30〜19:00 食堂部門   11:00〜14:00 【駐車場】 店舗前にあります 【支払】 現金のみ 海風商店街道(勝手に名付けてます(^_^;)) かなやマートさんに寄ってみました。 (スーパー) 地域の台所を支えるにふさわしいスーパー。店内入ってすぐ箱買いできる、青森県民大好きな缶コーヒーや飲料が十分販売されています。 新鮮なお魚、お肉、調味料やお菓子など、地域の方はもちろんドライブの途中で立ち寄って夕食の食材にいかがでしょうか。 また、こちらは惣菜専門店と思えるくらい種類豊富。 今回のお目当ては、お惣菜を買って、近くの海の見える場所で食べること。 これは今、これは夜、これは朝ごはんにしよう、これは弁当に使おう、少量のバラエティに飛んだおかずに購買意欲は高まります。 大きなスーパーで広く回って、買い物するのが億劫になりつつあるこの頃(^_^;) コンパクトスペースで疲労なく買え、ゴール付近は、お惣菜祭り。 バーベキューの食材をここでゲットして、玉松台でバーベキューもいいですね。 シーフードバーベキューおすすめしたいです。 お店のお母さんは本当気さくな方でした。 また寄ります。 青森市内から商店巡りドライブ 海が見える旧道沿いを北上すると意外と商店があります。 1店舗で少し購入するドライブをこの道沿いで少しの時間で楽しめます。 商店て懐かしさと新鮮さ、忘れかけた大切な物を思い出させてくれます。
[Business Hours] * Approximately Supermarket section 7: 30-19: 00 Cafeteria section 11: 00-14: 00 【parking】 Located in front of the store 【payment】 Cash only Kaifu Shoten Kaido (I named it arbitrarily (^ _ ^;)) I stopped by Kanaya Mart. (Supermarket) A supermarket suitable for supporting a local kitchen. There are plenty of canned coffee and beverages that Aomori citizens love, which you can buy in a box as soon as you enter the store. Fresh fish, meat, seasonings, sweets, etc., of course, why not stop by during the drive and use it as an ingredient for dinner. In addition, there are so many kinds of food that you can think of as a side dish specialty store. The aim this time is to buy a side dish and eat it in a place where you can see the sea nearby. This is now, this is night, this is breakfast, this is for lunch, and you will be motivated to buy a small variety of side dishes. Around this time, it's becoming a hassle to go around and shop at big supermarkets (^ _ ^;) You can buy it in a compact space without fatigue, and the side dish festival is near the goal. Get the ingredients for barbecue here and barbecue at Tamamatsudai. I would like to recommend a seafood barbecue. The mother of the shop was a really friendly person. I will stop by again. Drive around shops from Aomori city If you go north along the old road where you can see the sea, you will find a shop unexpectedly. You can enjoy a drive that you buy a little at one store in a little time along this road. The store reminds me of nostalgia, freshness, and important things that I have forgotten.

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