
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 真備ふるさと歴史館

住所 :

Mabicho Okada, Kurashiki, 〒710-1311 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988
街 : Okayama

Mabicho Okada, Kurashiki, 〒710-1311 Okayama,Japan
斗魔星 on Google

横溝正史さんが生前使われていた書斎そのままが置かれ 横溝正史ファンにはたまらない品物がたくさんありました! 金田一耕助になれる服も置いてあり、時間があればご自由に着れる感じで驚きました!
The study that Yokomizo Masashi was used for a long time was put as it is, and Masafumi Yokomizo fan had a lot of unmanageable goods! There are also clothes that can be Kaneda Kazuhosuke, and I was surprised that I could wear it freely if I had time!
おさむし on Google

『江戸時代の真備町、岡田藩支配時代の古文書を保存した文書館。当時の村の支配や村人の暮らし、産業興しの工夫。災害を防ぐ努力など祖先の足跡に触れられる施設です。また、町ゆかりの推理作家、横溝正史氏の関連資料も展示。』 岡田藩の歴史資料館という位置づけがメインのようですが、訪れる方の多くは横溝正史目的だと思います。駐車場脇には金田一耕助像があります。資料室には横溝正史の遺品が寄贈されており書斎が再現されているほか、休憩室には横溝正史作品や映像資料などが置かれています。 岡田藩の歴史なども模型などを使って見やすく展示されており楽しめます。 面白いのは金田一耕助の衣装がレンタル出来ること。ここから徒歩10分のところに横溝正史が疎開していた邸宅が保存されており、そこも併せて訪れるのがオススメです。
“A manuscript store that preserves ancient documents from the era of Okada feudal clan in Mabi-cho in the Edo period. The rule of the village at that time, the life of the villagers, and ideas for promoting industry. It is a facility where you can touch the footsteps of your ancestors, including efforts to prevent disasters. In addition, related materials by Mr. Masafumi Yokomizo, a detective writer related to the town, are also on display. ] The main place seems to be the Okada Clan History Museum, but I think most of the visitors are for Masashi Yokomizo. There is a statue of Kosuke Kaneda beside the parking lot. In the library, the relics of Masafumi Yokomizo are donated and the study is reproduced. In the rest room, Masafumi Yokomizo works and video materials are placed. You can also enjoy the history of the Okada domain, which is displayed in a model that is easy to see. What's interesting is that you can rent Kosuke Kaneda's costumes. A house where Masafumi Yokomizo had been evacuated is stored a 10-minute walk from here, and we recommend visiting it as well.
yuichi ueda on Google

It is a facility where you can learn the history of the Bibe. In addition to the historical materials of the Okada clan, there is also an exhibition of the writer Masafumi Yokomizo, who was evacuated here. You can actually see the table used by Yokomizo.
浮田よしのり on Google

I didn't go inside, but since it was open, I couldn't tell if it was open or closed because there was no one who looked like a clerk even if I went to the entrance and looked inside through the window.
sachi miya on Google

There are materials by Mr. Masafumi Yokomizo and information about the Okada domain.
関聡 on Google

Seishi Yokomizo's writing table was on display.
すやすや“グーグー”すやすや on Google

よくある各地にある民藝館。 建物や資料が古いのはよいのですが、在中している職員さんが2人いるのですが、挨拶も案内もしない、ガン無視。無人のカメラで十分。
Folk crafts museums in common places. It's good that the buildings and materials are old, but there are two staff members who are present, but they don't say hello or guide, and ignore cancer. An unmanned camera is enough.
kako on Google

今回は横溝正史の旅の立ち寄り先の一つとしてここにも訪れました。 対応していただいた歴史館の方が横溝正史の事にとても詳しくてお話を聞けてとても良かったです? それに金田一耕助に仮装して写真をパチリ(笑) 岡山にはまだまだ横溝正史のゆかりの地がたくさんあります。楽しみです❣️
This time, I also visited here as one of the stopovers for Seishi Yokomizo's trip. It was great that the history museum who responded was very familiar with Seishi Yokomizo and talked to me ? Also, I disguised myself as Kosuke Kindaichi and snapped the photo (laughs) There are still many places related to Seishi Yokomizo in Okayama. I'm looking forward to it ❣️

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