M's Café - Fukushima

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact M's Café

住所 :

Toikuchi-26-15 Hokida, Fukushima, 960-8163, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 960-8163
Webサイト : http://ms-cafe.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–7:30PM

Toikuchi-26-15 Hokida, Fukushima, 960-8163, Japan
桃めろんぱん on Google

場所が少しわかりづらく、駐車場も一台?しか無いようなかんじでしたが、行った時にはたまたま空いていて私1人でした。注文したものがフルーツグラタンだったので、30分ほど時間がかかりましたが、ほんをよんでゆっくりするにはいい場所です。紅茶の茶葉もたくさんの種類があるので、またぜひ色々試したいです。 他のお客さんがいたら、居づらいところではあります笑
The location is a bit confusing, and one parking lot? I felt that there was nothing but I was alone when I went there. As it was fruit gratin that we ordered, it took about 30 minutes, but it is a good place to relax and read the book. There are many types of tea leaves, so I would like to try again. If there are other customers, there are places where it is hard to stay LOL
e on Google

初めての訪問。 クチコミが悪かったので、迷いましたが、レモンの白湯と言うのが気になり、行ってきました。 店内はこじんまりとしていて、落ち着いた雰囲気で、基本的には店主の方は奥の部屋にいて、ゆっくりできました。 エシレバターのホットケーキがあり、前々からエシレバターが気になっていたので、迷わず注文しました。 しかし出て来てビックリ!! 真っ黒のホットケーキ。 それを普通に出す店主の神経にビックリです。 写真はアプリで少し加工してるものなので分かりにくいですが、客に出すレベルではありません。 コーヒーも特別美味しいわけではなく、他に美味しいお店はたくさんあります。 焼き菓子は結構高かったですが、試しにフィナンシェとパウンドケーキを買いました。 パウンドケーキは¥280、フィナンシェは忘れましたが、同じくらいだったと思います。 フィナンシェは母にあげてしまったので、味はわかりません。 パウンドケーキは、まず、その薄さにビックリ。 上の方は厚さが1cmくらい、したの方は6、7mmくらいです。 オレンジピールとグランマニエが入っていました。結構、オレンジピールとグランマニエが効いていて、まあまあ美味しかったかな。 しかし、こんなぺラっぺラなパウンドケーキ、ギフトには向きませんね。
First visit. I was at a loss because the word of mouth was bad, but I was worried about the lemon plain hot water, so I went there. The inside of the store was small and had a calm atmosphere. Basically, the owner was in the back room and was able to relax. There was a hot cake of Esile butter, and I had been interested in Esile butter for a long time, so I ordered without hesitation. But I was surprised to come out! !! A pitch black pancake. I'm surprised at the nerves of the shop owner who puts it out normally. The photo is a little processed by the app, so it's difficult to understand, but it's not at the level of giving to customers. Coffee is not particularly delicious, and there are many other delicious shops. The baked goods were quite expensive, but I bought a financier and a pound cake as a trial. I forgot the pound cake for ¥ 280 and the financier, but I think it was about the same. I gave the financier to my mother, so I don't know the taste. First of all, I was surprised at the thinness of the pound cake. The upper one is about 1 cm thick, and the one is about 6 or 7 mm thick. It contained orange peel and Grand Marnier. The orange peel and Grand Marnier worked quite well, and it was pretty good. However, it is not suitable for such a fluffy pound cake or gift.
kou getu on Google

隠れ家的なお気に入りのカフェです♬ だいぶ通ってます。 メニューも制覇したいくらい美味しいですよ。大人向けのお店&味わいです。 選べませんが強いて言えばチョコレートケーキ絶品です。今ハマっているのはフルーツティーのアイス。フルーツ好きには堪らないくらいゴロゴロ盛りだくさんのフルーツがアイスティを飲みながら食べれます。 車は2台置けます。置けない時はもう一台置ける場所を案内して頂けますよ♬
It's a hideaway favorite cafe ♬ I go through a lot. The menu is delicious enough to conquer. It is a shop and taste for adults. I can't choose it, but if I say it strongly, the chocolate cake is excellent. I'm addicted to fruit tea ice cream. You can eat a lot of fruits while drinking iced tea, which is unbearable for fruit lovers. Two cars can be placed. If you can't put it, you can show us where you can put another one ♬
M ii on Google

For the first time, three people came to the store. I was a little hungry, so when three people tried to order two items, the female owner of the shop said, "Since I came, it's normal for each person to ask for one item. I insist. Even if you do not place an order, you will be charged 300 yen per person as an enrollment fee. ? Corona Evil Besides, I understand that I want to earn money because I am a private business, but I feel too sick as a customer. Would you be grateful if you ordered more than one item? ?? Moreover, since the last bill was 1800 yen, if you pay 2000 yen, the change will be 140 yen ... Yes ⁉️ If you point out a mistake, it will be reversed. I definitely do not recommend it to those who are worried about whether to go from now on! ️Honestly, I don't want to add a single star. Besides, he has a good face for regulars and his attitude is too bad for new customers.
しろ on Google

写真をみて美味しそうだったので、来店しました。店内は4席程あり、1人で入るには良い雰囲気でした。メニューの黒板が消えかかってて見づらかったので、分かりやすくして欲しいです。 タルトタタンは、美味しかったです。 が、女性の店員さんの態度が悪かったため居心地が悪く、最終的に不愉快な思いをして帰りました。
I came to the store because it looked delicious when I saw the photo. There were about 4 seats in the store, and it was a good atmosphere to enter alone. The blackboard on the menu was disappearing and it was hard to see, so I want it to be easy to understand. Tarte Tatin was delicious. However, the female clerk's attitude was uncomfortable, and I finally returned with an unpleasant feeling.
さとーよーた on Google

QUEENが好きな店主さんとこぢんまりとした居心地の良いカフェ☕ 住宅地の中にあります 初来店でしたが、のんびり素敵な時間を過ごせました? 店主さんは基本奥の方に居るので、コーヒーの香りとクラシックの曲に包まれながら、 自分だけの空間を楽しめます ライ麦のホットケーキはバターとの相性が抜群! このバターがほんとにいい味してるのです?? コーヒーは深煎り、中煎り、浅煎りが選べて、 自分は深煎りのコーヒーを頼みましたが、香りがとっても良い! コクとキレのバランスが整ってて、苦味もありつつすっきりとした味わいです 実はがっつりレビューを読んでからの来店でしたが、 店主さんは穏やかで気さくな『お母さん』って感じの方だし 素材にこだわった料理はとても美味しかったです 気になるような問題は自分はありませんでした たしかに店内は広々とした感じではないし、パッと目を引くような新鮮さは無いかもしれない 店主さんおひとりだけだし、なおさらお客さんとの相性もあるのかもしれない でも、好みは人それぞれ! 『住宅地に馴染んだこぢんまりとしたカフェ』がそのままこのお店の良さです 自分は初来店かつ男1人で行きましたが、とっても素敵な時間を過ごさせていただきました また行きます!?
A small and cozy cafe with a shopkeeper who likes QUEEN ☕ Located in a residential area It was my first visit to the store, but I had a wonderful time relaxing ? The owner is basically in the back, so while being wrapped in the aroma of coffee and classical songs, You can enjoy your own space Rye pancakes go great with butter! This butter tastes really good ?? You can choose deep roasted coffee, medium roasted coffee, or light roasted coffee. I ordered deep roasted coffee, but the aroma is very good! It has a well-balanced richness and sharpness, and has a refreshing taste with a bitter taste. Actually, I came to the store after reading the reviews firmly, The owner is a gentle and friendly "mother". The food that was particular about the ingredients was very delicious I didn't have any problems to worry about Certainly the store isn't spacious and may not be as fresh as it gets. There is only one shop owner, and it may be even more compatible with customers. But each person has their own taste! "A small cafe familiar to residential areas" is the good point of this shop as it is I visited the store for the first time and went alone, but I had a very nice time. I will go again! ?
Celine Bennett on Google

This is a lovely little cafe! It's quite small but it has a lot of single seating right next to each other so two people could easily sit together. The owner was very understanding of my limited Japanese and was patient with me. Inside the cafe the lighting was very cool (mostly candles and old-fashioned lanterns) and there was smooth jazz playing in the background. I got an iced cafe au lait and a New York cheese cake. The cafe au lait without anything in it was very good at first and grew a bit bitter after sitting a few minutes but nothing a late addition of the sugar syrup didn't solve. I would get it again for sure. The cheesecake was nice and thick, and the owner served it with seasonal fruit (at this time it's grapes) whipped cream and some kind of fruit compote. I enjoyed it greatly and would order it again. I recommend going here, though it's dark inside so if you want to work on things, it's best to go in the daylight otherwise it's a bit too dark. It'd be perfect for a small get together/date though not the best for groups bigger than 3 probably.
Ken Takahashi on Google

A bit difficult for you to find this cafe because it’s in the middle of a residential area and has only a small billboard. There are only 6 or 7 seats but as long as you go alone or with your couple of friends, you don’t have to stand in line. This cafe has some special features. First of all, the owner is very good at making sweets. Usually she uses local freshly harvested fruits and she is very particular about the quality of the fruits. I mean, you won’t miss chances to have delicious cakes or other sweets. And when it comes to coffee, she is very careful about the quantity of the coffee beans, the level of roasting and of course the speed of brewing. Coffee is always served in a a special cup such as Meissen, Royal Copenhagen and so on. If you say you have a sweet tooth and coffee crazy at the same time, you definitely should go to this cafe.

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