3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LUCY

住所 :

9, Otemachi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0044 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

9, Otemachi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0044 Ibaraki,Japan
gentaron on Google

汁そばを頂きました。濃い味が好きな自分にはインパクトは無いものの旨味がありサッパリしたスープでいつまでも飲める味で飲みきってしまいました。 2種類のチャーシューが入っているのも嬉しいですね。 炙りチャーシューご飯は炙られた香りが良いのですがタレがほぼ無く見た目に反してこちらも味は薄めです。
I had soup soba. I like the strong taste, but it has no impact, but it has a delicious and refreshing soup, and I drank it with a taste that I could drink forever. It's also nice to have two types of char siu. The roasted char siu rice has a nice roasted aroma, but there is almost no sauce and the taste is lighter than it looks.
つねちゃんです on Google

I always had standard soy sauce soba, but this time I tried salty soba. The soy sauce is quite edgy, but the salt is surprisingly mellow. Even if the taste of char siu and soki was combined, it was a gentle taste as a whole. Soki has a strong taste and is crunchy. There were 3 pieces of char siu and 1 piece was cooked at low temperature. This time, this low-temperature cooked char siu was very delicious. ❗ Iwanori finely chopped onions are also doing a good job on the patsupatsu lucy noodles. The boiled egg was also soft-boiled and very delicious.
KATSUO.M on Google

土浦でお昼を食べる事になり、久々(4~5年ぶり)にこちらに? 以前伺った時よりメニューが少なくなったような気が...? 汁そばが3種類(醤油、塩、味噌)とトッピングいろいろ。 汁そば醤油を大盛(850円)で、チャーシュー増し(300円)にして頂きました? 濃いめのキリッとしたスープにパツパツの中細麺が良く合いますね? デフォルトでソーキ2コ、バラとロースのチャーシューがのってますので、バラとロースが3枚ずつ増えるチャーシュー増しはやらなくても良かったかも? 結構後味がしつこく残っちゃいました?
I will have lunch in Tsuchiura, and this is the first time in 4-5 years ? I feel like there are fewer menus than when I visited before ...? There are 3 types of soba noodles (soy sauce, salt, miso) and various toppings. Soup soba soy sauce was served in a large serving (850 yen), and char siu was added (300 yen) ? The thick, crispy soup goes well with the fluffy medium-thin noodles. By default, 2 soki, rose and roast pork are on, so it may not have been necessary to increase the char siu with 3 roses and 3 loin ? The aftertaste remained quite persistent ?
なかふみ on Google

仕事で土浦に来たので近場の初ルーシーへ。開店して5人ほど入店。つけそばはやってないらしいので醤油大盛りで。妻は鶏白湯。味付け濃いめかな。ソーキもさることながらチャシューがとても軟らか(^^) ごちそうさまでした?
I came to Tsuchiura for work, so I went to the first Lucy nearby. About 5 people opened the store. It seems that I don't do tsuke soba, so it's served with soy sauce. My wife is chicken white hot water. I guess it's seasoned and rich. Not only Soki but also the chashu was very soft (^ ^) It was delicious ?
Jake on Google

濃厚汁そば800円にトッピングのソーキごろごろ200円をオーダー。麺に濃厚な汁が絡み、とても美味しかった。ソーキは大盛りで、骨まで柔らかくコリコリ食べられおススメです。 駐車場10台あります。 店内はカウンター8席、4人がけテーブルが3つあります。 荷物置きがあり便利でした。
I ordered 800 yen for thick soba noodles and 200 yen for toppings around Soki. The noodles were so delicious that the thick soup was entwined. Soki is a large serving, and it is recommended that you can eat it softly to the bones. There are 10 parking lots. There are 8 counter seats and 3 tables for 4 people. There was a luggage storage and it was convenient.
Takanori Isoyama on Google

【汁そばLucy】 土浦市にあるラーメン屋さん。入り口入ってすぐに横にある食券機で汁そば醤油をオーダー。 濃い目のキリッとした醤油味のスープに細ストレート麺がとてもよく合うあっさりした汁そばです。こちらの他のお店の1番の違いはチャーシューです。2種類のチャーシューで、1枚は普通のチャーシューなのですが、もう一種類がソーキになっています。煮込んでトロトロのソーキがとても美味しくシンプルなラーメンを飽きない味に変えてくれます!あと個人的にはデフォで岩のりが入ってるいるのが◎ 7月になり自粛明けはじめての訪問すると、チャーシューの量が通常の2倍以上になっていたように感じました。気のせいかな、、、
[Soup soba Lucy] A ramen shop in Tsuchiura City. Immediately after entering the entrance, order soup soba soy sauce from the ticket machine next to it. It is a light soba noodle that goes very well with thin straight noodles in a thick, crispy soy sauce-flavored soup. The biggest difference between these other shops is the char siu. There are two types of char siu, one is ordinary char siu, but the other is soki. Stewed and torotoro soki is very delicious and changes simple ramen into a taste that you won't get tired of! Also, personally, it is the default that rock glue is included ◎ When I visited for the first time in July, I felt that the amount of char siu was more than double the normal amount. Maybe it's because of my mind ...
ともみん on Google

店内に入ってすぐ食券購入。日曜昼時2〜3組が出て入る感じ。汁そば醤油と汁そば味噌をオーダー 醤油は魚粉きいてるさっぱりスープで美味しい。ソーキもコリコリするのがまたいい感じ。 その他に2種類のチャーシューが乗っており嬉しい。玉ねぎみじん切りと岩のりも入っていて 満足な一杯
Purchase a meal ticket immediately after entering the store. It feels like two or three groups come in and out at noon on Sunday. Order soup soba soy sauce and soup soba miso The soy sauce is a refreshing soup with fishmeal and is delicious. It feels good that Soki is also crunchy. I am glad that there are two other types of char siu on board. It also contains chopped onions and rock paste Satisfied cup
モモ愛 on Google

普通に頼んで 普通に食べる分にはなんの問題もないし普通に食える。 味は人間それぞれ好みあるからレビューは宛にしないほうがいい。 店の雰囲気とか店員は、どうでもいいタイプだから 店と店員なんか気にしなければ いいんじゃないか?ってレベル だな。 コロナ流行っているから マスクぐらい店員はした方がいいなとは思う。
There is no problem with eating normally and asking normally, and you can eat normally. Since each person has their own taste, it is better not to send a review. I don't care about the atmosphere of the store or the clerk, so I think it's okay if you don't care about the store and the clerk. That's the level. I think it's better to have a clerk as much as a mask because it's a corona style.

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