LIXIL不動産ショップ 東洋不動産 本社宮代店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LIXIL不動産ショップ 東洋不動産 本社宮代店

住所 :

Central, Miyashiro, Minamisaitama District, 〒345-0821 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Saitama

Central, Miyashiro, Minamisaitama District, 〒345-0821 Saitama,Japan
山崎久美子 on Google

It was kind and easy to understand. Thank you for your continued support.
デストロイヤー加藤 on Google

He gave me a polite explanation.
yoshi kawa on Google

We were able to process the contract with peace of mind with careful guidance!
Jun Isobe on Google

I was able to proceed smoothly until the contract was completed. thank you.
にゃん湖 on Google

When I was a different real estate agent, I only had one month's rent and insurance money, but this is different. You can see the meaning of the word-of-mouth with a lot of likes in the low rating.
菊地純平 on Google

横手さんにご担当いただき、無事に契約まで進めました。 物件内覧からローン手続き等、丁寧に対応いただき感謝しています。とてもよかったです。
Mr. Yokote was in charge of it, and we successfully proceeded to the contract. Thank you for your polite response from the property preview to the loan procedure. It was very good.
まぁたんまぁたん on Google

リモート等も丁寧に説明して頂いて 安心して契約する事が出来ました! また何かあっても安心して相談が 出来ると思います!*_ _) ありがとうございました!
Please explain the remote etc. carefully I was able to sign a contract with confidence! In addition, even if something happens, you can feel free to consult with us. I think you can! * _ _) thank you!
J N on Google

よく調べたらLIXILのFC店で会社規模も大きくなく地方で細々とやっているような会社。 LIXILと東洋不動産って名前から大手がやってるものと勘違い。 賃貸管理の窓口はアルバイトに毛が生えたレベルの人が担当していると認識したほうが誤認識も少なくストレスも感じないので良いと思います。 会社のコンプライアンスも小さい会社なのでそこそこに適当なんでしょう。危機管理も外部の人間が肌で感じるくらいに低い。 一般企業でそこそこ働いた方なら多分かなりの認識の違いを感じると思います。危機管理の薄さとか対応の杜撰さ、フローが画一されてないなど。 賃貸は場合によっては住人同士のトラブルから殺害事件に発展するなどある程度、必要最低限度の管理能力が求められるかと思います。 ただこの会社は基本的に全く管理をしようとしていません。 共有部分に粗大ごみがずっと置かれていたり、自転車の駐車があちこち住人が好き勝手に駐車してたりなど。 こういう小さい部分が積み重なると大きなトラブルに必ず発展します。(ハインリッヒの法則)管理会社に指摘してもその重要さが伝わらずきっとうるさいクレーマーがいる位の認識しか持っていないでしょう。 自分たちの職務怠慢を住人のせいにしてそうな位の対応の悪さを感じます。 前の担当は不動産はどこの会社も一緒なんですよ~とか言ってましたが今度はある程度大きな不動産会社にやはりお世話になろうと思います。 いい勉強になりました。 以下自身が経験したことです。 ・1ヶ月前から来店予約して当日になって物件ご紹介できませんとメールで通知。店頭でメールで今日送ったんですけど物件ご案内できませんよ? ⇒それはわかってるけど今いう事じゃねーだろ笑 ・保証人を2人用意してもし審査通らなければ2人目の方にしますね! ⇒許可なく審査1回目から2人目に変えられてた。 親族には適当に嘘を言ってごまかす。 一人暮らし歴10年になり今物件が4回目ですが ここまでひどいと感じた住人および管理会社は初めて。 賃貸は住人の人間性に比例するというけどここは管理会社の杜撰さも相まってとても酷いと感じる。 住人が好き勝手やってブチ切れてる人がいて夜中に壁ドンする音で起こされること複数回。 多分そのうち殺人事件とか起きそうなくらいに環境が悪い
If you look closely, it's a LIXIL FC store that isn't big and seems to be doing small things in rural areas. The names of LIXIL and Toyo Real Estate are misunderstood as those of major companies. I think it is better to recognize that the person who has hair on the part-time job is in charge of the rental management window because there is less misunderstanding and you do not feel stress. The compliance of the company is also small, so it seems appropriate. Crisis management is also low enough to be felt by outsiders. If you work reasonably well in a general company, you will probably feel a considerable difference in perception. The lack of crisis management, the lack of response, and the lack of uniform flow. In some cases, renting may require the minimum necessary management ability, such as the development of murder cases from troubles between residents. However, this company is basically not trying to manage at all. Oversized garbage is always placed in the common area, and bicycles are parked here and there as the residents like. If these small parts are piled up, it will surely lead to a big trouble. (Heinrich's Law) Even if you point it out to the management company, its importance will not be conveyed and you will probably only have the recognition that there is a noisy claimer. I feel that the response is so bad that I blame the residents for their negligence in their duties. The previous person in charge said that real estate is the same for all companies, but this time I will take care of a large real estate company to some extent. It was a good study. The following is what I experienced. ・ You will be notified by e-mail that you cannot introduce the property on the day you made a reservation for visiting the store from one month in advance. I sent it by e-mail at the store today, but can't you tell me about the property? ⇒I know that, but that's not the case right now lol ・ Even if you have two guarantors, if you do not pass the examination, you will be the second one! ⇒ It was changed from the first examination to the second examination without permission. Tell a lie to your relatives and cheat. I have lived alone for 10 years and now this is my 4th property. This is the first time for a resident and management company to feel so terrible. It is said that renting is proportional to the humanity of the inhabitants, but I feel that it is very terrible here due to the selection of the management company. There are people who are out of control as the residents like, and they are woken up by the sound of a wall bang in the middle of the night multiple times. Perhaps the environment is so bad that a murder case is likely to occur

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