4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

334-2 Naganumacho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887778
Postal code : 263-0005
Webサイト :

334-2 Naganumacho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0005, Japan
松ヶ崎浩長 on Google

The clerk who served the customer was also kind and polite, and gave me detailed advice. The shop was beautiful and elegant, like a German car dealer.
ひろみひろ on Google

The atmosphere of the shop is very good. Mr. Nakamura, who is in charge of business negotiations, kindly explained. Also, if you have any questions about delivery, you can answer quickly and it was a very reassuring shop. The degree of the car is also very good. I look forward to working with you.
藻塩真 on Google

まず綺麗な店内と丁寧な接客に好感を持てました。 実際に話を聞いみて詳しく説明して頂き、初めての外車購入も安心出来ました。 対応してくれた方は若いのにしっかりしていて、熱心さがとても伝わってきましたのでこちらで購入しようと決断しました。 これからのマイカーライフが楽しみです。 今後もしっかりとしたアフターフォローを期待しています!
First of all, I liked the beautiful interior and the polite customer service. After actually listening to the story and explaining in detail, I was relieved to purchase a foreign car for the first time. The person who responded was young but solid, and I was able to convey my enthusiasm, so I decided to purchase it here. I am looking forward to my car life in the future. We look forward to a solid after-sales follow-up in the future!
Kenji Kawana on Google

本日、フィアットを納車して頂きました。 対応して頂いた鈴木コーディネーターさんが とても丁寧に説明して下さったので、初めてのイタ車の不安が解消されました。 そして何よりも、いかにもクルマ好きそうな 感じがして、とても好印象でした。 また、何かありましたら宜しくお願い致します。お世話になりました。
We had you deliver Fiat today. Mr. Suzuki coordinator who responded He explained very carefully, so the anxiety of the first itasha was resolved. And above all, he seems to like cars I felt it and it was a very good impression. Also, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. thank you for helping me.
塙政光 on Google

3ヶ月落ちで走行距離300キロ弱のBMW118を購入しました。 とにかく、車がたくさん有るので見ていて楽しい。 担当の中村さんも丁寧で良いです。
I bought a BMW 118 with a mileage of less than 300 kilometers after 3 months. Anyway, there are many cars so it's fun to watch. Mr. Nakamura in charge is also polite and good.
Comfortable a- on Google

Thank you for your help in the Benz C class last month. It's fun to see the number of vehicles on display. The car I bought was an exhibition car in Saitama, but I trusted Mr. Ribeara and decided to buy it without actually seeing it. It was the first time I met the car on the day of delivery, but it was a good car that I was satisfied with. Mr. Osaki in charge was a person who was easy to talk to and felt good. We would like to ask you to provide consultation after delivery, and if you have the opportunity, we would like to take care of you.
M T on Google

先月に一台購入させていただきました! 丁寧な接客が良く、とても満足したので今月もセカンドカーを購入!今後も車購入の際には最初に相談しに来ます!!
I bought one last month! The polite customer service was good and I was very satisfied, so I bought a second car this month as well! I will continue to come to consult with you first when purchasing a car! !!
Yummy on Google

Discover an exciting one! I was attracted to the detailed and polite guidance and guts of Mr. Osaki in charge and purchased it. The number of units handled is also spectacular! The area around the negotiation table is also beautiful and luxurious. I had two children, but I felt kindness because they worked together with me. If you would like to ask again, here!

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