O-RUSH - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact O-RUSH

住所 :

450-1 Sonnocho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 263-0051
Webサイト : https://www.o-rush.com/sp/stores/chiba.php

450-1 Sonnocho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0051, Japan
黒崎春人 on Google

初めての輸入車を検討するために2回いきました。 結局予算が合わず購入には至りませんでした。 {これは私の財力の問題です。 諸費用が高すぎる事はなかったです。 なんなら明瞭化されていて安い方です。 ネ●ステージで同じ在庫ありましたがオーラッシュの方が諸費用ぜんっぜんやすいです。} 思った通りに書きます。 品物の品質、営業、整備さんはとてもハキハキ挨拶をしてくれて驚きました。 特に整備士が挨拶してくるって私がいつもお世話になってる有明のホンダディーラーではあり得ないので良い意味で衝撃でした。 ですが残念な点が目につきます。 受付は、その店の品格を左右すると思う。 コロナ禍で、入店時に検温をされる事は多いが、この店の受付の検温は衝撃的だった。 非接触型の体温計を片手に無言で至近距離に来て、照射。 撃たれたかと思う程、驚いた。 どの客にも同じように無言で検温しているのだろうか?小さな声でモゴモゴと言っていたようではあったが、聞こえないので何の断りもなく検温をするのは、失礼には当たらないのか? 正直、かなり不快だった。 どこのディーラーでも受付女性はそのお店の花です。 言わば会社の顔です。 ビジネススマイルも無い受付女性は、もう私もいい歳ですが初めてです。 また、挨拶も退店時一切無い。 買わない客には挨拶は不用なのでしょうか? 店が良いだけに本当に残念でした。 それなりの高価格帯の商品を扱うのであればレクサスやメルセデスの様に人材厳選も必要だと私は思う。
I went twice to consider my first imported car. In the end, the budget didn't fit and I couldn't buy it. {This is a matter of my financial strength. The costs were never too high. What is clear and cheap. Ne ● I had the same stock on the stage, but it's easier to spend all the costs on the Orash. } Write as you expected. I was surprised that the quality of the goods, sales, and maintenance gave me a very happy greeting. In particular, it was a shock in a good way because the mechanic couldn't be the Ariake Honda dealer who was always indebted to me. However, there are some unfortunate points. I think the reception will affect the dignity of the store. Due to the corona sickness, the temperature is often measured when entering the store, but the temperature measurement at the reception desk of this store was shocking. With a non-contact thermometer in one hand, silently come to a close distance and irradiate. I was so surprised that I was shot. Is the temperature measured silently for every customer? It seemed that he was saying "mogomogo" in a small voice, but since I can't hear it, isn't it rude to measure the temperature without any notice? To be honest, it was quite unpleasant. The receptionist woman at any dealer is the flower of the shop. So to speak, it is the face of the company. This is the first time for a receptionist woman who does not have a business smile, although I am already a good age. Also, there is no greeting at the time of leaving the store. Is greeting unnecessary for customers who do not buy? It was really disappointing because the store was good. I think that if you want to handle high-priced products, you need to carefully select human resources like Lexus and Mercedes.
Mako Tame on Google

去年の4月頃ベンツEクラスを購入。 今年の5月頃からテレビだけ写ったり映らなく。DVDは見れる。1週間ぐらいで完全に映らなくなりオーラッシュさんにTELして見てもらう事に。 前もってTVキャンセラーは付けていると報告していた。当日、メカニックの方から「うちの診断機は最新ですので」と言う事を言われたので期待してたら診断機に出てくる文字が英語で「私には分かりません」ハハハッ 日を改めて結局ヤナセ行き‼️キャンセラーは付いてますよと念を押したにも関わらず。 無論ディーラーからフリーズしたまま納車。 ナビもCDも勿論映らず。 オーラッシュさんのメカから、TVキャンセラー外してもう1回ディーラーにと。また日を改め持って行った。フリーズは治ったがTVチュナーが故障との結果。オーラッシュさん、ヤナセさんに診断してもらうまでは見れていたDVDまで見れなく・・・・・・写真の通り。 オーラッシュさんのメカにまたまたTEL。 「何が言いたいんですか?うち(オーラッシュ)が悪いんですか?ヤナセさんが悪いんですか?キャンセラー入れたから壊れたんじゃないんですか?」と!私の気持ちはお金払って調子悪くなって戻ってきて、こんな事言われたら皆さんどう思いますか?
I bought a Benz E class around April last year. From around May of this year, only the TV is shown or not shown. You can watch the DVD. After about a week, it disappeared completely and I decided to call Mr. Orush to see it. He had previously reported that he had a TV canceller. On the day of the event, a mechanic said, "Our diagnostic machine is the latest," so when I expected it, the characters that appeared on the diagnostic machine were in English, "I don't understand." After all, I went to Yanase again! ️ Despite reminding me that a canceller is included. Of course, the car was delivered while frozen from the dealer. Of course, neither the navigation system nor the CD is displayed. From Orush's mecha, I removed the TV canceller and went to the dealer again. I took the day again. The freeze was cured, but the TV tuner was out of order. I couldn't even watch the DVD that I had been watching until I had Mr. Orush and Mr. Yanase diagnose me ... as shown in the photo. TEL again to Orush's mecha. "What do you want to say? Is our (Orush) bad? Is Yanase bad? Isn't it broken because we put in a canceller?" What do you guys think if my feelings get sick and come back after paying for something like this?
RB DETT on Google

It's a little cheaper than the market price, but the after-sales after selling is not good.
クロス on Google

買取で伺いました。「他店では○万円でした」と話しても疑ってくるし、「でもその価格、口約束ですよね?」と言われてしまいました。 「上げられても□万円です」と提示されていたのに、後日改めて聞いたら、「その価格ではお約束してないです」と。 当初はここで売るつもりでしたが、接客態度と信頼性に疑問が残ったので他店で売りました。他店の方が11万円高かったので結果としてはよかったですが。 知人は外車が好きなので、この店舗にあった車を欲しがっていたのですが、きっと購入後にトラブルになるだろうから止めさせました。 信頼性は大事です。
I asked for a purchase. Even if I said, "It was ¥ 10,000 at another store," I was skeptical, and I was told, "But that price is a promise, isn't it?" I was told that it would be □ 10,000 yen even if it was raised, but when I asked again later, I said, "I haven't promised at that price." At first, I intended to sell it here, but I had doubts about the customer service attitude and reliability, so I sold it at another store. The other stores were 110,000 yen more expensive, so the result was good. My acquaintance likes foreign cars, so I wanted a car that was in this store, but I stopped it because it would be a problem after purchase. Reliability is important.
H K on Google

とある車に試乗したく事前に電話で相談して、対応していただきました。 試乗してみるとあまりピンとこなかったのですが、色々思いを伝えたところ、ベテランの営業マンさんが親身に聞いてくれて、オーラッシュさんの他の店舗にある在庫を紹介してくれました。 実際に車を見ずに決めていいものか悩みましたが、営業マンさんの若干(笑)強い推しもあり、即決めしてしまいました。 ちょっと心配でしたが、納車後はとても気に入って乗っているので、今ではその営業マンさんに感謝しています。 納車後も、オイル交換、車検、タイヤ交換、また故障時の相談など、いつでも親身に良心的に対応していただけるので、とても安心です。 次回もここで買いたいな、って思い、たまに千葉店や他店のオーラッシュさんの在庫チェックして、想いを膨らませています。
I wanted to test drive a certain car, so I consulted by phone in advance and responded. When I tried the test drive, it didn't come out very well, but when I told him various thoughts, a veteran salesman asked me kindly and introduced me to the stock in other stores of Mr. Orush. rice field. I was wondering if it would be okay to decide without actually looking at the car, but due to the slight (laughs) strong recommendation of the salesman, I decided immediately. I was a little worried, but after the car was delivered, I really liked it, so I am now grateful to the salesman. Even after delivery, you can always take care of yourself, such as oil change, vehicle inspection, tire change, and consultation in case of breakdown, so you can rest assured. I want to buy it here again next time, so I occasionally check the inventory of Mr. Orush at the Chiba store and other stores to expand my feelings.
t. k. on Google

I bought it here a few years ago. I suddenly remembered something I didn't like, so I'll post it because it's a good idea. One of the various unexplained costs was interior cleaning, but when I returned home and took a closer look, a large amount of hair and dust were found in the gaps between the sheets. I said that I don't need an oil reserve service because it's far away and I can't come to replace it easily, but I was forced to remove it because it's our rule. After all, the oil for the reserve was mailed one month later, but I think that those who purchase at this store from now on will have to pay extra expenses, so the items paid will be sent to the car at the time of delivery. The more holes there are, the better you should look and confirm. By the way, the sales person was the worst person.
川本裕之 on Google

marouani mahdi on Google

Very nice stuff

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